Configures the database environment's base segment ID.
This base segment ID will be used when Berkeley DB shared
memory regions are first created. It will be incremented a
small integer value each time a new shared memory region is
created; that is, if the base ID is 35, the first shared
memory region created will have a segment ID of 35, and the
next one will have a segment ID between 36 and 40 or so.
See <ahref="../../programmer_reference/env_region.html"class="olink">Shared Memory Regions</a> for more information.
The syntax of the entry in the <ahref="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG"class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file is a single
line with the string <codeclass="literal">set_shm_key</code> one or
more whitespace characters, and the ID.
<p>For more information, see <aclass="xref"href="envset_shm_key.html"title="DB_ENV->set_shm_key()">DB_ENV->set_shm_key()</a>. </p>