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17 KiB
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#!/bin/sh -
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
2012-11-14 20:13:24 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# This awk script generates all the log, print, and read routines for the DB
# logging. It also generates a template for the recovery functions (these
# functions must still be edited, but are highly stylized and the initial
# template gets you a fair way along the path).
# For a given file prefix.src, we generate a file prefix_auto.c, and a file
# prefix_auto.h that contains:
# external declarations for the file's functions
# defines for the physical record types
# (logical types are defined in each subsystem manually)
# structures to contain the data unmarshalled from the log.
# This awk script requires that four variables be set when it is called:
# source_file -- the C source file being created
# header_file -- the C #include file being created
# template_file -- the template file being created
# And stdin must be the input file that defines the recovery setup.
# Within each file prefix.src, we use a number of public keywords (documented
# in the reference guide) as well as the following ones which are private to
# DB:
# DBPRIVATE Indicates that a file will be built as part of DB,
# rather than compiled independently, and so can use
# DB-private interfaces (such as DB_LOG_NOCOPY).
# DB A DB handle. Logs the dbreg fileid for that handle,
# and makes the *_log interface take a DB * instead of a
# DB_ENV *.
# OP The low byte contains the page type of the data
# that needs byte swapping. The rest is log record
# specific.
# PGDBT,PGDDBT Just like DBT, only we know it stores a page or page
# header, so we can byte-swap it (once we write the
# byte-swapping code, which doesn't exist yet).
# HDR,DATA Just like DBT, but we know that these contain database
# records that may need byte-swapping.
# LOCKS,PGLIST Just like DBT, but uses a print function for locks or
# page lists.
if (source_file == "" ||
header_file == "" || template_file == "") {
print "Usage: gen_rec.awk requires three variables to be set:"
print "\theader_file\t-- the recover #include file being created"
print "\tprint_file\t-- the print source file being created"
print "\tsource_file\t-- the recover source file being created"
print "\ttemplate_file\t-- the template file being created"
FS="[\t ][\t ]*"
# These are the variables we use to create code that calls into
# db routines and/or uses an environment.
dbprivate = 0
env_type = "DB_ENV"
env_var = "dbenv"
log_call = "dbenv->log_put_record"
/^[ ]*DBPRIVATE/ {
dbprivate = 1
env_type = "ENV"
env_var = "env"
log_call = "__log_put_record"
/^[ ]*PREFIX/ {
prefix = $2
num_funcs = 0;
# Start .c files.
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rec.awk. */\n\n")\
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n") >> CFILE
if (!dbprivate) {
printf("#include <errno.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <stdlib.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include <string.h>\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/db_swap.h\"\n") >> CFILE
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rec.awk. */\n\n")\
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n\n") >> PFILE
if (!dbprivate) {
printf("#include <ctype.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include <stdio.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include <stdlib.h>\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> PFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/log.h\"\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__ham")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_HASH\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__heap")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_HEAP\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__qam")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_QUEUE\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__repmgr")
# Start .h file, make the entire file conditional.
printf("/* Do not edit: automatically built by gen_rec.awk. */\n\n")\
printf("#ifndef\t%s_AUTO_H\n#define\t%s_AUTO_H\n", prefix, prefix)\
if (prefix == "__ham")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_HASH\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__heap")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_HEAP\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__qam")
printf("#ifdef HAVE_QUEUE\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__repmgr")
if (dbprivate)
printf("#include \"dbinc/log.h\"\n") >> HFILE
# Write recovery template file headers
if (dbprivate) {
# This assumes we're doing DB recovery.
printf("#include \"db_config.h\"\n\n") > TFILE
printf("#include \"db_int.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/db_page.h\"\n") >> TFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/%s.h\"\n", prefix) >> TFILE
printf("#include \"dbinc/log.h\"\n\n") >> TFILE
} else {
printf("#include \"db.h\"\n\n") > TFILE
/^[ ]*INCLUDE/ {
for (i = 2; i < NF; i++)
printf("%s ", $i) >> CFILE
printf("%s\n", $i) >> CFILE
for (i = 2; i < NF; i++)
printf("%s ", $i) >> PFILE
printf("%s\n", $i) >> PFILE
if (in_begin) {
print "Invalid format: missing END statement"
in_begin = 1;
is_duplicate = 0;
is_dbt = 0;
has_dbp = 0;
has_data = 0;
is_uint = 0;
hdrdbt = "NULL";
ddbt = "NULL";
