Improve types/specs

This patch also removes array representations
from the bloom implementation, as it is unused.
This commit is contained in:
Kresten Krab Thorup 2014-04-02 23:51:23 +02:00
parent 0d5ec3738e
commit de75b5ed3d
5 changed files with 88 additions and 39 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,43 @@
REBAR= rebar
DIALYZER= dialyzer
DEPS = $(CURDIR)/deps
DIALYZER_OPTS = # -Wunderspecs
# List dependencies that should be included in a cached dialyzer PLT file.
DIALYZER_DEPS = deps/lz4/ebin \
deps/snappy/ebin \
DEPS_PLT = hanoi.plt
compiler \
crypto \
edoc \
edoc \
erts \
eunit \
eunit \
gs \
hipe \
inets \
kernel \
mnesia \
mnesia \
observer \
public_key \
runtime_tools \
runtime_tools \
ssl \
stdlib \
syntax_tools \
syntax_tools \
tools \
webtool \
.PHONY: plt analyze all deps compile get-deps clean
@ -47,5 +84,22 @@ analyze-nospec: compile
--no_spec \
# Only include local PLT if we have deps that we are going to analyze
ifeq ($(strip $(DIALYZER_DEPS)),)
dialyzer: ~/.dialyzer_plt compile
@dialyzer $(DIALYZER_OPTS) -r ebin
dialyzer: ~/.dialyzer_plt $(DEPS_PLT) compile
@dialyzer $(DIALYZER_OPTS) --plts ~/.dialyzer_plt $(DEPS_PLT) -r ebin
@dialyzer --build_plt $(DIALYZER_DEPS) --output_plt $(DEPS_PLT)
@echo "ERROR: Missing ~/.dialyzer_plt. Please wait while a new PLT is compiled."
dialyzer --build_plt --apps $(ERLANG_DIALYZER_APPS)
@echo "now try your build again"
erl -pz deps/*/ebin -pa ebin

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{deps, [ {sext, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
, {lager, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
, {snappy, "1.0.*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
, {snappy, "1.1.*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
, {plain_fsm, "1.1.*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
% , {basho_bench, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
, {lz4, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}

View file

@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
-define(W, 27).
-type bitmask() :: array() | any().
-type bitmask() :: {sparse_bitmap, non_neg_integer(), list()}
| hanoidb_dense_bitmap:bitmap()
-record(bloom, {
e :: float(), % error probability
@ -113,16 +115,19 @@ sbf(N, E, S, R) when is_number(N), N > 0,
%% Returns number of elements
-spec size( #bloom{} | #sbf{} ) -> non_neg_integer().
size(#bloom{size=Size}) -> Size;
size(#sbf{size=Size}) -> Size.
%% Returns capacity
-spec capacity( #bloom{} | #sbf{} ) -> non_neg_integer() | infinity.
capacity(#bloom{n=N}) -> N;
capacity(#sbf{}) -> infinity.
%% Test for membership
-spec member( any(), #bloom{} | #sbf{} ) -> boolean().
member(Elem, #bloom{mb=Mb}=B) ->
Hashes = make_hashes(Mb, Elem),
hash_member(Hashes, B);
@ -189,62 +194,42 @@ bitmask_new(LogN) ->
hanoidb_dense_bitmap:new(1 bsl LogN)
bitmask_set(I, BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> bitarray_set(I, as_array(BM));
% array -> bitarray_set(I, as_array(BM));
sparse_bitmap -> hanoidb_sparse_bitmap:set(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:set(I, BM);
dense_bitmap ->
dense_bitmap_term ->
%% Surprise - we need to mutate a built representation:
hanoidb_dense_bitmap:set(I, hanoidb_dense_bitmap:unbuild(BM))
%%% Convert to external form.
-spec bitmask_build( bitmask() ) -> {sparse_bitmap, non_neg_integer(), list()}
| {dense_bitmap_term, tuple()}.
bitmask_build(BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> BM;
sparse_bitmap -> BM;
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:build(BM)
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:build(BM);
_ -> BM
-spec bitmask_get( non_neg_integer(), bitmask() ) -> boolean().
bitmask_get(I, BM) ->
case element(1,BM) of
array -> bitarray_get(I, as_array(BM));
sparse_bitmap -> hanoidb_sparse_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM)
sparse_bitmap -> hanoidb_sparse_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_ets -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM);
dense_bitmap_term -> hanoidb_dense_bitmap:member(I, BM)
-spec as_array(bitmask()) -> array().
as_array(BM) ->
case array:is_array(BM) of
true -> BM
%%%========== Bitarray representation - suitable for sparse arrays ==========
bitarray_new(N) -> array:new((N-1) div ?W + 1, {default, 0}).
-spec bitarray_set( non_neg_integer(), array() ) -> array().
bitarray_set(I, A1) ->
A = as_array(A1),
AI = I div ?W,
V = array:get(AI, A),
V1 = V bor (1 bsl (I rem ?W)),
if V =:= V1 -> A; % The bit is already set
true -> array:set(AI, V1, A)
-spec bitarray_get( non_neg_integer(), array() ) -> boolean().
bitarray_get(I, A) ->
AI = I div ?W,
V = array:get(AI, A),
(V band (1 bsl (I rem ?W))) =/= 0.
%%%^^^^^^^^^^ Bitarray representation - suitable for sparse arrays ^^^^^^^^^^
-spec encode( #bloom{} | #sbf{} ) -> binary().
encode(Bloom) ->
-spec decode( binary() ) -> #bloom{} | #sbf{}.
decode(Bin) ->

View file

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
-define(REPR_NAME, dense_bitmap).
-type bitmap() :: {dense_bitmap_ets, non_neg_integer()|undefined, non_neg_integer()|undefined, ets:tid()}
| {dense_bitmap_term, tuple() }.
-export_type([ bitmap/0 ]).
-spec new( non_neg_integer() ) -> bitmap().
new(N) ->
Tab = ets:new(dense_bitmap, [private, set]),
Width = 1 + (N-1) div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
@ -28,14 +33,18 @@ set(I, {dense_bitmap_ets, _,_, Tab}=DBM) ->
build({dense_bitmap_ets, _, _, Tab}) ->
[Row] = ets:lookup(Tab, ?REPR_NAME),
{dense_bitmap_term, Row};
build({dense_bitmap_term, _}=Value) ->
unbuild(Row) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
-spec unbuild( {dense_bitmap_term, any()} ) -> bitmap().
unbuild({dense_bitmap_term, Row}) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
Tab = ets:new(dense_bitmap, [private, set]),
ets:insert(Tab, Row),
{dense_bitmap_ets, undefined, undefined, Tab}.
member(I, Row) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
-spec member( non_neg_integer(), bitmap() ) -> boolean().
member(I, {dense_bitmap_term, Row}) when element(1,Row)==?REPR_NAME ->
Cell = 2 + I div ?BITS_PER_CELL,
BitInCell = I rem ?BITS_PER_CELL,
CellValue = element(Cell, Row),

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
config=[] :: term() }).
-type read_file() :: #index{}.
-spec open(Name::string()) -> {ok, read_file()} | {error, any()}.
open(Name) ->