Monitoring and Debugging Berkeley DB Java Edition with JMX

Monitoring and Diagnostic MBeans
Displaying Statistics Graphically With the JE JConsole Plugin

Monitoring and Diagnostic MBeans


Berkeley DB Java Edition provides monitoring and debugging support through four JMX Dynamic MBeans. JEMonitor and RepJEMonitor make JE statistics and basic administrative operations available, and are mainly used for monitoring a JE application. JEDiagnostics and RepJEDiagnostics makes JE logging output configurable dynamically, and are mainly used for debugging.

A non-replicated (non-HA) JE Environment can only be accessed via JEMonitor and JEDiagnostics, while a replicated JE Environment can only be accessed via RepJEMonitor and RepJEDiagnostics.

The functionality provided by the JE MBeans can be accessed through the standard MBean attribute/operation interface available through JConsole or another management console. In addition, environment statistics can be viewed and exported through the JE JConsole Plugin

Enabling MBeans in your JE Application

To register and enable the MBeans for a JE application, set the JEMonitor system property to true. For example:

java -DJEMonitor=true -cp <je.jar> <JE application>

Setting -DJEMonitor=true will register both the monitoring and diagnostic MBeans for the application. For example, a non-HA environment will register both JEMonitor and JEDiagnostics, while a a replicated environment will register both RepJEMonitor and RepJEDiagnostics.

Attributes and Operations available through JEMonitor and RepJEMonitor

JEMonitor monitors a non-replicated JE application. RepJEMonitor monitors a replicated JE application and provides all the attributes and operations of JEMonitor, along with additional operations only applicable for replicated environments.

Monitoring Attributes

JEMonitor and RepJEMonitor have the following attributes list:

Monitor attributes

Attributes names and values are listed in the area outlined in red. Most of the attributes are immutable and cannot be changed through JEMonitor, with the exception of cachePercent and cacheSize. Detailed information about the attributes can be obtained by clicking on the attribute name in the list outlined in blue.

Monitoring Operations

JEMonitor provides the following operations, which can be invoked on the monitored, running JE application:

Monitor operations

These operations mimic functionality available through the class. getEnvConfig and getEnvironmentStats are of particular value for obtaining information about the environment configuration, and current statistics. More information about each operation is available through a tool tip that displays when the mouse hovers over the operation button.

As stated above, RepJEMonitor provides two additional operations to monitor a replicated JE application:

Monitor operations

The additional operations are outlined in red. getReplicationStats displays replication specific statistics, while dumpReplicationState displays information about the replication group composition, current node state, etc.

JEDiagnostics and RepJEDiagnostics

JEDiagnostics and RepJEDiagnostics, currently have the same attributes and operations list.

Diagnostic Attributes

JEDiagnostics and RepJEDiagnostics attribute are:

Diagnostic attributes

Attributes names and values are listed in the area outlined in red. These attributes manage the output levels for ConsoleHandler, FileHandler and MemoryHandler and let you change logging output for a running JE application. This is useful when doing detailed debugging, as described in Chapter 12 of the Getting Started Guide. Detailed information for each attribute is listed in the blue area and can be displayed by clicking on the attribute.

Diagnostic Operations

JEDiagnostics and RepJEDiagnostics currently support the same operations:

Diagnostic operations

resetLoggerLevel allows you reset the level for a JE logger, while pushMemoryHandler lets you flush any logging output which has been buffered in memory. Both are used only in debugging situations.

Berkeley DB Java Edition JConsole Plugin


The BDB JE JConsole plugins let you monitor and graphically display information from running JE applications using the jconsole utility which is distributed with the JDK. Two plugins jars are provided: one for monitoring non-HA JE applications (JE_HOME/lib/JEJConsole.jar), and another for monitoring JE HA applications (JE_HOME/lib/RepJEJConsole.jar). The former lets jconsole monitor and display EnvironmentStats while the latter shows both EnvironmentStats and ReplicatedEnvironmentStats.

The plugins can:

The plugins are based on the JE MBeans described above and use the MBean operations to periodically obtain statistics which are displayed in a table or graph. JEJConsole invokes JEMonitor.getEnvironmentStats while RepJEJConsole invokes both RepJEMonitor.getEnvironmentStats and RepJEMonitor.getReplicationStats. Note that JEJConsole can be used to monitor both JE non-replicated and replicated applications, but in the latter case will not display the "JE Replicated Statistics" tab shown in the second screen shot below.

See the javadoc for EnvironmentStats and ReplicatedEnvironmentStats for more information about the meaning of the statistics.

A screenshot of the JEJConsole plugin:


The RepJEJConsole plugin:

Using The Plugins

jconsole can only monitor applications that have registered a DynamicMBean. Both JE and JE HA will automatically register an appropriate DynamicMBean when an Environment or ReplicatedEnvironment is created, if the JEMonitor system property is set to true (e.g. using -DJEMonitor=true on the command line).

To use the JE and JE Replication plugins, invoke jconsole with the -pluginpath option to specify one of the libraries. For example:

    jconsole -pluginpath JE_HOME/lib/JEJConsole.jar


    jconsole -pluginpath JE_HOME/lib/RepJEJConsole.jar

When the plugin starts up, a menu will appear which lets you choose the process to monitor. Your JE application should appear if you have set -DJEMonitor=true.

Note: There is a known problem with discovering Java processes on Windows platforms when the temporary directory is on a FAT type file system. In that case, a Java application may need to set -XX:+PerfBypassFileSystemCheck on the Java command line in order for the process to appear on the connection menu.

After connecting to the process, a "JE Statistics" tab will be shown in jconsole. The tab will be named "JE Replicated Statistics" when using the RepJEJConsole.jar plugin. The tab provides various options:

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