# BEGIN_COMPAT does not need logging function or rec table entry.
need_log_function = ($1 == "BEGIN");
is_compat = ($1 == "BEGIN_COMPAT");
nvars = 0;
thisfunc = $2;
dup_thisfunc = $2;
version = $3;
rectype = $4;
make_name(thisfunc, thisfunc, version);
vars[nvars] = $2;
types[nvars] = $3;
modes[nvars] = $1;
formats[nvars] = $NF;
for (i = 4; i < NF; i++)
types[nvars] = sprintf("%s %s", types[nvars], $i);
if ($1 == "DB") {
has_dbp = 1;
if ($1 == "DATA" || $1 == "PGDDBT") {
if (has_data == 1) {
print "Invalid format: multiple data fields"
has_data = 1;
if ($1 == "DB" || $1 == "DBOP" || $1 == "ARG" || \
$1 == "OP" || $1 == "TIME") {
sizes[nvars] = sprintf("sizeof(u_int32_t)");
if ($3 != "u_int32_t")
is_uint = 1;
} else if ($1 == "POINTER")
sizes[nvars] = sprintf("sizeof(*%s)", $2);
sizes[nvars] = sprintf("LOG_DBT_SIZE(%s)", $2);
is_dbt = 1;
if ($1 == "PGDBT") {
if (hdrdbt != "NULL") {
print "Multiple PGDBTs in record"
if (ddbt != "NULL") {
print "PGDDBT must follow PGDBT"
hdrdbt = vars[nvars];
} else if ($1 == "PGDDBT") {
if (ddbt != "NULL") {
print "Multiple PGDDBTs in record"
if (hdrdbt == "NULL") {
print "PGDDBT must follow PGDBT"
ddbt = vars[nvars];
/^[ ]*DUPLICATE/ {
is_duplicate = 1;
dup_rectype = $4;
old_logfunc = logfunc;
old_funcname = funcname;
make_name($2, funcname, $3);
internal_name = sprintf("%s_%s_int", prefix, thisfunc);
dup_logfunc = logfunc;
dup_funcname = funcname;
dup_thisfunc = $2;
logfunc = old_logfunc;
funcname = old_funcname;
/^[ ]*END/ {
if (!in_begin) {
print "Invalid format: missing BEGIN statement"
# Declare the record type.
printf("#define\tDB_%s\t%d\n", funcname, rectype) >> HFILE
if (is_duplicate)
dup_funcname, dup_rectype) >> HFILE
# Structure declaration.
printf("typedef struct _%s_args {\n", funcname) >> HFILE
# Here are the required fields for every structure
printf("\tu_int32_t type;\n\tDB_TXN *txnp;\n") >> HFILE
printf("\tDB_LSN prev_lsn;\n") >>HFILE
# Here are the specified fields.
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
t = types[i];
if (modes[i] == "POINTER") {
ndx = index(t, "*");
t = substr(types[i], 1, ndx - 2);
printf("\t%s\t%s;\n", t, vars[i]) >> HFILE
printf("} %s_args;\n\n", funcname) >> HFILE
# Output the read, log, and print functions (note that we must
# generate the required read function first, because we use its
# prototype in the print function).
log_function(funcname, funcname);
read_function(funcname, funcname);
if (is_duplicate) {
log_function(dup_funcname, funcname);
read_function(dup_funcname, funcname);
# Recovery template
if (dbprivate)
f = "template/rec_ctemp"
f = "template/rec_utemp"
cmd = sprintf(\
"sed -e s/PREF/%s/ -e s/FUNC/%s/ -e s/DUP/%s/ < template/rec_%s >> %s",
prefix, thisfunc, dup_thisfunc,
dbprivate ? "ctemp" : "utemp", TFILE)
# Done writing stuff, reset and continue.
in_begin = 0;
# End the conditional for the HFILE
if (prefix == "__ham")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_HASH */\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__heap")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_HEAP */\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__qam")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_QUEUE */\n") >> HFILE
if (prefix == "__repmgr")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION_THREADS */\n") >> HFILE
printf("#endif\n") >> HFILE
# Print initialization routine; function prototype
p[1] = sprintf("int %s_init_print %s%s%s", prefix,
"__P((", env_type, " *, DB_DISTAB *));");
p[2] = "";
proto_format(p, PFILE);
