# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2012, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # Utility functions for multi process tests in Core and SQL # The SQL test suite shell (testfixture) lacks some basic Tcl functions # that are required by do_multi_proc_test and do_sync, like clock. # So load the tcl library if it has not already been loaded. proc load_tcl_library {} { global tcl_platform set nameexec [info nameofexecutable] if { [string match *testfixture* $nameexec] } { set loaded [info loaded] if { [lsearch $loaded tcl*] == -1 && [lsearch $loaded libtcl*] == -1 } { set isWindows 0 set os $tcl_platform(platform) set tclversion [info tclversion] if { [string equal -nocase "windows" $os] } { # Get the version number and strip the . from it for {set x 0} {$x < [string length $tclversion]} {incr x} { set char [string index $tclversion $x] if { [string equal \. $char] } { set tclversion [string replace $tclversion $x $x] } } load tcl$tclversion[info sharedlibextension] Tcl } else { load libtcl$tclversion[info sharedlibextension] Tcl } } } } load_tcl_library # do_multi_proc_test - Takes a list of scripts and executes them # as separate processes, and reports any errors or test failures # to the error log for Core tests, and the error counter for # SQL tests. Look at db/test/sql/bdb_multi_proc.test for a # test example. Output from the tests are redirected to # TESTOUTPUT/err_[script number]_[testname].txt # # name - Name of the test. # scripts - A list of scripts that will be writen to separate # files then executed by tclsh for Core tests, and testfixture # for SQL tests. # args_lists - A list of lists containing arguments to pass # to the test scripts. # verbose - Print verbose output to the script error log. proc do_multi_proc_test { name scripts args_lists {verbose 0} } { set working_dir [pwd] if [ catch {source ./include.tcl} ] { eval cd .. if [ catch {source ./include.tcl} ] { eval cd .. source ./include.tcl } } source $test_path/testutils.tcl set error_dir [pwd]/TESTOUTPUT # May have to create the test directory if in the SQL suite if { [file exists $testdir] == 0 } { file mkdir $testdir } # Create the error directory if not already there. if { [file exists $error_dir] == 0 } { file mkdir $error_dir } # Write script files as $counter_$name.tcl set counter 1 set fileNames {} set errLogs {} foreach script $scripts { set fileName "${counter}_${name}.tcl" lappend fileNames $fileName lappend errLogs "err_${counter}_${name}.txt" incr counter set aFile [open $fileName w] puts $aFile $script flush $aFile close $aFile } # Run scripts sentinel_init set pidlist {} set working_dir [pwd] # For core the executable is tclsh, for SQL it is testfixture set exec_name [info nameofexecutable] foreach fileName $fileNames errLog $errLogs arg_list $args_lists { if { $verbose } { puts "Starting script $working_dir/$fileName with arguments $arg_list, and writing to error log $error_dir/$errLog" } lappend pidlist [exec $exec_name $test_path/wrap.tcl \ $working_dir/$fileName \ $error_dir/$errLog $arg_list &] } # Wait for scripts to finish watch_procs $pidlist 1 600 0 # Clean up old script files foreach fileName $fileNames { catch {file delete -force -- $fileName} } # Check for errors in the script logs foreach errLog $errLogs { set fd [open $error_dir/$errLog r] # If this is the SQL test suite check for the success # message, and if it is not found call fail_test, # otherwise we are in the Core test suite so call error set procs [info procs fail_test] set proc_name [lindex $procs 0] if { [string match fail_test $proc_name] } { set success 0 while { [gets $fd str] != -1 } { if { [string match "0 errors out of * tests" $str] } { set success 1 break } } if {!$success} { fail_test $errLog } } else { while { [gets $fd str] != -1 } { if { [string match FAIL:* $str] || [string match Error:* $str] } { close $fd error "FAIL: found message $str" } } } close $fd } eval cd $working_dir } global ::sync_server_results # do_sync - Synchronizes a set of processes. Works by forcing each process # to block until it can connect to the servers of each other process, # and receive a connection on its server from the other processes. # Returns 0 on successful synchronization, and -1 on failure. # For an example of how to use this, go to # db/test/sql/bdb_multi_proc.test. # # myPort - Port that the other processes should connect to this process. # clientPorts - A list of ports for all other processes to # synchronize with. # timeout - The number of seconds after which the function will abandon # trying to synchronize with the other processes and will return -1. # verbose - If set to non-0 prints verbose output. # # Note that this procedure