-module(lsm_btree_tests). -ifdef(TEST). -ifdef(TRIQ). -include_lib("triq/include/triq.hrl"). -include_lib("triq/include/triq_statem.hrl"). -else. -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -endif. -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif. -ifdef(PROPER). -behaviour(proper_statem). -endif. -compile(export_all). -export([command/1, initial_state/0, next_state/3, postcondition/3, precondition/2]). -record(state, { open = dict:new(), closed = dict:new() }). -define(SERVER, lsm_btree_drv). full_test_() -> {setup, spawn, fun () -> ok end, fun (_) -> ok end, [ {timeout, 120, ?_test(test_qc())}, ?_test(test_tree_simple_1()), ?_test(test_tree_simple_2()), ?_test(test_tree()) ]}. -ifdef(TRIQ). test_qc() -> [?assertEqual(true, triq:module(?MODULE))]. -else. qc_opts() -> [{numtests, 800}]. test_qc() -> [?assertEqual([], proper:module(?MODULE, qc_opts()))]. -endif. %% Generators %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(NUM_TREES, 10). %% Generate a name for a btree g_btree_name() -> ?LET(I, choose(1,?NUM_TREES), btree_name(I)). %% Generate a key for the Tree g_key() -> binary(). %% Generate a value for the Tree g_value() -> binary(). g_fail_key() -> ?LET(T, choose(1,999999999999), term_to_binary(T)). g_open_tree(Open) -> oneof(dict:fetch_keys(Open)). %% Pick a name of a non-empty Btree g_non_empty_btree(Open) -> ?LET(TreesWithKeys, dict:filter(fun(_K, D) -> dict:size(D) > 0 end, Open), oneof(dict:fetch_keys(TreesWithKeys))). g_existing_key(Name, Open) -> oneof(dict:fetch_keys(dict:fetch(Name, Open))). g_non_existing_key(Name, Open) -> ?SUCHTHAT(Key, g_fail_key(), begin D = dict:fetch(Name, Open), not dict:is_key(Key, D) end). btree_name(I) -> "Btree_" ++ integer_to_list(I). %% Statem test %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- initial_state() -> ClosedBTrees = lists:foldl(fun(N, Closed) -> dict:store(btree_name(N), dict:new(), Closed) end, dict:new(), lists:seq(1,?NUM_TREES)), #state { closed=ClosedBTrees }. command(#state { open = Open, closed = Closed } = S) -> frequency( [ {20, {call, ?SERVER, open, [oneof(dict:fetch_keys(Closed))]}} || closed_dicts(S)] ++ [ {20, {call, ?SERVER, close, [oneof(dict:fetch_keys(Open))]}} || open_dicts(S)] ++ [ {2000, {call, ?SERVER, put, cmd_put_args(S)}} || open_dicts(S)] ++ [ {1500, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_fail, cmd_lookup_fail_args(S)}} || open_dicts(S)] ++ [ {1500, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_exist, cmd_lookup_args(S)}} || open_dicts(S), open_dicts_with_keys(S)] ++ [ {500, {call, ?SERVER, delete_exist, cmd_delete_args(S)}} || open_dicts(S), open_dicts_with_keys(S)]). %% Precondition (abstract) precondition(#state { open = _Open}, {call, ?SERVER, delete_exist, [_Name, _K]}) -> %% No need to check since we limit this in the command/1 generator true; precondition(#state { open = _Open }, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_fail, [_Name, _K]}) -> %% We can always try to look up some non-existing key true; precondition(#state { open = _Open }, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_exist, [_Name, _K]}) -> %% No need to check since we limit this in the command/1 generator true; precondition(#state { open = Open }, {call, ?SERVER, put, [Name, _K, _V]}) -> dict:is_key(Name, Open); precondition(#state { open = Open, closed = Closed }, {call, ?SERVER, open, [Name]}) -> (not (dict:is_key(Name, Open))) and (dict:is_key(Name, Closed)); precondition(#state { open = Open, closed = Closed }, {call, ?SERVER, close, [Name]}) -> (dict:is_key(Name, Open)) and (not dict:is_key(Name, Closed)). %% Next state manipulation (abstract / concrete) next_state(S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_fail, [_Name, _Key]}) -> S; next_state(S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_exist, [_Name, _Key]}) -> S; next_state(#state { open = Open} = S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, delete_exist, [Name, Key]}) -> S#state { open = dict:update(Name, fun(Dict) -> dict:erase(Key, Dict) end, Open)}; next_state(#state { open = Open} = S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, put, [Name, Key, Value]}) -> S#state { open = dict:update(Name, fun(Dict) -> dict:store(Key, Value, Dict) end, Open)}; next_state(#state { open = Open, closed=Closed} = S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, open, [Name]}) -> S#state { open = dict:store(Name, dict:fetch(Name, Closed) , Open), closed = dict:erase(Name, Closed) }; next_state(#state { open = Open, closed=Closed} = S, _Res, {call, ?SERVER, close, [Name]}) -> S#state { closed = dict:store(Name, dict:fetch(Name, Open) , Closed), open = dict:erase(Name, Open) }. %% Postcondition check (concrete) postcondition(_S, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_fail, [_Name, _Key]}, notfound) -> true; postcondition(#state { open = Open }, {call, ?SERVER, lookup_exist, [Name, Key]}, {ok, Value}) -> dict:fetch(Key, dict:fetch(Name, Open)) == Value; postcondition(_S, {call, ?SERVER, delete_exist, [_Name, _Key]}, ok) -> true; postcondition(_S, {call, ?SERVER, put, [_Name, _Key, _Value]}, ok) -> true; postcondition(_S, {call, ?SERVER, open, [_Name]}, ok) -> true; postcondition(_S, {call, ?SERVER, close, [_Name]}, ok) -> true; postcondition(_, _, _) -> false. %% Main property. Running a random set of commands is in agreement %% with a dict. prop_dict_agree() -> ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE), ?TRAPEXIT( begin lsm_btree_drv:start_link(), {History,State,Result} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), lsm_btree_drv:stop(), cleanup_test_trees(State), ?WHENFAIL(io:format("History: ~w\nState: ~w\nResult: ~w\n", [History,State,Result]), Result =:= ok) end)). %% UNIT TESTS %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test_tree_simple_1() -> {ok, Tree} = lsm_btree:open("simple"), ok = lsm_btree:put(Tree, <<>>, <<"data", 77:128>>), {ok, <<"data", 77:128>>} = lsm_btree:lookup(Tree, <<>>), ok = lsm_btree:close(Tree). test_tree_simple_2() -> {ok, Tree} = lsm_btree:open("simple"), ok = lsm_btree:put(Tree, <<"ã">>, <<"µ">>), ok = lsm_btree:delete(Tree, <<"ã">>), ok = lsm_btree:close(Tree). test_tree() -> %% application:start(sasl), {ok, Tree} = lsm_btree:open("simple"), lists:foldl(fun(N,_) -> ok = lsm_btree:put(Tree, <>, <<"data",N:128>>) end, ok, lists:seq(2,10000,1)), lists:foldl(fun(N,_) -> ok = lsm_btree:put(Tree, <>, <<"data",N:128>>) end, ok, lists:seq(4000,6000,1)), {Time,{ok,Count}} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_fold, [Tree,1000,9000]), error_logger:info_msg("time to fold: ~p/sec (time=~p, count=~p)~n", [1000000/(Time/Count), Time/1000000, Count]), ok = lsm_btree:close(Tree). run_fold(Tree,From,To) -> {ok, PID} = lsm_btree:range(Tree, <>, <<(To+1):128>>), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> receive {fold_result, _, <>,_} -> ok after 1000 -> error_logger:info_msg("timed out on #~p~n", [N]) end end, lists:seq(From,To,1)), receive {fold_result, _, <>,_} -> error_logger:info_msg("got fold key #~p! ~n", [N]) after 0 -> ok end, receive {fold_done, _} -> ok after 1000 -> error_logger:info_msg("timed out on fond_done! ~n", []) end, {ok, To-From}. %% Command processing %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmd_close_args(#state { open = Open }) -> oneof(dict:fetch_keys(Open)). cmd_put_args(#state { open = Open }) -> ?LET({Name, Key, Value}, {oneof(dict:fetch_keys(Open)), g_key(), g_value()}, [Name, Key, Value]). cmd_lookup_fail_args(#state { open = Open}) -> ?LET(Name, g_open_tree(Open), ?LET(Key, g_non_existing_key(Name, Open), [Name, Key])). cmd_lookup_args(#state { open = Open}) -> ?LET(Name, g_non_empty_btree(Open), ?LET(Key, g_existing_key(Name, Open), [Name, Key])). cmd_delete_args(#state { open = Open}) -> ?LET(Name, g_non_empty_btree(Open), ?LET(Key, g_existing_key(Name, Open), [Name, Key])). %% Context management %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cleanup_test_trees(#state { open = Open}) -> [cleanup_tree(N) || N <- dict:fetch_keys(Open)]. cleanup_tree(Tree) -> {ok, FileNames} = file:list_dir(Tree), [ok = file:delete(filename:join([Tree, Fname])) || Fname <- FileNames], file:del_dir(Tree). %% Various Helper routines %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- open_dicts_with_keys(#state { open = Open}) -> lists:any(fun({_, D}) -> dict:size(D) > 0 end, dict:to_list(Open)). open_dicts(#state { open = Open}) -> dict:size(Open) > 0. closed_dicts(#state { closed = Closed}) -> dict:size(Closed) > 0.