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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
2012-11-14 20:13:24 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST recd005
# TEST Verify reuse of file ids works on catastrophic recovery.
# TEST Make sure that we can do catastrophic recovery even if we open
# TEST files using the same log file id.
proc recd005 { method args } {
source ./include.tcl
global rand_init
set envargs ""
set zero_idx [lsearch -exact $args "-zero_log"]
if { $zero_idx != -1 } {
set args [lreplace $args $zero_idx $zero_idx]
set envargs "-zero_log"
set args [convert_args $method $args]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
puts "Recd005: $method catastrophic recovery ($envargs)"
berkdb srand $rand_init
set testfile1 recd005.1.db
set testfile2 recd005.2.db
set max_locks 2000
set eflags "-create -txn wrnosync -lock_max_locks $max_locks \
-lock_max_objects $max_locks -home $testdir $envargs"
set tnum 0
foreach sizes "{1000 10} {10 1000}" {
foreach ops "{abort abort} {abort commit} {commit abort} \
{commit commit}" {
env_cleanup $testdir
incr tnum
set s1 [lindex $sizes 0]
set s2 [lindex $sizes 1]
set op1 [lindex $ops 0]
set op2 [lindex $ops 1]
puts "\tRecd005.$tnum: $s1 $s2 $op1 $op2"
puts "\tRecd005.$tnum.a: creating environment"
set env_cmd "berkdb_env $eflags"
set dbenv [eval $env_cmd]
error_check_bad dbenv $dbenv NULL
# Create the two databases.
set oflags "-create \
-auto_commit -mode 0644 -env $dbenv $args $omethod"
set db1 [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags $testfile1]
error_check_bad db_open $db1 NULL
error_check_good db_open [is_substr $db1 db] 1
error_check_good db_close [$db1 close] 0
set db2 [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags $testfile2]
error_check_bad db_open $db2 NULL
error_check_good db_open [is_substr $db2 db] 1
error_check_good db_close [$db2 close] 0
$dbenv close
set dbenv [eval $env_cmd]
puts "\tRecd005.$tnum.b: Populating databases"
eval {do_one_file $testdir \
$method $dbenv $env_cmd $testfile1 $s1 $op1 } $args
eval {do_one_file $testdir \
$method $dbenv $env_cmd $testfile2 $s2 $op2 } $args
puts "\tRecd005.$tnum.c: Verifying initial population"
eval {check_file \
$testdir $env_cmd $testfile1 $op1 } $args
eval {check_file \
$testdir $env_cmd $testfile2 $op2 } $args
# Now, close the environment (so that recovery will work
# on NT which won't allow delete of an open file).
reset_env $dbenv
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline \
"\tRecd005.$tnum.d: About to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch \
