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2011-09-13 17:44:24 +00:00
%%% Split the rec part of a possible version negotiation message into
%%% the host name and a list of version integers.
-export([versions/1, rep_msg_type/1]).
versions(B) ->
Host = lists:takewhile(fun (X) -> X /= 0 end, binary_to_list(B)),
Skip = length(Host) + 1,
case B of
%% version negotiation proposal
<<_H:Skip/binary, Vmin:32/big, Vmax:32/big,
_Pad/binary>> ->
{Host, [Vmin, Vmax]};
%% version confirmation
<<_H:Skip/binary, V:32/big, _Pad/binary>> ->
{Host, V};
%% legacy V1 handshake, with no extra version info
_ ->
%%% In release 4.7 of Berkeley DB the replication msg protocol was
%%% changed. Previously it sent binary data in native format; now it
%%% sends it in standard NBO. Each message is tagged with a version
%%% number, identifying its format. Note that this presents a bit of
%%% a "chicken-and-egg" problem: you need to know the version before
%%% you can figure out how to read any of the data, *INCLUDING THE
%%% VERSION NUMBER ITSELF*! However, we can get around this issue by
%%% assuming native format. If we're on a big endian architecture, it
%%% doesn't make any difference. If we're on a little endian, then if
%%% we're wrong to assume native, then the number we see will look
%%% like some huge number, with bits turned on in the high-order
%%% byte. This should only happen with formats >= 4.7, so we'll take
%%% the correct branch. (See also the comment in
%%% __rep_process_message, rep/rep_record.c)
rep_msg_type(Control) ->
<<MsgVersion:32/native, Remainder/binary>> = Control,
MsgVersion >= ?REPVERSION_47 ->
<<_:3/unit:32, RecType:32/big, _/binary>> = Remainder;
true ->
<<_:3/unit:32, RecType:32/native, _/binary>> = Remainder