module.exports = CacheP2P var WebTorrent = require('webtorrent'); var sha = require('simple-sha1') var client = new WebTorrent() var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer var debug = require('debug')('all') var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var inherits = require('inherits') var link_lists = {} var history_initialized = false inherits(CacheP2P, EventEmitter) function CacheP2P(opts){ var self = this if (!(self instanceof CacheP2P)) return new CacheP2P(opts) self.emit("message", "Initializing CacheP2P...") window.onpopstate = function(to) { console.log('onpopstate called', to) } self.announceList = [ [ 'udp://' ], [ 'udp://' ], [ 'udp://' ], [ 'udp://' ], [ 'udp://' ], [ 'wss://' ], [ 'wss://' ], ] function onTorrent (torrent) { torrent.files.forEach(function (file) { file.getBuffer(function (err, b) { if (err) return log(err.message) // debug(b) // debug(b.toString('utf8')) var got_page = JSON.parse(b.toString('utf8')) // self.emit('message', "Got cached version of "+got_page.url+" from web peer, modifying link to point to cache.") link_lists[got_page.url].content = link_lists[got_page.url].title = got_page.title link_lists[got_page.url].url = got_page.url var link_to_page = link_lists[got_page.url].orig self.emit('success', "Got cache for '" +link_to_page.text+"', it will not be requested to the Server when clicked on it.") link_to_page.onclick = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if(!history_initialized){ window.history.pushState({page: document.documentElement.innerHTML, title: document.title},"", window.location.href); } document.documentElement.innerHTML = link_lists[].content document.title = '* '+link_lists[].title window.scrollTo(0, 0); window.history.pushState({page:, title: got_page.title},"", got_page.url); } window.onpopstate = function(to) { document.documentElement.innerHTML = document.title = '* '+to.state.title window.scrollTo(0, 0); var this_page_links = document.getElementsByTagName('a') for(var i = 0; i < this_page_links.length ; i++){ if(Object.keys(link_lists).indexOf(this_page_links[i].href) > -1){ this_page_links[i].onclick = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); document.documentElement.innerHTML = link_lists[].content document.title = '* '+link_lists[].title window.history.pushState({page: link_lists[].content, title: link_lists[].title},"",; } } } } }) }) } setTimeout(function(){ var this_page_links = document.getElementsByTagName('a') self.emit('message', "Searching this page for links *://"+document.domain + "/* to optimize.") for(var i = 0; i < this_page_links.length ; i++){ if(this_page_links[i].href && this_page_links[i].href.length !== window.location.href.length && this_page_links[i].href.indexOf(window.location.href+'#') == -1 && this_page_links[i].href.indexOf(window.location.href) > -1){ if(!link_lists[this_page_links[i].href]){ link_lists[this_page_links[i].href] = {} } link_lists[this_page_links[i].href].orig = this_page_links[i] self.emit('message', "Found '"+this_page_links[i].text + "' link and it's in the same domain, so it can be optimized with CacheP2P.") self.emit('message', "Please tell a friend to open this site's "+this_page_links[i].text+" to see CacheP2P in action.") sha(this_page_links[i].href, function(result){ var magnet = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'+result+'&dn=Unnamed+Torrent+1476541118022&' torrent = client.add(magnet, onTorrent) torrent.on('done', function (info) { self.emit('webtorrent', 'Cache received') }) torrent.on('download', function (bytes) { self.emit('webtorrent', 'Receiving ('+bytes+' bytes)') }) torrent.on('wire', function (wire) { console.log('wire', wire) self.emit('webtorrent', 'Peer '+wire.peerId+' ('+wire.remoteAddress+') is connected over '+wire.type+'.') }) }) } } self.emit('message', "Waiting for other people that are browing this same website...") // var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link') // var pageCssCache = "" // for(i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ // if(links[i].rel.indexOf('stylesheet') > -1){ // cssRules = links[i].sheet.cssRules // if(cssRules){ // for(r = 0; r < cssRules.length ; r++){ // pageCssCache = pageCssCache + cssRules[r].cssText // } // } // } // } // var styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style') // for(i = 0; i < styles.length; i++){ // cssRules = styles[i].innerHTML // pageCssCache = pageCssCache + cssRules // } var message = { location_href: window.location.href.split('#')[0], content: document.documentElement.innerHTML, // css: pageCssCache, command: 'page_loaded', } var mergedPage = message.content //mergedPage = mergedPage // + '' sha(message.location_href, function (hash) { sha(mergedPage, function (page_hash) { var payload = {date: new Date(), page: mergedPage, page_hash: page_hash, url: message.location_href, title: document.title} var buffer_payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload), 'utf8') debug('>> url hash:', hash, 'for', message.location_href) var torrent = client.seed(buffer_payload,{forced_id: hash, announceList: self.announceList}, function(torrent){ // add_to_list(torrent, message.location_href) debug(torrent.magnetURI) torrent.on('upload', function (bytes) { self.emit('webtorrent', 'Sending this page to peer ('+bytes+' bytes)') }) torrent.on('wire', function (wire) { console.log('wire', wire) self.emit('webtorrent', 'Peer '+wire.peerId+' connected ('+wire.remoteAddress+') over '+wire.type+'.') }) // document.title = document.title }); }) }) }, 100) } document.CacheP2P = new CacheP2P() client.on('error', function(err){ document.CacheP2P.emit('webtorrent', err) })