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2011-09-13 17:44:24 +00:00
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# TEST repmgr106
# TEST Simple smoke test for repmgr elections with multi-process envs.
proc repmgr106 { } {
source ./include.tcl
set tnum "106"
puts "Repmgr$tnum:\
Smoke test for repmgr elections with multi-process envs."
env_cleanup $testdir
# Assign values for each port variable from list contents.
foreach {portA portB portC} [available_ports 3] {}
set timeouts {
{rep_set_timeout DB_REP_ELECTION_RETRY 2000000}
{rep_set_timeout DB_REP_ELECTION_TIMEOUT 1000000}
# First just create the group.
file mkdir $testdir/A
make_dbconfig $testdir/A \
[linsert $timeouts 0 [list repmgr_site localhost $portA db_local_site on]]
file mkdir $testdir/B
make_dbconfig $testdir/B \
[linsert $timeouts 0 [list repmgr_site localhost $portB db_local_site on] \
[list repmgr_site localhost $portA db_bootstrap_helper on]]
file mkdir $testdir/C
make_dbconfig $testdir/C \
[linsert $timeouts 0 [list repmgr_site localhost $portC db_local_site on] \
[list repmgr_site localhost $portA db_bootstrap_helper on]]
set cmds {
{home $testdir/A}
{start master}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set a [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/aoutput"]]
set cmds {
{home $testdir/B}
{start client}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set b [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/boutput"]]
set clientenv [berkdb_env -home $testdir/B]
await_startup_done $clientenv
$clientenv close
set cmds {
{home $testdir/C}
{start client}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set c [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/coutput"]]
set clientenv [berkdb_env -home $testdir/C]
await_startup_done $clientenv
$clientenv close
close $c
close $b
close $a
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.a: Start 3 sites (with 2 processes each)."
set cmds {
{home $testdir/A}
{start election}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set a1 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/a1output"]]
set a2 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/a2output"]]
set cmds {
{home $testdir/B}
{start election}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set b1 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/b1output"]]
set b2 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/b2output"]]
set cmds {
{home $testdir/C}
{start election}
set cmds [subst $cmds]
set c1 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/c1output"]]
set c2 [open_site_prog [linsert $cmds 1 "output $testdir/c2output"]]
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.b: Wait for an election to choose initial master."
set a [berkdb_env -home $testdir/A]
set b [berkdb_env -home $testdir/B]
set c [berkdb_env -home $testdir/C]
set sites "$a $b $c"
set menv [repmgr106_await_election $sites]
set i [lsearch -exact $sites $menv]
error_check_bad notfound $i -1
set site_names "abc"
set m [string range $site_names $i $i]
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.c: (site $m is master)."
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.d: Wait for other two sites to sync up."
set clients [lreplace $sites $i $i]
set site_names [string replace $site_names $i $i]
await_startup_done [lindex $clients 0]
await_startup_done [lindex $clients 1]
set m1 [subst $${m}1]
set m2 [subst $${m}2]
puts $m2 "open_db test.db"
puts $m2 "put key1 value1"
puts $m2 "echo done"
gets $m2
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.e:\
Shut down master, wait for survivors to elect new master."
$menv close
close $m1
close $m2
set menv [repmgr106_await_election $clients]
set i [lsearch -exact $clients $menv]
error_check_bad notfound2 $i -1
set m [string range $site_names $i $i]
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.f: (site $m is new master)."
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.g: Wait for remaining client to sync to new master."
set client [lreplace $clients $i $i]
await_condition {[stat_field $client rep_stat "Master changes"] == 3}
await_startup_done $client
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.h: Clean up."
$client close
$menv close
set c [string range $site_names 0 0]
close [subst $${c}1]
close [subst $${c}2]
set c [string range $site_names 1 1]
close [subst $${c}1]
close [subst $${c}2]
proc repmgr106_await_election { env_list } {
set cond {
foreach e $env_list {
if {[stat_field $e rep_stat "Role"] == "master"} {
set answer $e
expr {[info exists answer]}
await_condition {[eval $cond]} 20
return $answer