/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using BerkeleyDB; using NUnit.Framework; namespace CsharpAPITest { public class Configuration { public static Random random = new Random(); /* * Configure the value with data in xml and return true or * false to indicate if the value is configured. If there * is no testing data and it is optional, return false. If * there is no testing data in xml and it is compulsory, * ConfigNotFoundException will be thrown. If any testing * data is provided, the value will be set by the testing * data and true will be returned. */ #region Config public static void ConfigAckPolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref AckPolicy ackPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { string policy = xmlNode.InnerText; if (policy == "ALL") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.ALL; else if (policy == "ALL_PEERS") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.ALL_PEERS; else if (policy == "NONE") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.NONE; else if (policy == "ONE") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.ONE; else if (policy == "ONE_PEER") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.ONE_PEER; else if (policy == "QUORUM") ackPolicy = AckPolicy.QUORUM; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); } } public static bool ConfigBool(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref bool value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); value = bool.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigByteOrder(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref ByteOrder byteOrder, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); byteOrder = ByteOrder.FromConst( int.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText)); return true; } public static bool ConfigByteMatrix(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref byte[,] byteMatrix, bool compulsory) { int i, j, matrixLen; XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); matrixLen = xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count; byte[,] matrix = new byte[matrixLen, matrixLen]; for (i = 0; i < matrixLen; i++) { if (xmlNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes.Count != matrixLen) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); for (j = 0; j < matrixLen; j++) { matrix[i, j] = byte.Parse( xmlNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText); } } byteMatrix = matrix; return true; } public static bool ConfigCacheInfo(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref CacheInfo cacheSize, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; XmlNode xmlChildNode; uint bytes; uint gigabytes; int nCaches; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Bytes")) != null) { bytes = uint.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Gigabytes")) != null) { gigabytes = uint.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "NCaches")) != null) { nCaches = int.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); cacheSize = new CacheInfo(gigabytes,bytes,nCaches); return true; } } } } return false; } public static bool ConfigCachePriority(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref CachePriority cachePriority, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; string priority; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); priority = xmlNode.InnerText; if (priority == "DEFAULT") cachePriority = CachePriority.DEFAULT; else if (priority == "HIGH") cachePriority = CachePriority.HIGH; else if (priority == "LOW") cachePriority = CachePriority.LOW; else if (priority == "VERY_HIGH") cachePriority = CachePriority.VERY_HIGH; else if (priority == "VERY_LOW") cachePriority = CachePriority.VERY_LOW; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigCreatePolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref CreatePolicy createPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); if (xmlNode.InnerText == "ALWAYS") createPolicy = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS; else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "IF_NEEDED") createPolicy = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED; else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "NEVER") createPolicy = CreatePolicy.NEVER; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigDuplicatesPolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref DuplicatesPolicy duplicatePolicy,bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); if (xmlNode.InnerText == "NONE") duplicatePolicy = DuplicatesPolicy.NONE; else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "SORTED") duplicatePolicy = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED; else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "UNSORTED") duplicatePolicy = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigDateTime(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref DateTime time, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); time = DateTime.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigDeadlockPolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref DeadlockPolicy deadlockPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); string policy = xmlNode.InnerText; if (policy == "DEFAULT") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.DEFAULT; else if (policy == "EXPIRE") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.EXPIRE; else if (policy == "MAX_LOCKS") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.MAX_LOCKS; else if (policy == "MAX_WRITE") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.MAX_WRITE; else if (policy == "MIN_LOCKS") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.MIN_LOCKS; else if (policy == "MIN_WRITE") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.MIN_WRITE; else if (policy == "OLDEST") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.OLDEST; else if (policy == "RANDOM") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.RANDOM; else if (policy == "YOUNGEST") deadlockPolicy = DeadlockPolicy.YOUNGEST; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigEncryption(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DatabaseConfig dbConfig, bool compulsory) { EncryptionAlgorithm alg; XmlNode xmlNode; string tmp, password; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); password = XMLReader.GetNode((XmlElement)xmlNode, "password").InnerText; tmp = XMLReader.GetNode((XmlElement)xmlNode, "algorithm").InnerText; if (tmp == "AES") alg = EncryptionAlgorithm.AES; else alg = EncryptionAlgorithm.DEFAULT; dbConfig.SetEncryption(password, alg); return true; } public static bool ConfigInt(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref int value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); value = int.