{exec $util_path/db_recover -h $testdir -c} \
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
# Substitute a file that will need recovery and try
# running recovery again.
if { $op1 == "abort" } {
file copy -force $testdir/$testfile1.afterop \
move_file_extent $testdir $testfile1 \
afterop copy
} else {
file copy -force $testdir/$testfile1.init \
move_file_extent $testdir $testfile1 init copy
if { $op2 == "abort" } {
file copy -force $testdir/$testfile2.afterop \
move_file_extent $testdir $testfile2 \
afterop copy
} else {
file copy -force $testdir/$testfile2.init \
move_file_extent $testdir $testfile2 init copy
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\tRecd005.$tnum.e:\
About to run recovery on pre-op database ... "
flush stdout
set stat \
[catch {exec $util_path/db_recover \
-h $testdir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
set dbenv [eval $env_cmd]
eval {check_file \
$testdir $env_cmd $testfile1 $op1 } $args
eval {check_file \
$testdir $env_cmd $testfile2 $op2 } $args
reset_env $dbenv
puts "\tRecd005.$tnum.f:\
Verify db_printlog can read logfile"
set tmpfile $testdir/printlog.out
set stat [catch \
{exec $util_path/db_printlog -h $testdir \
> $tmpfile} ret]
error_check_good db_printlog $stat 0
fileremove $tmpfile
proc do_one_file { dir method env env_cmd filename num op args} {
source ./include.tcl
set init_file $dir/$filename.t1
set afterop_file $dir/$filename.t2
set final_file $dir/$filename.t3
# Save the initial file and open the environment and the first file
file copy -force $dir/$filename $dir/$filename.init
copy_extent_file $dir $filename init
# If method is heap, copy other files
if { [is_heap $method] == 1 } {
append filename1 $filename "1"
file copy -force $dir/$filename1 $dir/$filename.init1
copy_extent_file $dir $filename1 init
append filename2 $filename "2"
file copy -force $dir/$filename2 $dir/$filename.init2
copy_extent_file $dir $filename2 init
set oflags "-auto_commit -unknown -env $env"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags $args $filename]
# Dump out file contents for initial case
eval open_and_dump_file $filename $env $init_file nop \
dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $args
set txn [$env txn]
error_check_bad txn_begin $txn NULL
error_check_good txn_begin [is_substr $txn $env] 1
# Now fill in the db and the txnid in the command
populate $db $method $txn $num 0 0
# Sync the file so that we can capture a snapshot to test
# recovery.
error_check_good sync:$db [$db sync] 0
file copy -force $dir/$filename $dir/$filename.afterop
copy_extent_file $dir $filename afterop
#if we are doing heap, we have more files to copy
if { [is_heap $method] == 1 } {
file copy -force $dir/$filename1 $dir/$filename.afterop1
copy_extent_file $dir $filename1 afterop
file copy -force $dir/$filename2 $dir/$filename.afterop2
copy_extent_file $dir $filename2 afterop
eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$filename.afterop NULL \
$afterop_file nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $args
error_check_good txn_$op:$txn [$txn $op] 0
if { $op == "commit" } {
puts "\t\tFile $filename executed and committed."
} else {
puts "\t\tFile $filename executed and aborted."
# Dump out file and save a copy.
error_check_good sync:$db [$db sync] 0
eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$filename NULL $final_file nop \
dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $args
file copy -force $dir/$filename $dir/$
copy_extent_file $dir $filename final
#if we are doing heap, we have more files to copy
if { [is_heap $method] == 1 } {
file copy -force $dir/$filename1 $dir/$filename.final1
copy_extent_file $dir $filename1 final
file copy -force $dir/$filename2 $dir/$filename.final2
copy_extent_file $dir $filename2 final
# If this is an abort, it should match the original file.
# If this was a commit, then this file should match the
# afterop file.
if { $op == "abort" } {
filesort $init_file $init_file.sort
filesort $final_file $final_file.sort
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-$op):diff($init_file,$final_file) \
[filecmp $init_file.sort $final_file.sort] 0
} else {
filesort $afterop_file $afterop_file.sort
filesort $final_file $final_file.sort
error_check_good \
diff(post-$op,pre-commit):diff($afterop_file,$final_file) \
[filecmp $afterop_file.sort $final_file.sort] 0
error_check_good close:$db [$db close] 0
proc check_file { dir env_cmd filename op args} {
source ./include.tcl
set init_file $dir/$filename.t1
set afterop_file $dir/$filename.t2
set final_file $dir/$filename.t3
eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$filename NULL $final_file nop \
dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $args
if { $op == "abort" } {
filesort $init_file $init_file.sort
filesort $final_file $final_file.sort
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-$op):diff($init_file,$final_file) \
[filecmp $init_file.sort $final_file.sort] 0
} else {
filesort $afterop_file $afterop_file.sort
filesort $final_file $final_file.sort
error_check_good \
diff(pre-commit,post-$op):diff($afterop_file,$final_file) \
[filecmp $afterop_file.sort $final_file.sort] 0