is probably not thread safe. # It is meant to be used to synchronize processes, not threads with # shared memory. The Thread Tcl library already has functions for # synchronizing threads. proc do_sync { myPort clientPorts timeout {verbose 0} } { package require Thread #Get the number of clients set numClients [llength $clientPorts] unset -nocomplain ::sync_server_results # Accept connections to the server until timeout is reached set server_thread [thread::create { global ::numCon global ::numClients global ::server_connections # Called by the server to keep track of how many connections have # occured. proc my_connections {sock addr port} { puts $sock "success" close $sock incr ::numCon # Race condition does not matter here since we can set # server_connections to 0 twice without a problem if { $::numCon >= $::numClients } { set ::server_connections 0 } } proc run_server { myPort clients timeout verbose} { set ::numCon 0 set ::numClients $clients # Loop until the server connects to all clients or the timeout # is hit. This is in case one of the client sockets grabed # the server port as its local port. set id [after [expr {int($timeout * 1000)}] \ set ::server_connections -1] while { [info exists ::server_connections] == 0 } { if [catch { socket -server my_connections -myaddr \ $myPort } server ] { #if {$verbose} { # puts "Could not create server at $myPort because of: $server. RETRYING" #} catch { close $server } } else { vwait ::server_connections after cancel $id close $server } } if { $verbose } { if { $::server_connections == -1 } { puts "Failure, server at port $myPort reached timeout of $timeout seconds before recieving $::numClients connections." } else { puts "Success, server at port $myPort completed connections to $::numClients clients before timeout of $timeout seconds." } } catch {close $server} set ::sync_server_results $::server_connections } thread::wait }] #start the server thread if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp]Starting server at port $myPort." } thread::send -async $server_thread \ "run_server $myPort $numClients $timeout $verbose" \ ::sync_server_results # Try to connect to each client. If timeout, set an error # return value and quit trying to connect. global ::clientconnected unset -nocomplain ::clientconnected # After the timeout is reached, set ::clientconnected. set id [after [expr {int($timeout * 1000)}] \ set ::clientconnected -1] foreach clientPort $clientPorts { set returnVal -1 if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp] Attempting to contact the server at $clientPort." } # Loop until the client connects to the server or the timeout # is hit. while { $returnVal == -1 && [info exists ::clientconnected] == 0 } { update if [ catch { socket $clientPort } s ] { #if {$verbose} { # puts "[timestamp] Could not connect to server at $clientPort because of: $s, RETRYING" #} catch {close $s} } else { if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp] Client connection info: [fconfigure $s -sockname]" } # Sometimes the client socket will pick the port it is trying # to connect to as the port to use on its side, resulting in # it connecting to itself set portInfo [fconfigure $s -sockname] set portOffset [string last " " $portInfo] incr portOffset set portInfo [string range $portInfo $portOffset end] if { $portInfo == $clientPort } { set returnVal -1 } else { set line "Could not read server" if { ![eof $s] } { set line [gets $s] } if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp] Read the following from the server: $line" } if { [string match success* $line] } { set returnVal 0 } else { set returnVal -1 } } catch {close $s} } } if { $returnVal == -1 } { if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp] Failed to connect to server at port $clientPort before timeout of $timeout" } break } if { $verbose } { puts "[timestamp] Succeeded in completing connection to server at $clientPort" } } after cancel $id if { $verbose } { if { $returnVal == -1 } { puts "[timestamp] Failed to connect ot all servers at ports: $clientPorts" } else { puts "[timestamp] Succeeded in connecting to all servers at ports: $clientPorts" } } # wait on the server thread to finish if we have not already # timed out if { [eval info exists ::sync_server_results] == 0 } { vwait ::sync_server_results } thread::release $server_thread if { $verbose } { if { $::sync_server_results == -1 } { puts "[timestamp] Failed, server at port $myPort failed to connect to all clients by timeout $timeout seconds." } else { puts "[timestamp] Succeeded, server at port $myPort suceeded in connecting to al clients." } } if { $::sync_server_results == -1 } { set returnVal -1 } after 500 set returnVal }