# Create the routine to call __db_add_recovery(print_fn, id)
printf("int\n%s_init_print(%s, dtabp)\n",\
prefix, env_var) >> PFILE
printf("\t%s *%s;\n", env_type, env_var) >> PFILE
printf("\tDB_DISTAB *dtabp;\n{\n") >> PFILE
# If application-specific, the user will need a prototype for
# __db_add_recovery, since they won't have DB's.
if (!dbprivate) {
"\tint __db_add_recovery __P((%s *, DB_DISTAB *,\n",\
env_type) >> PFILE
"\t int (*)(%s *, DBT *, DB_LSN *, db_recops), u_int32_t));\n",\
env_type) >> PFILE
printf("\tint ret;\n\n") >> PFILE
for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) {
if (functable[i] == 1)
printf("\tif ((ret = __db_add_recovery%s(%s, ",\
dbprivate ? "_int" : "", env_var) >> PFILE
printf("dtabp,\n") >> PFILE
printf("\t %s_print, DB_%s)) != 0)\n",\
dupfuncs[i], funcs[i]) >> PFILE
printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> PFILE
printf("\treturn (0);\n}\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__ham")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_HASH */\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__heap")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_HEAP */\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__qam")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_QUEUE */\n") >> PFILE
if (prefix == "__repmgr")
printf("#endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION_THREADS */\n") >> PFILE
# We only want to generate *_init_recover functions if this is a
# DB-private, rather than application-specific, set of recovery
# functions. Application-specific recovery functions should be
# dispatched using the DB_ENV->set_app_dispatch callback rather than
# a DB dispatch table ("dtab").
if (!dbprivate)
# Everything below here is dbprivate, so it uses ENV instead of DB_ENV
# Recover initialization routine
p[1] = sprintf("int %s_init_recover %s", prefix,\
"__P((ENV *, DB_DISTAB *));");
p[2] = "";
proto_format(p, CFILE);
# Create the routine to call db_add_recovery(func, id)
printf("int\n%s_init_recover(env, dtabp)\n", prefix) >> CFILE
printf("\tENV *env;\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tDB_DISTAB *dtabp;\n{\n") >> CFILE
printf("\tint ret;\n\n") >> CFILE
for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) {
if (functable[i] == 1)
printf("\tif ((ret = __db_add_recovery_int(env, ") >> CFILE
printf("dtabp,\n") >> CFILE
printf("\t %s_recover, DB_%s)) != 0)\n",\
funcs[i], funcs[i]) >> CFILE
printf("\t\treturn (ret);\n") >> CFILE
printf("\treturn (0);\n}\n") >> CFILE
function log_function(logfunc, arg)
# Descriptor array
printf("extern __DB_IMPORT DB_LOG_RECSPEC %s_desc[];\n", \
logfunc) >> HFILE;
printf("DB_LOG_RECSPEC %s_desc[] = {\n", logfunc) >> CFILE
# Function declaration
if (need_log_function) {
printf("static inline int\n%s_log(", logfunc) >> HFILE
# Now print the parameters
if (has_dbp) {
printf("DB *dbp, ") >> HFILE
} else {
printf("%s *%s, ", env_type, env_var) >> HFILE
printf("DB_TXN *txnp, DB_LSN *ret_lsnp, ") >> HFILE
printf("u_int32_t flags") >> HFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
# Descriptor element
if (modes[i] == "ARG" || modes[i] == "OP")
"\t{LOGREC_%s, SSZ(%s_args, %s), \"%s\", \"%%%s\"},\n",\
modes[i], arg, vars[i], \
vars[i], formats[i]) >> CFILE
printf( \
"\t{LOGREC_%s, SSZ(%s_args, %s), \"%s\", \"\"},\n",\
modes[i], arg, vars[i], vars[i]) >> CFILE
# Function argument
# We just skip for modes == DB.
if (!need_log_function || modes[i] == "DB")
printf(",") >> HFILE
if ((i % 5) == 0)
printf("\n ") >> HFILE
printf(" ") >> HFILE
if (modes[i] == "DBT" || modes[i] == "HDR" ||
modes[i] == "DATA" || modes[i] == "LOCKS" ||
modes[i] == "PGDBT" || modes[i] == "PGDDBT"||
modes[i] == "PGLIST")
printf("const %s *%s", types[i], vars[i]) >> HFILE
printf("%s %s", types[i], vars[i]) >> HFILE
# Descriptor termination
printf("\t{LOGREC_Done, 0, \"\", \"\"}\n};\n") >> CFILE
if (!need_log_function)
# Function call
printf(")\n{\n\treturn (%s(", log_call) >> HFILE
if (dbprivate) {
if (has_dbp)
printf("(dbp)->env, dbp, ") >> HFILE
printf("env, NULL, ") >> HFILE
} else {
if (has_dbp)
printf("dbenv, dbp, ") >> HFILE
printf("dbenv, NULL, ") >> HFILE
printf("txnp, ret_lsnp,\n\t flags, DB_%s, %d,\n\t",
logfunc, has_data) >> HFILE
printf(" sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(u_int32_t) + sizeof(DB_LSN)")\
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
if (i % 3 == 0)
