# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # # TEST mut001 # TEST Exercise the mutex API. # TEST # TEST Allocate, lock, unlock, and free a bunch of mutexes. # TEST Set basic configuration options and check mutex_stat and # TEST the mutex getters for the correct values. proc mut001 { } { source ./include.tcl env_cleanup $testdir puts "Mut001: Basic mutex interface testing." # Open an env. set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -private -mutex_set_incr 100] # Allocate, lock, unlock, and free a bunch of mutexes. set nmutexes 100 puts "\tMut001.a: Allocate a bunch of mutexes." for { set i 0 } { $i < $nmutexes } { incr i } { set mutexid($i) [$env mutex] } puts "\tMut001.b: Lock the mutexes." for { set i 0 } { $i < $nmutexes } { incr i } { error_check_good mutex_lock [$env mutex_lock $mutexid($i)] 0 } puts "\tMut001.c: Unlock the mutexes." for { set i 0 } { $i < $nmutexes } { incr i } { error_check_good mutex_unlock [$env mutex_unlock $mutexid($i)] 0 } puts "\tMut001.d: Free the mutexes." for { set i 0 } { $i < $nmutexes } { incr i } { error_check_good mutex_free [$env mutex_free $mutexid($i)] 0 } # Clean up the env. We'll need new envs to test the configuration # options, because they cannot be set after the env is open. error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir puts "\tMut001.e: Set the mutex alignment." set mutex_align 8 set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -mutex_set_align $mutex_align] set stat_align [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex align"] set get_align [$env mutex_get_align] error_check_good stat_align $stat_align $mutex_align error_check_good get_align $get_align $mutex_align # Find the number of mutexes allocated by default. We'll need # this later, when we try the "mutex_set_increment" option. set default_count [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex count"] error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir puts "\tMut001.f: Set the maximum number of mutexes." set mutex_count 2000 set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -mutex_set_max $mutex_count] set stat_count [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex max"] set get_count [$env mutex_get_max] error_check_good stat_count $stat_count $mutex_count error_check_good get_count $get_count $mutex_count error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir puts "\tMut001.g: Raise the maximum number of mutexes." set mutex_incr 500 set mutex_count [expr $default_count + $mutex_incr] set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir \ -mutex_set_max $default_count -mutex_set_incr $mutex_incr] set stat_count [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex max"] error_check_good stat_increment $stat_count $mutex_count set get_count [$env mutex_get_max] error_check_good get_increment $get_count $mutex_count error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir puts "\tMut001.h: Set and reset the number of TAS mutex spins." set mutex_tas_spins 50 set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -mutex_set_tas_spins $mutex_tas_spins] set stat_spins [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex TAS spins"] error_check_good stat_spins $stat_spins $mutex_tas_spins set get_spins [$env mutex_get_tas_spins] error_check_good get_spins $get_spins $mutex_tas_spins # TAS spins can be reset any time. set mutex_tas_spins 1 error_check_good reset_spins [$env mutex_set_tas_spins $mutex_tas_spins] 0 set stat_spins [stat_field $env mutex_stat "Mutex TAS spins"] error_check_good stat_spins_reset $stat_spins $mutex_tas_spins set get_spins [$env mutex_get_tas_spins] error_check_good get_spins_reset $get_spins $mutex_tas_spins error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir }