Node Configuration

When you place a node into service, there is a set of information that you must provide which will be unique to each and every node. The application development team may or may not have provided defaults for some or all of these values, so you should check with them to see exactly what you need to override.

This information can be provided to the application in two different ways. One is by using JE API calls. Typically you will pass the information to those calls using command line parameters. Again, how you do this is specific to your application.

In addition, you can provide this information to the application using the file. Note that the information provided in this file is handled as if it is a default setting. Therefore, if you also provide conflicting information using the JE APIs (again, usually passed to a production application using command line parameters), then the information provided directly to the APIs takes priority over whatever might be found in the file.

No matter how it is done, there are three pieces of information that you must provide every JE replicated application:

The properties discussed here are simply the bare-bones minimum properties required to configure a JE node. For a complete description of all the replication properties available to a JE application, see the ReplicationConfig and ReplicationMutableConfig class descriptions.