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2011-09-13 17:44:24 +00:00
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST env012
# TEST DB_REGISTER will fail on systems without fcntl. If it
# TEST fails, make sure we got the expected DB_OPNOTSUP return.
# TEST Then, the real tests:
# TEST For each test, we start a process that opens an env with -register.
# TEST 1. Verify that a 2nd process can enter the existing env with -register.
# TEST 2. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process can enter
# TEST with "-register -recover".
# TEST 3. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process cannot
# TEST enter with just "-register".
# TEST 4. While the 1st process is still running, a 2nd process enters
# TEST with "-register". Kill the 1st process. Verify that a 3rd process
# TEST can enter with "-register -recover". Verify that the 3rd process,
# TEST entering, causes process 2 to fail with the message DB_RUNRECOVERY.
# TEST 5. We had a bug where recovery was always run with -register
# TEST if there were empty slots in the process registry file. Verify
# TEST that recovery doesn't automatically run if there is an empty slot.
# TEST 6. Verify process cannot connect when specifying -failchk and an
# TEST isalive function has not been declared.
# TEST 7. Verify that a 2nd process can enter the existing env with -register
# TEST and -failchk and having specified an isalive function
# TEST 8. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process can enter
# TEST with "-register -failchk -recover"
# TEST 9. 2nd process enters with "-register -failchk". Kill the 1st process.
# TEST 2nd process may get blocked on a mutex held by process one. Verify
# TEST 3rd process can enter with "-register -recover -failchk". 3rd process
# TEST should run failchk, clear out open txn/log from process 1. It will
# TEST enter env without need for any additional recovery. We look for
# TEST "Freeing log information .." sentence in the log for 3rd process as
# TEST an indication that failchk ran. If DB_RUNRECOVERY were returned
# TEST instead it would mean failchk could not recover.
proc env012 { } {
source ./include.tcl
set tnum "012"
puts "Env$tnum: Test of DB_REGISTER."
puts "\tEnv$tnum.a: Platforms without fcntl fail with DB_OPNOTSUP."
env_cleanup $testdir
if {[catch {eval {berkdb_env} \
-create -home $testdir -txn -register -recover} env]} {
error_check_good fail_OPNOTSUP [is_substr $env DB_OPNOTSUP] 1
puts "Skipping env$tnum; DB_REGISTER is not supported."
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
puts "\tEnv$tnum.b: Second process can join with -register."
env_cleanup $testdir
set testfile TESTFILE
set key KEY
set data DATA1
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.b1: Start process 1."
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER 0 10 &]
# Wait a while so process 1 has a chance to get going.
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.b2: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data 0 0 0 &]
watch_procs $p1 1 120
watch_procs $p2 1 120
# Check log files for failures.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
puts "\tEnv$tnum.c: Second process can join with -register\
-recover after first process is killed."
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.c1: Start process 1."
set pids {}
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER 0 10 &]
lappend pids $p1
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.c2: Kill process 1."
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.c3: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data RECOVER 0 0 &]
watch_procs $p2 1 120
# Check log files for failures.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
if { $is_windows_test == 1 } {
puts "Skipping sections .d and .e on Windows platform."
} else {
puts "\tEnv$tnum.d: Second process cannot join without -recover\
after first process is killed."
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.d1: Start process 1."
set pids {}
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER 0 10 &]
lappend pids $p1
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.d2: Kill process 1."
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.d3: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data 0 0 0 &]
tclsleep 2
watch_procs $p2 1 120
# Check log files. Log p1 should be clean, but we
# expect DB_RUNRECOVERY in log p2.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheckfails $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 DB_RUNRECOVERY
puts "\tEnv$tnum.e: Running registered process detects failure."
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.e1: Start process 1."
set pids {}
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER 0 10 &]
lappend pids $p1
tclsleep 2
# Identify child process to kill later.
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.e2: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile LOOP $key $data 0 0 10 &]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.e3: Kill process 1."
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.e4: Start process 3."
set p3 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p3 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data RECOVER 0 0 &]
tclsleep 2
watch_procs $p2 1 120
watch_procs $p3 1 120
# Check log files. Logs p1 and p3 should be clean, but we
# expect DB_RUNRECOVERY in log p2.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheckfails $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 DB_RUNRECOVERY
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p3
puts "\tEnv$tnum.f: Empty slot shouldn't cause automatic recovery."
