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2011-09-13 17:44:24 +00:00
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST txn013
# TEST Test of txns used in the wrong environment.
# TEST Set up two envs. Start a txn in one env, and attempt to use it
# TEST in the other env. Verify we get the appropriate error message.
proc txn013 { } {
source ./include.tcl
set tnum "013"
puts "Txn$tnum: Test use of txns in wrong environment."
set testfile FILE.db
set key KEY
set data DATA
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\tTxn$tnum.a: Create two environments."
set env1 [berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -txn -home $testdir]
file mkdir $testdir/SUBDIR
set env2 \
[berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -txn -home $testdir/SUBDIR]
error_check_good env1 [is_valid_env $env1] TRUE
error_check_good env2 [is_valid_env $env2] TRUE
# Open a database in each environment.
puts "\tTxn$tnum.b: Open a database in each environment."
set db1 [berkdb_open_noerr \
-env $env1 -create -auto_commit -btree $testfile]
set db2 [berkdb_open_noerr \
-env $env2 -create -auto_commit -btree $testfile]
# Create txns in both environments.
puts "\tTxn$tnum.c: Start a transaction in each environment."
set txn1 [$env1 txn]
set txn2 [$env2 txn]
error_check_good txn1_begin [is_valid_txn $txn1 $env1] TRUE
error_check_good txn2_begin [is_valid_txn $txn2 $env2] TRUE
# First do the puts in the correct envs, so we have something
# for the gets and deletes.
error_check_good txn1_env1 [$db1 put -txn $txn1 $key $data] 0
error_check_good txn2_env2 [$db2 put -txn $txn2 $key $data] 0
puts "\tTxn$tnum.d: Execute db put in wrong environment."
set errormsg "from different environments"
catch {$db1 put -txn $txn2 $key $data} res
error_check_good put_env1txn2 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
catch {$db2 put -txn $txn1 $key $data} res
error_check_good put_env2txn1 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
puts "\tTxn$tnum.e: Execute db get in wrong environment."
catch {$db1 get -txn $txn2 $key} res
error_check_good get_env1txn2 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
catch {$db2 get -txn $txn1 $key} res
error_check_good get_env2txn1 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
puts "\tTxn$tnum.f: Execute db del in wrong environment."
catch {$db1 del -txn $txn2 $key} res
error_check_good get_env1txn2 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
catch {$db2 del -txn $txn1 $key} res
error_check_good get_env2txn1 [is_substr $res $errormsg] 1
# Clean up.
error_check_good txn1_commit [$txn1 commit] 0
error_check_good txn2_commit [$txn2 commit] 0
error_check_good db1_close [$db1 close] 0
error_check_good db2_close [$db2 close] 0
error_check_good env1_close [$env1 close] 0
error_check_good env2_close [$env2 close] 0