Legal Notices: Information related to copyright, licensing, patents and trademarks. The author of this file is not a lawyer and the opinions herein are not legal council. If you have legal questions, contact a lawyer. Copyright: The body of work that comprises the `libdb database library` has multiple copyright holders including, but not limited to: * Oracle Corporation * The President and Fellows of Harvard University * The Regents of the University of California * Free Software Foundation * X Consortium * INRIA, France Telecom * Gary V. Vaughan * Makoto Matsumoto * Takuji Nishimura * Asim Jalis * Keith Bostic * Margo Seltzer * Gregory Burd Licensing: Oracle Corporation licenses their copyrighted portions under the terms of the Sleepyat License (docs/legal/SPL.txt The Sleepyat License's first two conditions are identical to that of the BSD 3-Clause license. Only the third condition differs by adding a copyleft-like requirement. Oracle can be contacted at The President and Fellows of Harvard University licenses their copyrighted portions under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause license (docs/legal/HARVARD.txt The Regents of the University of California licenses their copyrighted portions under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause license (docs/legal/BSD.txt INRIA, France Telecom licenses their copyrighted portions under the terms of a BSD 3-Clause license (docs/legal/ASM.txt Gregory Burd licenses his contributions to this combined work under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License version 1.0 (docs/legal/CDDL.txt Patents: There are no known patent infringements at this time. Trademarks: There are no known trademarks infringements at this time.