2012-04-21 15:20:39 -04:00

45 lines
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%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% hanoi: LSM-trees (Log-Structured Merge Trees) Indexed Storage
%% Copyright 2011-2012 (c) Trifork A/S. All Rights Reserved.
%% http://trifork.com/ info@trifork.com
%% Copyright 2012 (c) Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% http://basho.com/ info@basho.com
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%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% When doing "async fold", it does "sync fold" in chunks
%% of this many K/V entries.
%% The btree_range structure is a bit assymetric, here is why:
%% from_key=<<>> is "less than" any other key, hence we don't need to
%% handle from_key=undefined to support an open-ended start of the
%% interval. For to_key, we cannot (statically) construct a key
%% which is > any possible key, hence we need to allow to_key=undefined
%% as a token of an interval that has no upper limit.
-record(btree_range, { from_key = <<>> :: binary(),
from_inclusive = true :: boolean(),
to_key :: binary() | undefined,
to_inclusive = false :: boolean(),
limit :: pos_integer() | undefined }).