Merge pull request #17 from eriksoe/bloom-sparse-representation

Bloom sparse representation
This commit is contained in:
Kresten Krab Thorup 2012-09-25 10:59:37 -07:00
commit 5ee9ff4a42
3 changed files with 134 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ bloom(Mode, N, E) ->
M = 1 bsl Mb,
D = trunc(log(1-P) / log(1-1/M)),
#bloom{e=E, n=D, mb=Mb, size = 0,
a = [bitarray_new(1 bsl Mb) || _ <- lists:seq(1, K)]}.
a = [bitmask_new(Mb) || _ <- lists:seq(1, K)]}.
log2(X) -> log(X) / log(2).
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ masked_pair(Mask, X, Y) -> {X band Mask, Y band Mask}.
all_set(_Mask, _I1, _I, []) -> true;
all_set(Mask, I1, I, [H|T]) ->
case bitarray_get(I, H) of
case bitmask_get(I, H) of
true -> all_set(Mask, I1, (I+I1) band Mask, T);
false -> false
@ -182,8 +182,44 @@ hash_add(Hashes, #bloom{mb=Mb, a=A, size=Size} = B) ->
set_bits(_Mask, _I1, _I, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
set_bits(Mask, I1, I, [H|T], Acc) ->
set_bits(Mask, I1, (I+I1) band Mask, T, [bitarray_set(I, H) | Acc]).
set_bits(Mask, I1, (I+I1) band Mask, T, [bitmask_set(I, H) | Acc]).
%%%========== Dispatch to appropriate representation:
bitmask_new(LogN) ->
if LogN >= 20 -> % Use sparse representation.
true -> % Use dense representation.
hanoidb_dense_bitmap:new(1 bsl LogN)
bitmask_set(I, BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> bitarray_set(I, BM);
sparse_bitmap -> hanoidb_sparse_bitmap:set(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:set(I, BM);
dense_bitmap ->
%% Surprise - we need to mutate a built representation:
hanoidb_dense_bitmap:set(I, hanoidb_dense_bitmap:unbuild(BM))
%%% Convert to external form.
bitmask_build(BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> BM;
sparse_bitmap -> BM;
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:build(BM)
bitmask_get(I, BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> bitarray_get(I, BM);
sparse_bitmap -> hanoidb_sparse_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM)
%%%========== Bitarray representation - suitable for sparse arrays ==========
bitarray_new(N) -> array:new((N-1) div ?W + 1, {default, 0}).
bitarray_set(I, A) ->
@ -197,12 +233,20 @@ bitarray_get(I, A) ->
V = array:get(AI, A),
V band (1 bsl (I rem ?W)) =/= 0.
%%%^^^^^^^^^^ Bitarray representation - suitable for sparse arrays ^^^^^^^^^^
encode(Bloom) ->
decode(Bin) ->
%%% Convert to external form.
bloom_build(Bloom=#bloom{a=Bitmasks}) ->
Bloom#bloom{a=[bitmask_build(X) || X <- Bitmasks]};
bloom_build(Sbf=#sbf{b=Blooms}) ->
Sbf#sbf{b=[bloom_build(X) || X <- Blooms]}.

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-export([new/1, set/2, build/1, unbuild/1, member/2]).
-define(BITS_PER_CELL, 32).
-define(REPR_NAME, dense_bitmap).
new(N) ->
Tab = ets:new(dense_bitmap, [private, set]),
Width = 1 + (N-1) div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
Value = erlang:make_tuple(Width+1, 0, [{1,?REPR_NAME}]),
ets:insert(Tab, Value),
{dense_bitmap_ets, N, Width, Tab}.
%% Set a bit.
set(I, {dense_bitmap_ets, _,_, Tab}=DBM) ->
Cell = 2 + I div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
BitInCell = I rem ?BITS_PER_CELL,
Old = ets:lookup_element(Tab, ?REPR_NAME, Cell),
New = Old bor (1 bsl BitInCell),
ets:update_element(Tab, ?REPR_NAME, {Cell,New}),
build({dense_bitmap_ets, _, _, Tab}) ->
[Row] = ets:lookup(Tab, ?REPR_NAME),
unbuild(Row) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
Tab = ets:new(dense_bitmap, [private, set]),
ets:insert(Tab, Row),
{dense_bitmap_ets, undefined, undefined, Tab}.
member(I, Row) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
Cell = 2 + I div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
BitInCell = I rem ?BITS_PER_CELL,
CellValue = element(Cell, Row),
CellValue band (1 bsl BitInCell) =/= 0;
member(I, {dense_bitmap_ets, _,_, Tab}) ->
Cell = 2 + I div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
BitInCell = I rem ?BITS_PER_CELL,
CellValue = ets:lookup_element(Tab, ?REPR_NAME, Cell),
CellValue band (1 bsl BitInCell) =/= 0.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-export([new/1, set/2, member/2]).
-define(REPR_NAME, sparse_bitmap).
new(Bits) when is_integer(Bits), Bits>0 ->
{?REPR_NAME, Bits, []}.
set(N, {?REPR_NAME, Bits, Tree}) ->
{?REPR_NAME, Bits, set_to_tree(N, 1 bsl (Bits-1), Tree)}.
set_to_tree(N, HighestBit, Mask) when HighestBit<32 ->
Nbit = 1 bsl N,
case Mask of
[]-> Nbit;
_ -> Nbit bor Mask
set_to_tree(N, _HighestBit, []) -> N;
set_to_tree(N, HighestBit, [TLo|THi]) ->
pushdown(N, HighestBit, TLo, THi);
set_to_tree(N, _HighestBit, N) -> N;
set_to_tree(N, HighestBit, M) when is_integer(M) ->
set_to_tree(N, HighestBit, pushdown(M, HighestBit, [], [])).
pushdown(N, HighestBit, TLo, THi) ->
NHigh = N band HighestBit,
if NHigh =:= 0 -> [set_to_tree(N, HighestBit bsr 1, TLo) | THi];
true -> [TLo | set_to_tree(N bxor NHigh, HighestBit bsr 1, THi)]
member(N, {?REPR_NAME, Bits, Tree}) ->
member_in_tree(N, 1 bsl (Bits-1), Tree).
member_in_tree(_N, _HighestBit, []) -> false;
member_in_tree(N, HighestBit, Mask) when HighestBit<32 ->
Nbit = 1 bsl N,
Nbit band Mask > 0;
member_in_tree(N, _HighestBit, M) when is_integer(M) -> N =:= M;
member_in_tree(N, HighestBit, [TLo|THi]) ->
NHigh = N band HighestBit,
if NHigh =:= 0 -> member_in_tree(N, HighestBit bsr 1, TLo);
true -> member_in_tree(N bxor NHigh, HighestBit bsr 1, THi)