printf(" +\n\t %s", sizes[i]) >> HFILE
printf(" + %s", sizes[i]) >> HFILE
printf(",\n\t %s_desc", logfunc) >> HFILE
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
# We just skip for modes == DB.
if (modes[i] == "DB")
printf(",") >> HFILE
if ((i % 8) == 0)
printf("\n\t ") >> HFILE
printf(" ") >> HFILE
printf("%s", vars[i]) >> HFILE
printf("));\n}\n\n") >> HFILE
function read_function(logfunc, arg)
# Read function
printf("static inline int %s_read(%s *%s, \n ", \
logfunc, env_type, env_var) >> HFILE
if (has_dbp)
printf("DB **dbpp, void *td, ") >> HFILE
printf("void *data, ") >> HFILE
printf("%s_args **arg)\n{\n", arg) >> HFILE
if (dbprivate) {
printf("\t*arg = NULL;\n") >> HFILE
printf("\treturn (__log_read_record(env, \n") >> HFILE
if (has_dbp)
printf("\t dbpp, td, data, ") >> HFILE
printf("\t NULL, NULL, data, ") >> HFILE
} else {
printf("\treturn (dbenv->log_read_record(dbenv, \n") >> HFILE
if (has_dbp)
printf("\t dbpp, td, data, ") >> HFILE
printf("\t NULL, NULL, data, ") >> HFILE
printf("%s_desc, sizeof(%s_args), (void**)arg));\n}\n", logfunc, arg)\
function print_function()
# Write the print function; function prototype
p[1] = sprintf("int %s_print", funcname);
p[2] = " ";
if (dbprivate)
p[3] = "__P((ENV *, DBT *, DB_LSN *, db_recops, void *));";
p[3] = "__P((DB_ENV *, DBT *, DB_LSN *, db_recops));";
p[4] = "";
proto_format(p, PFILE);
# Function declaration
printf("int\n%s_print(%s, ", funcname, env_var) >> PFILE
printf("dbtp, lsnp, notused2") >> PFILE
if (dbprivate)
printf(", info") >> PFILE
printf(")\n") >> PFILE
printf("\t%s *%s;\n", env_type, env_var) >> PFILE
printf("\tDBT *dbtp;\n") >> PFILE
printf("\tDB_LSN *lsnp;\n") >> PFILE
printf("\tdb_recops notused2;\n") >> PFILE
if (dbprivate)
printf("\tvoid *info;\n") >> PFILE
printf("{\n") >> PFILE
# Get rid of complaints about unused parameters.
if (dbprivate) {
printf("\tCOMPQUIET(notused2, DB_TXN_PRINT);\n") >> PFILE
} else {
printf("\tnotused2 = DB_TXN_PRINT;\n") >> PFILE
printf("\n") >> PFILE
"\treturn (__log_print_record(%senv, dbtp, lsnp, \"%s\", %s_desc",
dbprivate ? "" : "dbenv->", funcname, funcname) >> PFILE
if (dbprivate)
printf(", info));\n") >> PFILE
printf(", NULL));\n") >> PFILE
printf("}\n\n") >> PFILE
# proto_format --
# Pretty-print a function prototype.
function proto_format(p, fp)
printf("/*\n") >> fp;
s = "";
for (i = 1; i in p; ++i)
s = s p[i];
t = " * PUBLIC: "
if (length(s) + length(t) < 80)
printf("%s%s", t, s) >> fp;
else {
split(s, p, "__P");
len = length(t) + length(p[1]);
printf("%s%s", t, p[1]) >> fp
n = split(p[2], comma, ",");
comma[1] = "__P" comma[1];
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (len + length(comma[i]) > 70) {
printf("\n * PUBLIC: ") >> fp;
len = 0;
printf("%s%s", comma[i], i == n ? "" : ",") >> fp;
len += length(comma[i]) + 2;
printf("\n */\n") >> fp;
delete p;
function make_name(unique_name, dup_name, p_version)
logfunc = sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, unique_name);
logname[num_funcs] = logfunc;
if (is_compat) {
funcname = sprintf("%s_%s_%s", prefix, unique_name, p_version);
} else {
funcname = logfunc;
if (is_duplicate)
dupfuncs[num_funcs] = dup_name;
dupfuncs[num_funcs] = funcname;
funcs[num_funcs] = funcname;
functable[num_funcs] = is_compat;