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigIsolation(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref Isolation value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; int isolationDegree; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); isolationDegree = int.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); if (isolationDegree == 1) value = Isolation.DEGREE_ONE; else if (isolationDegree == 2) value = Isolation.DEGREE_TWO; else if (isolationDegree == 3) value = Isolation.DEGREE_THREE; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigLogFlush(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref TransactionConfig.LogFlush value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; string logFlush; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); logFlush = xmlNode.InnerText; if (logFlush == "DEFAULT") value = TransactionConfig.LogFlush.DEFAULT; else if (logFlush == "NOSYNC") value = TransactionConfig.LogFlush.NOSYNC; else if (logFlush == "WRITE_NOSYNC") value = TransactionConfig.LogFlush.WRITE_NOSYNC; else if (logFlush == "SYNC") value = TransactionConfig.LogFlush.SYNC; else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); return true; } public static bool ConfigLong(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref long value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); value = long.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigMaxSequentialWrites( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, MPoolConfig mpoolConfig, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; uint pause; int writes; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); pause = uint.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "pause").InnerText); writes = int.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode,"maxWrites").InnerText); mpoolConfig.SetMaxSequentialWrites(writes, pause); return true; } public static bool ConfigReplicationHostAddress( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref DbSiteConfig siteConfig, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode( xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); siteConfig.Host = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Host").InnerText; siteConfig.Port = uint.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Port").InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigString(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref string valChar, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); valChar = xmlNode.InnerText; return true; } public static bool ConfigStringList(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref List strings, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); XmlNodeList list = xmlNode.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) strings.Add(list[i].InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigUint(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref uint value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); value = uint.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); return true; } public static bool ConfigVerboseMessages( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ref VerboseMessages verbose, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == false) return false; else if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "AllFileOps", ref verbose.AllFileOps, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Deadlock", ref verbose.Deadlock, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "FileOps", ref verbose.FileOps, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Recovery", ref verbose.Recovery, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Register", ref verbose.Register, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Replication", ref verbose.Replication, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationElection", ref verbose.ReplicationElection, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationLease", ref verbose.ReplicationLease, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationMessages", ref verbose.ReplicationMessages, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationMisc", ref verbose.ReplicationMisc, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationSync", ref verbose.ReplicationSync, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "RepMgrConnectionFailure", ref verbose.RepMgrConnectionFailure, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "RepMgrMisc", ref verbose.RepMgrMisc, compulsory); ConfigBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "WaitsForTable", ref verbose.WaitsForTable, compulsory); return true; } #endregion Config /* * Confirm that the given value is the same with that in * xml. If there is no testing data in xml and it is * compulsory, the ConfigNotFoundException will be thrown. * If there is no testing data and it is optional, nothing * will be done. If any testing data is provided, the value * will be checked. */ #region Confirm public static void ConfirmAckPolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, AckPolicy ackPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { string policy = xmlNode.InnerText; if (policy == "ALL") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.ALL, ackPolicy); else if (policy == "ALL_PEERS") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.ALL_PEERS, ackPolicy); else if (policy == "NONE") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.NONE, ackPolicy); else if (policy == "ONE") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.ONE, ackPolicy); else if (policy == "ONE_PEER") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.ONE_PEER, ackPolicy); else if (policy == "QUORUM") Assert.AreEqual(AckPolicy.QUORUM, ackPolicy); else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); } } public static void ConfirmBool(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, bool value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; bool expected; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count > 1) { expected = bool.Parse( xmlNode.FirstChild.NextSibling.InnerText); Assert.AreEqual(expected, value); } } } /* * If configure MACHINE, the ByteOrder in database will * switch to LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN according to the * current machine. */ public static void ConfirmByteOrder(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, ByteOrder byteOrder, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; ByteOrder specOrder; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { specOrder = ByteOrder.FromConst(int.Parse( xmlNode.InnerText)); if (specOrder == ByteOrder.MACHINE) Assert.AreNotEqual(specOrder, byteOrder); else