Rules for the DBSQL test suite 1. Test Naming The primary script for running DBSQL scripts is named 'test.tcl'. Tests are named with a (prefix, test number) combination. The prefix indicates the type of test (query, index, upgrade etc.). The prefix 'test' is used for plain vanilla DBSQL testing. Test numbers are 3 digits long, starting with 001. Procedures common to a group of tests, or to all tests, are placed in files named 'xxxutils.tcl'. At the moment, we have the following utilities files: testutils.tcl Utilities common to all DB tests 2. Internal test structure Each line within a test should be no more than 80 characters long. Each test starts with a section like the following: # TEST test001 # TEST Small keys/data # TEST Put/get per key # TEST Dump file # TEST Close, reopen # TEST Dump file # TEST # TEST Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. # TEST Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. # TEST After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. # TEST Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. First we refer to the license and assert copyright, then comes the CVS header string. The section of lines beginning # TEST is used to automatically maintain the TESTS file, a listing of all tests and what they do. Use this section to briefly describe the test's purpose and structure. Next comes the main procedure of the test, which has the same name as the tcl file. The test should be liberally commented, and also should use 'puts' to send messages to the output file. Sections of a test are identified with letters: test001.a, test001.b, test001.c. Here's some typical output: puts "Test$tnum: $method ($args) $nentries equal key/data pairs" puts "\tTest$tnum.a: put/get loop" puts "\tTest$tnum.b: dump file" puts "\tTest$tnum.c: close, open, and dump file" puts "\tTest$tnum.d: close, open, and dump file in reverse direction" The reporting of the current value of the args is particularly useful, allowing us to say at a glance that "testxxx is failing in query" or whatever. Each line of output must begin with the test name. We use this to separate expected informational output from errors. Ancillary procedures follow the main procedure. Procedures used by more than one test should go into the appropriate XXXutils.tcl file. 3. Reporting failures Failures in tests are reported with a message starting with the prefix "FAIL:". Failures in tests are usually caught with the error_check_good and error_check_bad routines to compare an actual return value to an expected return value. These routines take care of putting the "FAIL:" prefix on the message. 4. Running tests Any single test can be run from the tclsh prompt by typing the name of the test. If it's a test from the 'testxxx' group, you should also specify the method you'd like to test: log001 test001 btree To run one of the 'testxxx' tests for all methods, use the run_test procedure: run_test test001 Any group of tests (the subsystems lock, log, test, etc.) can be run by typing r $sub where sub is the name of the subsystem. For any of the following methods run_method run_secmethod run_secenv run_reptest run_repmethod run_envmethod run_recd you can type run (suffix method start stop). For example, to run test010 through test020 in btree using run_method: run method btree 10 20 Or the same tests in repmethod: run repmethod btree 10 20 Notice the missing underbar. If you omit the start and stop numbers, you'll get all the tests: run method btree run_recd is a special case, in that it runs the recdxxx tests; all the others run the testxxx tests. To run the standard test suite, type run_std at the tclsh prompt. To run all the tests, type run_all. If you are running run_std or run_all, you may use the run_parallel interface to speed things up or to test under conditions of high system load. Run_parallel creates a list of all tests in the run, reorders the tests randomly, then runs the tests in a number of parallel processes. To run run_std in five processes type run_parallel 5 run_std