%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% bdberl: Port Driver Bug200 tests %% Copyright (c) 2008 The Hive. All rights reserved. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(bug200_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -define(PROCS, 4). %-define(DATA_SIZE, 2097152). -define(DATA_SIZE, 10240). -define(REQUESTS, 1000). all() -> [bug200]. bug200(_Config) -> %% Make sure bdberl is not loaded %% Set the thread pools os:putenv("BDBERL_NUM_GENERAL_THREADS", "10"), os:putenv("BDBERL_NUM_TXN_THREADS", "10"), os:putenv("BDBERL_DEADLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL", "1"), %% Copy in the DB_CONFIG {ok, _} = file:copy("../../int_test/PROD_DB_CONFIG","DB_CONFIG"), crypto:start(), Data = crypto:rand_bytes(?DATA_SIZE), ct:print("Driver running with:~n~p~n", [bdberl:driver_info()]), %% Spin up 15 processes (async thread pool is 10) start_procs(?PROCS, Data), wait_for_finish(?PROCS). start_procs(0,_) -> ok; start_procs(Count, Data) -> spawn_link(?MODULE, bug200_run, [self(), Data]), start_procs(Count-1, Data). wait_for_finish(0) -> ok; wait_for_finish(Count) -> receive {finished, Pid} -> ct:print("~p is done; ~p remaining.\n", [Pid, Count-1]), wait_for_finish(Count-1) end. bug200_run(Owner, Data) -> %% Seed the RNG {A1, A2, A3} = now(), random:seed(A1, A2, A3), %% Start bug200ing File = "bug200_" ++ integer_to_list(random:uniform(16)) ++ ".bdb", {ok, DbRef} = bdberl:open(File, btree, [create, multiversion, read_uncommitted]), Reqs = ?REQUESTS div ?PROCS, ct:print("~p starting for ~p requests~n", [self(), Reqs]), bug200_incr_loop(Owner, DbRef, Data, Reqs). bug200_incr_loop(Owner, DbRef, _DataBin, 0) -> bdberl:close(DbRef), Owner ! {finished, self()}; bug200_incr_loop(Owner, DbRef, DataBin, Count) -> if (Count rem 10) =:= 0 -> ct:print("Pid ~p count ~p~n", [self(), Count]); true -> ok end, %% Choose random key Key = random:uniform(1200), %% Do a get on the key with read_uncommitted case bdberl:get(DbRef, Key, [read_uncommitted]) of {error, Reason} -> ct:print("get error: ~p~n", [Reason]); _ -> ok end, %% Data DataSize = random:uniform(?DATA_SIZE), <> = DataBin, F = fun(_Key, _Value) -> Data end, %% Do an update inside a txn snapshot case bdberl:update(DbRef, Key, F, undefined, [txn_snapshot]) of {error, Reason2} -> ct:print("update error: ~p~n", [Reason2]); _ -> ok end, bug200_incr_loop(Owner, DbRef, DataBin, Count-1).