Assert.AreEqual(specOrder, byteOrder); } } public static void ConfirmByteMatrix(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, byte[,] byteMatrix, bool compulsory) { int i, j, matrixLen; XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { /* * If the length of the 2 matrixes are not * the same, the matrixes are definately * not equal. */ matrixLen = xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count; Assert.AreEqual(matrixLen * matrixLen,byteMatrix.Length); /* * Go over every element in the matrix to * see if the same with the given xml data. */ for (i = 0; i < matrixLen; i++) { if (xmlNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes.Count != matrixLen) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); for (j = 0; j < matrixLen; j++) Assert.AreEqual( byte.Parse(xmlNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].InnerText), byteMatrix[i, j]); } } } public static void ConfirmCachePriority(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, CachePriority priority, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.InnerText == "DEFAULT") Assert.AreEqual(CachePriority.DEFAULT, priority); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "HIGH") Assert.AreEqual(CachePriority.HIGH, priority); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "LOW") Assert.AreEqual(CachePriority.LOW, priority); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "VERY_HIGH") Assert.AreEqual(CachePriority.VERY_HIGH, priority); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "VERY_LOW") Assert.AreEqual(CachePriority.VERY_LOW, priority); } } public static void ConfirmCacheSize(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, CacheInfo cache, bool compulsory) { uint bytes; uint gigabytes; int nCaches; XmlNode xmlNode; XmlNode xmlChildNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Bytes")) != null) { bytes = uint.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Gigabytes")) != null) { gigabytes = uint.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "NCaches")) != null) { nCaches = int.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); Assert.LessOrEqual(bytes, cache.Bytes); Assert.AreEqual(gigabytes, cache.Gigabytes); Assert.AreEqual(nCaches, cache.NCaches); } } } } } /* * If bytes in CacheSize is assigned, the bytes in cachesize * couldn't be the default one. */ public static void ConfirmCacheSize(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, CacheInfo cache, uint defaultCache, bool compulsory) { uint bytes; uint gigabytes; int nCaches; XmlNode xmlNode; XmlNode xmlChildNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Bytes")) != null) { bytes = defaultCache; if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Gigabytes")) != null) { gigabytes = uint.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); if ((xmlChildNode = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "NCaches")) != null) { nCaches = int.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText); Assert.AreNotEqual(bytes, cache.Bytes); Assert.AreEqual(gigabytes, cache.Gigabytes); Assert.AreEqual(nCaches, cache.NCaches); } } } } } public static void ConfirmCreatePolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, CreatePolicy createPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.InnerText == "ALWAYS") Assert.IsTrue(createPolicy.Equals(CreatePolicy.ALWAYS)); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "IF_NEEDED") Assert.IsTrue(createPolicy.Equals(CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED)); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "NEVER") Assert.IsTrue(createPolicy.Equals(CreatePolicy.NEVER)); } } public static void ConfirmDataBaseType(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DatabaseType dbType, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.InnerText == "BTREE") Assert.AreEqual(dbType, DatabaseType.BTREE); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "HASH") Assert.AreEqual(dbType, DatabaseType.HASH); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "QUEUE") Assert.AreEqual(dbType, DatabaseType.QUEUE); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "RECNO") Assert.AreEqual(dbType, DatabaseType.RECNO); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "UNKNOWN") Assert.AreEqual(dbType, DatabaseType.UNKNOWN); } } public static void ConfirmDateTime(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DateTime time, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse( xmlNode.InnerText), time); } public static void ConfirmDeadlockPolicy(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DeadlockPolicy deadlockPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { string policy = xmlNode.InnerText; if (policy == "DEFAULT") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.DEFAULT, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "EXPIRE") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.EXPIRE, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "MAX_LOCKS") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.MAX_LOCKS, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "MAX_WRITE") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.MAX_WRITE, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "MIN_LOCKS") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.MIN_LOCKS, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "MIN_WRITE") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.MIN_WRITE, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "OLDEST") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.OLDEST, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "RANDOM") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.RANDOM, deadlockPolicy); else if (policy == "YOUNGEST") Assert.AreEqual(DeadlockPolicy.YOUNGEST, deadlockPolicy); else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); } } public static void ConfirmDuplicatesPolicy( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DuplicatesPolicy duplicatedPolicy, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.InnerText == "NONE") Assert.AreEqual(duplicatedPolicy, DuplicatesPolicy.NONE); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "SORTED") Assert.AreEqual(duplicatedPolicy, DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED); else if (xmlNode.InnerText == "UNSORTED") Assert.AreEqual(duplicatedPolicy, DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED); } } public static void ConfirmEncryption(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, string dPwd, EncryptionAlgorithm dAlg, bool compulsory) { EncryptionAlgorithm alg; XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { string password = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "password").InnerText; string tmp = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "algorithm").InnerText; if (tmp == "AES") alg = EncryptionAlgorithm.AES; else alg = EncryptionAlgorithm.DEFAULT; Assert.AreEqual(dAlg, alg); Assert.AreEqual(dPwd, dPwd); } } public static void ConfirmInt(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, int value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) Assert.AreEqual(int.