Fix bug when merge result is an empty file

This happens when all entries are expired, or
if all entries would have been tombstones.
This commit is contained in:
Kresten Krab Thorup 2012-05-11 14:58:53 +02:00
parent 61720065d9
commit 1b42172cbe
2 changed files with 38 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -533,6 +533,19 @@ main_loop(State = #state{ next=Next }) ->
%% The outcome of merging resulted in a file with less than
%% level #entries, so we keep it at this level
?CAST(_From,{merge_done, 0, OutFileName}) ->
ok = file:delete(OutFileName),
{ok, State2} = close_and_delete_a_and_b(State),
case State#state.c of
undefined ->
main_loop(State2#state{ merge_pid=undefined });
CFile ->
ok = hanoidb_reader:close(CFile),
ok = file:rename(filename("C", State2), filename("A", State2)),
{ok, AFile} = hanoidb_reader:open(filename("A", State2), [random|State#state.opts]),
main_loop(State2#state{ a = AFile, c = undefined, merge_pid=undefined })
?CAST(_From,{merge_done, Count, OutFileName}) when Count =< ?BTREE_SIZE(State#state.level) ->
?log("merge_done, out:~w~n -> self", [Count]),
@ -547,16 +560,18 @@ main_loop(State = #state{ next=Next }) ->
% then, rename M to A, and open it
AFileName = filename("A",State2),
ok = file:rename(MFileName, AFileName),
{ok, BT} = hanoidb_reader:open(AFileName, [random|State#state.opts]),
{ok, AFile} = hanoidb_reader:open(AFileName, [random|State#state.opts]),
% iff there is a C file, then move it to B position
% TODO: consider recovery for this
case State#state.c of
undefined ->
main_loop(State2#state{ a=BT, b=undefined, merge_pid=undefined });
TreeFile ->
file:rename(filename("C",State2), filename("B", State2)),
check_begin_merge_then_loop(State2#state{ a=BT, b=TreeFile, c=undefined,
main_loop(State2#state{ a=AFile, b=undefined, merge_pid=undefined });
CFile ->
ok = hanoidb_reader:close(CFile),
ok = file:rename(filename("C", State2), filename("B", State2)),
{ok, BFile} = hanoidb_reader:open(filename("B", State2), [random|State#state.opts]),
check_begin_merge_then_loop(State2#state{ a=AFile, b=BFile, c=undefined,
merge_pid=undefined })

View file

@ -150,13 +150,17 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
serialize(#state{ bloom=Bloom, index_file=File }=State) ->
% io:format("serializing ~p @ ~p~n", [,
% State#state.index_file_pos]),
serialize(#state{ bloom=Bloom, index_file=File, index_file_pos=Position }=State) ->
%% assert that we're on track
Position = State#state.index_file_pos,
{ok, Position} = file:position(File, cur),
case file:position(File, {eof, 0}) of
{ok, Position} ->
{ok, WrongPosition} ->
exit({bad_position, Position, WrongPosition})
ok = file:close(File),
erlang:term_to_binary( { State#state{ index_file=closed }, ebloom:serialize(Bloom) } ).
@ -183,16 +187,25 @@ flush_nodes(#state{ nodes=[], last_node_pos=LastNodePos, last_node_size=_LastNod
Bloom = zlib:zip(ebloom:serialize(Ref)),
BloomSize = byte_size(Bloom),
Trailer = << 0:32, Bloom/binary, BloomSize:32/unsigned, LastNodePos:64/unsigned >>,
IdxFile = State#state.index_file,
if LastNodePos =:= undefined ->
%% store contains no entries!
ok = file:write(IdxFile, <<0:32,0:16>>),
true ->
RootPos = LastNodePos
Trailer = << 0:32, Bloom/binary, BloomSize:32/unsigned, RootPos:64/unsigned >>,
ok = file:write(IdxFile, Trailer),
ok = file:datasync(IdxFile),
ok = file:close(IdxFile),
{ok, State#state{ index_file=undefined }};
{ok, State#state{ index_file=undefined, index_file_pos=undefined }};
%% stack consists of one node with one {pos,len} member. Just ignore this node.
flush_nodes(State=#state{ nodes=[#node{level=N, members=[{_,{Pos,_Len}}]}], last_node_pos=Pos }) when N>0 ->