The <spanclass="command"><strong>db_tuner</strong></span> utility analyzes the data in a btree database, and suggests a page size that is likely to deliver optimal operation.
The <spanclass="command"><strong>db_tuner</strong></span> utility assumes that databases are compacted when analysing the data. The analysis is based on a static view of the data and the data access and update patterns are not take into account.
The options are as follows:
Specify a value of the cachesize, otherwise, the default value will
be set.
Display database statistics for the specified file. If the database contains multiple databases and the -s flag is not specified, the statistics are for the internal database that describes the other databases the file contains, and not for the file as a whole.
Specify a home directory for the database environment.
Display page size recommendation for the specified database contained in the file specified with the -d flag.