Removed old bdberl_port module.

This commit is contained in:
Phillip Toland 2008-12-12 14:57:10 -06:00
parent 0d64ac2146
commit cf90e88428
3 changed files with 1 additions and 331 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{application, bdberl,
[{description, "Berkeley DB Erlang Driver"},
{vsn, "1"},
{modules, [ bdberl_port, bdberl ]},
{modules, [ bdberl ]},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel,

View file

@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% bdberl: Port Interface
%% Copyright (c) 2008 The Hive. All rights reserved.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
open_database/3, open_database/4,
close_database/2, close_database/3,
txn_begin/1, txn_begin/2,
txn_commit/1, txn_commit/2, txn_abort/1,
get_cache_size/1, set_cache_size/4,
get_txn_timeout/1, set_txn_timeout/2,
put/4, put/5,
get/3, get/4]).
new() ->
case erl_ddll:load_driver(code:priv_dir(bdberl), bdberl_drv) of
ok -> ok;
{error, permanent} -> ok % Means that the driver is already active
Port = open_port({spawn, bdberl_drv}, [binary]),
{ok, Port}.
open_database(Port, Name, Type) ->
open_database(Port, Name, Type, [create]).
open_database(Port, Name, Type, Opts) ->
%% Map database type into an integer code
case Type of
btree -> TypeCode = ?DB_TYPE_BTREE;
hash -> TypeCode = ?DB_TYPE_HASH
Flags = process_flags(lists:umerge(Opts, [auto_commit, threaded])),
Cmd = <<Flags:32/unsigned-native-integer, TypeCode:8/native-integer, (list_to_binary(Name))/bytes, 0:8/native-integer>>,
case erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_OPEN_DB, Cmd) of
<<?STATUS_OK:8, DbRef:32/native>> ->
{ok, DbRef};
<<?STATUS_ERROR:8, Errno:32/native>> ->
{error, Errno}
close_database(Port, DbRef) ->
close_database(Port, DbRef, []).
close_database(Port, DbRef, Opts) ->
Flags = process_flags(Opts),
Cmd = <<DbRef:32/native-integer, Flags:32/unsigned-native-integer>>,
case erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_CLOSE_DB, Cmd) of
<<0:32/native-integer>> ->
{error, invalid_dbref};
<<1:32/native-integer>> ->
txn_begin(Port) ->
txn_begin(Port, []).
txn_begin(Port, Opts) ->
Flags = process_flags(Opts),
Cmd = <<Flags:32/unsigned-native>>,
<<Result:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TXN_BEGIN, Cmd),
case decode_rc(Result) of
ok -> ok;
Error -> {error, {txn_begin, Error}}
txn_commit(Port) ->
txn_commit(Port, []).
txn_commit(Port, Opts) ->
Flags = process_flags(Opts),
Cmd = <<Flags:32/unsigned-native>>,
<<Result:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TXN_COMMIT, Cmd),
case decode_rc(Result) of
ok ->
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> {error, {txn_commit, decode_rc(Reason)}}
Error ->
{error, {txn_commit, Error}}
txn_abort(Port) ->
<<Result:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TXN_ABORT, <<>>),
case decode_rc(Result) of
ok ->
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> {error, {txn_abort, decode_rc(Reason)}}
Error ->
{error, {txn_abort, Error}}
put(Port, DbRef, Key, Value) ->
put(Port, DbRef, Key, Value, []).
put(Port, DbRef, Key, Value, Opts) ->
{KeyLen, KeyBin} = to_binary(Key),
{ValLen, ValBin} = to_binary(Value),
Flags = process_flags(Opts),
Cmd = <<DbRef:32/native, Flags:32/unsigned-native, KeyLen:32/native, KeyBin/bytes, ValLen:32/native, ValBin/bytes>>,
<<Result:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_PUT, Cmd),
case decode_rc(Result) of
ok ->
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> {error, {put, decode_rc(Reason)}}
Error ->
{error, {put, decode_rc(Error)}}
get(Port, DbRef, Key) ->
get(Port, DbRef, Key, []).
get(Port, DbRef, Key, Opts) ->
{KeyLen, KeyBin} = to_binary(Key),
Flags = process_flags(Opts),
Cmd = <<DbRef:32/native, Flags:32/unsigned-native, KeyLen:32/native, KeyBin/bytes>>,
<<Result:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_GET, Cmd),
case decode_rc(Result) of
ok ->
{ok, Bin} -> {ok, binary_to_term(Bin)};
not_found -> not_found;
{error, Reason} -> {error, {get, decode_rc(Reason)}}
Error ->
{error, {get, decode_rc(Error)}}
get_cache_size(Port) ->
Cmd = <<?SYSP_CACHESIZE_GET:32/native>>,
<<Result:32/signed-native, Gbytes:32/native, Bytes:32/native, Ncaches:32/native>> =
erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TUNE, Cmd),
case Result of
0 ->
{ok, Gbytes, Bytes, Ncaches};
_ ->
{error, Result}
set_cache_size(Port, Gbytes, Bytes, Ncaches) ->
Cmd = <<?SYSP_CACHESIZE_SET:32/native, Gbytes:32/native, Bytes:32/native, Ncaches:32/native>>,
<<Result:32/signed-native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TUNE, Cmd),
case Result of
0 ->
_ ->
{error, Result}