# Create 2 empty slots in the registry by letting two processes
# run to completion.
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.f1: Start process 1."
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER 0 1 &]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.f2: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data 0 0 1 &]
watch_procs $p1 1 60
watch_procs $p2 1 60
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
# Start two more process. Neither should signal a need for recovery.
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.f3: Start process 3."
set p3 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p3 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data RECOVER 0 10 &]
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.f4: Start process 4."
set p4 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p4 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data 0 0 10 &]
watch_procs $p3 1 120
watch_procs $p4 1 120
# Check log files: neither process should have returned DB_RUNRECOVERY.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p3
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p4
puts "\tEnv$tnum.g: One process with -register & -failchk & no isalive"
# use -failchk only, test will fail as isalive function is needed
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.g1: Start process 1."
env_cleanup $testdir
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK0 10 &]
watch_procs $p1 1 60
# Check log files for failures. Expect to see a failure.
logcheckfails $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 DB_FAILCHK
puts "\tEnv$tnum.h: Second process joins with -register and -failchk."
env_cleanup $testdir
# use -failchk and -isalive flags
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.h1: Start process 1."
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK1 10 &]
# Wait a while so process 1 has a chance to get going.
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.h2: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data 0 FAILCHK1 0 &]
watch_procs $p1 1 120
watch_procs $p2 1 120
# Check log files for failures.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
puts "\tEnv$tnum.i: Second process can join with -register\
-recover -failchk after first process is killed."
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.i1: Start process 1."
set pids {}
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile PUT $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK1 10 &]
lappend pids $p1
tclsleep 2
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.i2: Kill process 1."
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.i3: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK1 0 &]
watch_procs $p2 1 120
# Check log files for failures.
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
if { $is_windows_test == 1 } {
puts "Skipping sections .j on Windows platform."
} else {
puts "\tEnv$tnum.j: Running registered process detects failure and recovers."
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.j1: Start process 1."
set pids {}
set p1 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p1 \
$testdir $testfile LOOP $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK1 5 &]
lappend pids $p1
tclsleep 2
# Identify child process to kill later.
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.j2: Start process 2."
set p2 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p2 \
$testdir $testfile LOOP $key $data 0 0 10 &]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.j3: Kill process 1."
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
#identify child process 2, do after process 1 has died
lappend pids $p2
# Identify child process to kill later.
set pids [findprocessids $testdir $pids]
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.j4: Start process 3."
set p3 [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl envscript.tcl \
$testdir/env$tnum.log.p3 \
$testdir $testfile GET $key $data RECOVER FAILCHK1 0 &]
#sleep for approx 20 seconds -- process 2 should still be going
tclsleep 20
puts "\t\tEnv$tnum.j5: Kill process 2."
foreach pid $pids {
tclkill $pid
watch_procs $p3 1 30
# Check log files. Logs p1 and p2 should be clean, but we
# expect failchk messages in p3 from cleanup
logcheckfails $testdir/env$tnum.log.p3 Freeing
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p2
logcheck $testdir/env$tnum.log.p1
# Check log file and report failures with FAIL. Use this when
# we don't expect failures.
proc logcheck { logname } {
set errstrings [eval findfail $logname]
foreach errstring $errstrings {
puts "FAIL: error in $logname : $errstring"
# When we expect a failure, verify we find the one we expect.
proc logcheckfails { logname message } {
set f [open $logname r]
while { [gets $f line] >= 0 } {
if { [is_substr $line $message] == 1 } {
close $f
return 0
close $f
puts "FAIL: Did not find expected error $message."
# The script wrap.tcl creates a parent and a child process. We
# can't see the child pids, so find them by their sentinel files.
# This creates a list where the parent pid is always listed
# before the child pid.
proc findprocessids { testdir plist } {
set beginfiles [glob $testdir/begin.*]
foreach b $beginfiles {
regsub $testdir/begin. $b {} pid
if { [lsearch -exact $plist $pid] == -1 } {
lappend plist $pid
return $plist