Honor expiry_secs == 0

When this is the case, we use the old on-disk
encoding to shave 4 bytes off every entry.
This commit is contained in:
Kresten Krab Thorup 2012-05-11 12:30:07 +02:00
parent 181b1debb8
commit fbda7af576

View file

@ -93,14 +93,25 @@ read_nursery_from_log(Directory, MaxLevel, Config) ->
% Add a Key/Value to the nursery
% @end
-spec add(#nursery{}, binary(), binary()|?TOMBSTONE) -> {ok, #nursery{}}.
add(Nursery=#nursery{ log_file=File, cache=Cache, total_size=TotalSize, count=Count }, Key, Value) ->
add(Nursery=#nursery{ log_file=File, cache=Cache, total_size=TotalSize, count=Count, config=Config }, Key, Value) ->
ExpiryTime = hanoidb_util:expiry_time(Config),
TStamp = hanoidb_util:tstamp(),
Data = hanoidb_util:crc_encapsulate_kv_entry( Key, {Value, TStamp} ),
if ExpiryTime == 0 ->
Data = hanoidb_util:crc_encapsulate_kv_entry( Key, Value );
true ->
Data = hanoidb_util:crc_encapsulate_kv_entry( Key, {Value, TStamp} )
ok = file:write(File, Data),
Nursery1 = do_sync(File, Nursery),
Cache2 = gb_trees:enter(Key, {Value, TStamp}, Cache),
if ExpiryTime == 0 ->
Cache2 = gb_trees:enter(Key, Value, Cache);
true ->
Cache2 = gb_trees:enter(Key, {Value, TStamp}, Cache)
Nursery2 = Nursery1#nursery{ cache=Cache2, total_size=TotalSize+erlang:iolist_size(Data), count=Count+1 },
Count+1 >= ?BTREE_SIZE(?TOP_LEVEL) ->