get_txn_timeout(Port) ->
Cmd = <<?SYSP_TXN_TIMEOUT_GET:32/native>>,
<<Result:32/signed-native, Timeout:32/native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TUNE, Cmd),
case Result of
0 ->
{ok, Timeout};
_ ->
{error, Result}
set_txn_timeout(Port, Timeout) ->
Cmd = <<?SYSP_TXN_TIMEOUT_SET:32/native, Timeout:32/native>>,
<<Result:32/signed-native>> = erlang:port_control(Port, ?CMD_TUNE, Cmd),
case Result of
0 ->
_ ->
{error, Result}
%% ====================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ====================================================================
%% Decode a integer return value into an atom representation
decode_rc(?ERROR_NONE) -> ok;
decode_rc(?ERROR_ASYNC_PENDING) -> async_pending;
decode_rc(?ERROR_INVALID_DBREF) -> invalid_dbref;
decode_rc(?ERROR_NO_TXN) -> no_txn;
decode_rc(?ERROR_DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED) -> lock_not_granted;
decode_rc(?ERROR_DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) -> deadlock;
decode_rc(Rc) -> {unknown, Rc}.
%% Convert a term into a binary, returning a tuple with the binary and the length of the binary
to_binary(Term) ->
Bin = term_to_binary(Term),
{size(Bin), Bin}.
%% Given an array of options, produce a single integer with the numeric values
%% of the options joined with binary OR
process_flags([]) ->
process_flags([Flag|Flags]) ->
flag_value(Flag) bor process_flags(Flags).
%% Given an option as an atom, return the numeric value
flag_value(Flag) ->
case Flag of
append -> ?DB_APPEND;
auto_commit -> ?DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
consume -> ?DB_CONSUME;
consume_wait -> ?DB_CONSUME_WAIT;
create -> ?DB_CREATE;
exclusive -> ?DB_EXCL;
get_both -> ?DB_GET_BOTH;
ignore_lease -> ?DB_IGNORE_LEASE;
multiple -> ?DB_MULTIPLE;
multiversion -> ?DB_MULTIVERSION;
no_duplicate -> ?DB_NODUPDATA;
no_mmap -> ?DB_NOMMAP;
no_overwrite -> ?DB_NOOVERWRITE;
no_sync -> ?DB_NOSYNC;
read_committed -> ?DB_READ_COMMITTED;
read_uncommitted -> ?DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
readonly -> ?DB_RDONLY;
rmw -> ?DB_RMW;
set_recno -> ?DB_SET_RECNO;
threaded -> ?DB_THREAD;
truncate -> ?DB_TRUNCATE;
txn_no_sync -> ?DB_TXN_NOSYNC;
txn_no_wait -> ?DB_TXN_NOWAIT;
txn_snapshot -> ?DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT;
txn_sync -> ?DB_TXN_SYNC;
txn_wait -> ?DB_TXN_WAIT;
txn_write_nosync -> ?DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% bdberl: Port Tests
%% Copyright (c) 2008 The Hive. All rights reserved.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
all() ->
% [test_db, test_put, test_txn, test_tune].
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
test_db(_Config) ->
{ok, P} = bdberl_port:new(),
%% Create two databases
{ok, 0} = bdberl_port:open_database(P, "test1", hash),
{ok, 1} = bdberl_port:open_database(P, "test2", btree),
%% Open another port and open the same databases in reverse order. The ref system should
%% ensure that the databases return the same refs as previously
{ok, P2} = bdberl_port:new(),
{ok, 1} = bdberl_port:open_database(P2, "test2", btree),
{ok, 0} = bdberl_port:open_database(P2, "test1", hash),
%% Close one of the databases
ok = bdberl_port:close_database(P, 0),
ok = bdberl_port:close_database(P2, 0),
%% Attempt to close an invalid ref
{error, invalid_dbref} = bdberl_port:close_database(P, 21000),
%% Open up another db -- should re-use dbref 0 as that's the first available
{ok, 0} = bdberl_port:open_database(P, "test3", btree),
%% Close both ports
true = port_close(P),
true = port_close(P2).
test_put(_Config) ->
{ok, P} = bdberl_port:new(),
{ok, 0} = bdberl_port:open_database(P, "test1", hash),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_begin(P),
ok = bdberl_port:put(P, 0, akey, avalue),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_commit(P),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_begin(P),
{ok, avalue} = bdberl_port:get(P, 0, akey),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_commit(P).
test_txn(_Config) ->
{ok, P} = bdberl_port:new(),
{ok, 0} = bdberl_port:open_database(P, "test2", btree),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_begin(P),
ok = bdberl_port:put(P, 0, akey, avalue),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_abort(P),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_begin(P),
not_found = bdberl_port:get(P, 0, akey),
ok = bdberl_port:txn_commit(P).
test_tune(_Config) ->
{ok, P} = bdberl_port:new(),
% Test transaction timeouts
{ok, 500000} = bdberl_port:get_txn_timeout(P),
ok = bdberl_port:set_txn_timeout(P, 250000),
{ok, 250000} = bdberl_port:get_txn_timeout(P).