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText), value); } public static void ConfirmIsolation(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, Isolation value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; int isolationDegree; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { isolationDegree = int.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText); if (isolationDegree == 1) Assert.AreEqual(Isolation.DEGREE_ONE, value); else if (isolationDegree == 2) Assert.AreEqual(Isolation.DEGREE_TWO, value); else if (isolationDegree == 3) Assert.AreEqual(Isolation.DEGREE_THREE, value); else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); } } public static void ConfirmLogFlush(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, TransactionConfig.LogFlush value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; string logFlush; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { logFlush = xmlNode.InnerText; if (logFlush == "DEFAULT") Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConfig.LogFlush.DEFAULT, value); else if (logFlush == "NOSYNC") Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConfig.LogFlush.NOSYNC, value); else if (logFlush == "WRITE_NOSYNC") Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConfig.LogFlush.WRITE_NOSYNC, value); else if (logFlush == "SYNC") Assert.AreEqual(TransactionConfig.LogFlush.SYNC, value); else throw new InvalidConfigException(name); } } public static void ConfirmLong(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, long value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) Assert.AreEqual(long.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText), value); } public static void ConfirmMaxSequentialWrites( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, uint mPause, int mWrites, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; uint pause; int writes; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { writes = int.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "maxWrites").InnerText); pause = uint.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "pause").InnerText); Assert.AreEqual(mPause, pause); Assert.AreEqual(mWrites, writes); } } public static void ConfirmReplicationHostAddress( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, DbSiteConfig siteConfig, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { string host = XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Host").InnerText; uint port = uint.Parse(XMLReader.GetNode( (XmlElement)xmlNode, "Port").InnerText); Assert.AreEqual(host, siteConfig.Host); Assert.AreEqual(port, siteConfig.Port); } } public static void ConfirmString(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, string str, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; if (str != null) { xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.HasChildNodes) Assert.AreEqual( xmlNode.FirstChild.InnerText, str); } } } public static void ConfirmStringList(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, List strings, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; if (strings != null) { xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { if (xmlNode.HasChildNodes) { XmlNodeList list = xmlNode.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count;i++) Assert.IsTrue( strings.Contains(list[i].InnerText)); } } } } public static void ConfirmUint(XmlElement xmlElem, string name, uint value, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode; xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) Assert.AreEqual(uint.Parse(xmlNode.InnerText), value); } public static void ConfirmVerboseMessages( XmlElement xmlElem, string name, VerboseMessages verbose, bool compulsory) { XmlNode xmlNode = XMLReader.GetNode(xmlElem, name); if (xmlNode == null && compulsory == true) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(name); else if (xmlNode != null) { ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "AllFileOps", verbose.AllFileOps, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Deadlock", verbose.Deadlock, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "FileOps", verbose.FileOps, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Recovery", verbose.Recovery, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Register", verbose.Register, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "Replication", verbose.Replication, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationElection", verbose.ReplicationElection, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationLease", verbose.ReplicationLease, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationMessages", verbose.ReplicationMessages, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationMisc", verbose.ReplicationMisc, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "ReplicationSync", verbose.ReplicationSync, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "RepMgrConnectionFailure", verbose.RepMgrConnectionFailure, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode, "RepMgrMisc", verbose.RepMgrMisc, compulsory); ConfirmBool((XmlElement)xmlNode,"WaitsForTable", verbose.WaitsForTable, compulsory); } } #endregion Confirm public static void dbtFromString(DatabaseEntry dbt, string s) { dbt.Data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); } public static string strFromDBT(DatabaseEntry dbt) { System.Text.ASCIIEncoding decode = new ASCIIEncoding(); return decode.GetString(dbt.Data); } /* * Reading params successfully returns true. Unless returns * false. The retrieved Xml fragment is returning in xmlElem. */ public static XmlElement TestSetUp(string testFixtureName, string testName) { XMLReader xmlReader = new XMLReader("../../AllTestData.xml"); XmlElement xmlElem = xmlReader.GetXmlElement(testFixtureName, testName); if (xmlElem == null) throw new ConfigNotFoundException(testFixtureName + ":" + testName); else return xmlElem; } /* * Delete existing test output directory and its files, * then create a new one. */ public static void ClearDir(string testDir) { if (Directory.Exists(testDir)) Directory.Delete(testDir, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(testDir); } public static string RandomString(int max) { string text = ""; int len = random.Next(max); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) text += "a"; return text; } } }