Sets the number of lock table partitions in the Berkeley DB environment. The default value
is 10 times the number of CPUs on the system if there is more than one CPU.
The syntax of this parameter in the <ahref="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG"class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file is a
single line with the string
<codeclass="literal">set_lk_partitions</code>, one or more
whitespace characters, and the number of partitions.
If the database environment already exists when this parameter is
changed, it is ignored. To change this value after the environment
has been created, re-create your environment.
<p>For more information, see <aclass="xref"href="envset_lk_partitions.html"title="DB_ENV->set_lk_partitions()">DB_ENV->set_lk_partitions()</a>. </p>