--- Test run on 2011/08/10 17:16:52 --- Common Test v1.5.4 starting (cwd is /Users/gburd/Projects/bdberl) Common Test: Running make in test directories... Including the following directories: "/Users/gburd/Projects/bdberl/include" CWD set to: "/Users/gburd/Projects/bdberl/logs/ct_run.test@tautog.local.2011-08-10_17.16.52" TEST INFO: 1 test(s), 1 case(s) in 1 suite(s) Cover compiling 2 modules - this may take some time... done Testing Projects.bdberl: Starting test, 1 test cases DRIVER INIT db_env_create(0x1994bb30, 0) = 0 G_DB_ENV->open(0x1994bb30, 0, 00042517, 0) = 0 Using "BDBERL_DEADLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL" value 1 Using "BDBERL_NUM_GENERAL_THREADS" value 10 Using "BDBERL_NUM_TXN_THREADS" value 10 threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1ad: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1ad: BDB DRIVER STARTED threadid 0x7f9c31959b80 port 0x1ae: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31959b80 port 0x1ae: BDB DRIVER STARTED =ERROR REPORT==== 10-Aug-2011::17:16:52 === SNMP is not running; bdberl stats will not be published. ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.616 Driver running with: {ok,[{databases_size,1024}, {deadlock_interval,1}, {trickle_interval,300}, {trickle_percentage,50}, {checkpoint_interval,60}, {num_general_threads,10}, {num_txn_threads,10}, {general_jobs_pending,0}, {general_jobs_active,0}, {txn_jobs_pending,0}, {txn_jobs_active,0}]} threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: BDB DRIVER STARTED threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: locking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: locked G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: db_create(&db, 0x7f9c35000000, 0); threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: BDB DRIVER STARTED threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: BDB DRIVER STARTING threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: rc = ok (0) db = 0x7f9c33000600 threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: BDB DRIVER STARTED threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: locking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: BDB DRIVER STARTED threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: db->open(0x7f9c33000600, 0, 'bug200_13.bdb', 0, 1, 00000315, 0); threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: locking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: locking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: rc = ok (0) threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: unlocking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31942a30 port 0x1f2: unlocked G_DATABASES Adding dbref 0 to port 0x1f2 threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: locked G_DATABASES Adding dbref 0 to port 0x1f3 Adding port 0x1f3 to dbref 0 threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: unlocking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31963230 port 0x1f3: unlocked G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: locked G_DATABASES Adding dbref 0 to port 0x1f4 Adding port 0x1f4 to dbref 0 threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: unlocking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c31934048 port 0x1f4: unlocked G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: locked G_DATABASES Adding dbref 0 to port 0x1f5 Adding port 0x1f5 to dbref 0 threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: unlocking G_DATABASES threadid 0x7f9c3195b030 port 0x1f5: unlocked G_DATABASES ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 <0.74.0> starting for 250 requests <0.73.0> starting for 250 requests ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 <0.71.0> starting for 250 requests <0.72.0> starting for 250 requests ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 ---------------------------------------------------- 2011-08-10 17:16:52.631 Pid <0.74.0> count 250 Pid <0.73.0> count 250 Pid <0.71.0> count 250 Pid <0.72.0> count 250 threadid 0x7f9c319597e0 port 0x1f5: G_DB_ENV->txn_begin(0x7f9c35000000, 0, 0x0, 00000010) threadid 0x7f9c319597e0 port 0x1f5: rc = ok (0) d->txn = 0x7f9c31500540 threadid 0x7f9c319599c0 port 0x1f3: G_DB_ENV->txn_begin(0x7f9c35000000, 0, 0x0, 00000010) threadid 0x7f9c319599c0 port 0x1f3: rc = ok (0) d->txn = 0x7f9c329005d0 threadid 0x7f9c31959a80 port 0x1f4: G_DB_ENV->txn_begin(0x7f9c35000000, 0, 0x0, 00000010) threadid 0x7f9c319597e0 port 0x1f2: G_DB_ENV->txn_begin(0x7f9c35000000, 0, 0x0, 00000010) threadid 0x7f9c31959a80 port 0x1f4: rc = ok (0) d->txn = 0x7f9c31500690 threadid 0x7f9c319597e0 port 0x1f2: rc = ok (0) d->txn = 0x7f9c32c00000 threadid 0x7f9c31959470 port 0x1f5: db->put(0x7f9c33000600, 0x7f9c31500540, 0xb171ae18, 0xb171adf0, 00000000) dbref 0 key=0x7f9c3195c1e4(6) value=0x7f9c3195c1ee(9084) threadid 0x7f9c31959470 port 0x1f5: rc = ok (0) threadid 0x7f9c31959720 port 0x1f5: d->txn->txn_commit(0x7f9c31500540, 00000000) threadid 0x7f9c31959720 port 0x1f5: rc = ok (0)