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2011-09-13 17:44:24 +00:00
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST log006
# TEST Test log file auto-remove.
# TEST Test normal operation.
# TEST Test a long-lived txn.
# TEST Test log_archive flags.
# TEST Test db_archive flags.
# TEST Test turning on later.
# TEST Test setting via DB_CONFIG.
proc log006 { } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Log006: Check auto-remove of log files."
env_cleanup $testdir
# Open the environment, set auto-remove flag. Use smaller log
# files to make more of them.
puts "\tLog006.a: open environment, populate database."
set lbuf 16384
set lmax 65536
set env [berkdb_env_noerr -log_remove \
-create -home $testdir -log_buffer $lbuf -log_max $lmax -txn]
error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
log006_put $testdir $env
# Check log files. Using the small log file size, we should have
# have made a lot of log files. Check that we have only a few left.
# Dividing by 5 tests that at least 80% of the files are gone.
set log_number [stat_field $env log_stat "Current log file number"]
set log_expect [expr $log_number / 5]
puts "\tLog006.b: Check log files removed."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
set remlen [llength $lfiles]
error_check_good lfiles_len [expr $remlen < $log_expect] 1
error_check_good lfiles [lsearch $lfiles $testdir/log.0000000001] -1
# Save last log file for later check.
# Files may not be sorted, sort them and then save the last filename.
set oldfile [lindex [lsort -ascii $lfiles] end]
# Rerun log006_put with a long lived txn.
puts "\tLog006.c: Rerun put loop with long-lived transaction."
cleanup $testdir $env
set txn [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE
# Give the txn something to do so no files can be removed.
set testfile temp.db
set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr -create -mode 0644} \
-env $env -txn $txn -pagesize 8192 -btree $testfile]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
log006_put $testdir $env
puts "\tLog006.d: Check log files not removed."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good lfiles2_len [expr [llength $lfiles] > $remlen] 1
set lfiles [lsort -ascii $lfiles]
error_check_good lfiles_chk [lsearch $lfiles $oldfile] 0
error_check_good txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
error_check_good ckp1 [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
error_check_good ckp2 [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
puts "\tLog006.e: Run log_archive with -auto_remove flag."
# When we're done, only the last log file should remain.
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
set oldfile [lindex [lsort -ascii $lfiles] end]
# First, though, verify mutual-exclusiveness of flag.
foreach f {-arch_abs -arch_data -arch_log} {
set stat [catch {eval $env log_archive -arch_remove $f} ret]
error_check_good stat $stat 1
error_check_good la:$f:fail [is_substr $ret "illegal flag"] 1
# Now run it for real.
set stat [catch {$env log_archive -arch_remove} ret]
error_check_good stat $stat 0
puts "\tLog006.f: Check only $oldfile remains."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good 1log [llength $lfiles] 1
error_check_good lfiles_chk [lsearch $lfiles $oldfile] 0
puts "\tLog006.g: Rerun put loop with long-lived transaction."
set txn [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE
log006_put $testdir $env
error_check_good txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good ckp1 [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
error_check_good ckp2 [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Test db_archive's auto-remove flag.
# After we are done, only the last log file should be there.
# First check that the delete flag cannot be used with any
# of the other flags.
puts "\tLog006.h: Run db_archive with delete flag."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
set oldfile [lindex [lsort -ascii $lfiles] end]
# Again, first check illegal flag combinations with db_archive.
foreach f {-a -l -s} {
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_archive $f -d -h $testdir} \
error_check_good stat $stat 1
error_check_good la:fail [is_substr $ret "illegal flag"] 1
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_archive -d -h $testdir} ret]
error_check_good stat $stat 0
puts "\tLog006.i: Check only $oldfile remains."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good 1log [llength $lfiles] 1
error_check_good lfiles_chk [lsearch $lfiles $oldfile] 0
# Now rerun some parts with other env settings tested.
env_cleanup $testdir
# First test that the option can be turned on later.
# 1. Open env w/o auto-remove.
# 2. Run log006_put.
# 3. Verify log files all there.
# 4. Call env set_flags to turn it on.
# 5. Run log006_put.
# 6. Verify log files removed.
puts "\tLog006.j: open environment w/o auto remove, populate database."
set env [berkdb_env -recover \
-create -home $testdir -log_buffer $lbuf -log_max $lmax -txn]
error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
log006_put $testdir $env
puts "\tLog006.k: Check log files not removed."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good lfiles2_len [expr [llength $lfiles] > $remlen] 1
set lfiles [lsort -ascii $lfiles]
error_check_good lfiles [lsearch $lfiles $testdir/log.0000000001] 0
puts "\tLog006.l: turn on auto remove and repopulate database."
error_check_good sf [$env log_config autoremove on] 0
log006_put $testdir $env
puts "\tLog006.m: Check log files removed."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good lfiles_len [expr [llength $lfiles] < $log_expect] 1
error_check_good lfiles [lsearch $lfiles $testdir/log.0000000001] -1
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Configure via DB_CONFIG.
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\tLog006.n: Test setting via DB_CONFIG."
# Open the environment, w/o remove flag, but DB_CONFIG.
set cid [open $testdir/DB_CONFIG w]
puts $cid "log_set_config db_log_auto_remove"
close $cid
set env [berkdb_env -recover \
-create -home $testdir -log_buffer $lbuf -log_max $lmax -txn]
error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
log006_put $testdir $env
puts "\tLog006.o: Check log files removed."
set lfiles [glob -nocomplain $testdir/log.*]
error_check_good lfiles_len [expr [llength $lfiles] < $log_expect] 1
error_check_good lfiles [lsearch $lfiles $testdir/log.0000000001] -1
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Modified from test003.
proc log006_put { testdir env } {
set testfile log006.db
# Specify a pagesize so we can control how many log files
# are created and left over.
set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr -create -mode 0644} \
-env $env -auto_commit -pagesize 8192 -btree $testfile]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set lmax [$env get_lg_max]
set file_list [get_file_list]
set count 0
foreach f $file_list {
if { [string compare [file type $f] "file"] != 0 } {
set key $f
# Should really catch errors
set fid [open $f r]
fconfigure $fid -translation binary
# Read in less than the maximum log size.
set data [read $fid [expr $lmax - [expr $lmax / 8]]]
close $fid
set t [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
set txn "-txn $t"
set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$key $data}]
error_check_good put $ret 0
error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
if { $count % 10 == 0 } {
error_check_good ckp($count) [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
incr count
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0