/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; using BerkeleyDB; namespace CsharpAPITest { [TestFixture] public class HashCursorTest : CSharpTestFixture { [TestFixtureSetUp] public void SetUpTestFixture() { testFixtureName = "HashCursorTest"; base.SetUpTestfixture(); } [Test] public void TestAddToLoc() { HashDatabase db; HashCursor cursor; KeyValuePair pair; testName = "TestAddToLoc"; SetUpTest(true); /* * Open a hash database and cursor and then * add record("key", "data") into database. */ GetHashDBAndCursor(testHome, testName, out db, out cursor); AddOneByCursor(cursor); /* * Add the new record("key","data1") as the first * of the data item of "key". */ pair = new KeyValuePair( new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"))); cursor.Add(pair, Cursor.InsertLocation.FIRST); /* * Confirm that the new record is added as the first of * the data item of "key". */ cursor.Move(new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), true); Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"), cursor.Current.Value.Data); cursor.Close(); db.Close(); } [Test] public void TestAddUnique() { HashDatabase db; HashCursor cursor; KeyValuePair pair; testName = "TestAddUnique"; SetUpTest(true); // Open a database and cursor. HashDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new HashDatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED; /* * To put no duplicate data, the database should be * set to be sorted. */ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED; db = HashDatabase.Open( testHome + "/" + testName + ".db", dbConfig); cursor = db.Cursor(); // Add record("key", "data") into database. AddOneByCursor(cursor); /* * Fail to add duplicate record("key","data"). */ pair = new KeyValuePair( new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"))); try { cursor.AddUnique(pair); } catch (KeyExistException) { } finally { cursor.Close(); db.Close(); } } [Test] public void TestDuplicate() { HashDatabase db; HashCursor cursor, dupCursor; KeyValuePair pair; testName = "TestDuplicate"; SetUpTest(true); GetHashDBAndCursor(testHome, testName, out db, out cursor); /* * Add a record("key", "data") by cursor and move * the cursor to the current record. */ AddOneByCursor(cursor); cursor.Refresh(); //Duplicate a new cursor to the same position. dupCursor = cursor.Duplicate(true); // Overwrite the record. dupCursor.Overwrite(new DatabaseEntry( ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("newdata"))); // Confirm that the original data doesn't exist. pair = new KeyValuePair( new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"))); Assert.IsFalse(dupCursor.Move(pair, true)); dupCursor.Close(); cursor.Close(); db.Close(); } [Test] public void TestInsertToLoc() { HashDatabase db; HashDatabaseConfig dbConfig; HashCursor cursor; DatabaseEntry data; KeyValuePair pair; string dbFileName; testName = "TestInsertToLoc"; SetUpTest(true); dbFileName = testHome + "/" + testName + ".db"; // Open database and cursor. dbConfig = new HashDatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED; /* * The database should be set to be unsorted to * insert before/after a certain record. */ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED; db = HashDatabase.Open(dbFileName, dbConfig); cursor = db.Cursor(); // Add record("key", "data") into database. AddOneByCursor(cursor); /* * Insert the new record("key","data1") after the * record("key", "data"). */ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1")); cursor.Insert(data, Cursor.InsertLocation.AFTER); /* * Move the cursor to the record("key", "data") and * confirm that the next record is the one just inserted. */ pair = new KeyValuePair( new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"))); Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(pair, true)); Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNext()); Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"), cursor.Current.Key.Data); Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"), cursor.Current.Value.Data); try { try { cursor.Insert(data, Cursor.InsertLocation.FIRST); throw new TestException(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } try { cursor.Insert(data, Cursor.InsertLocation.LAST); throw new TestException(); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } finally { cursor.Close(); db.Close(); } } public void GetHashDBAndCursor(string home, string name, out HashDatabase db, out HashCursor cursor) { string dbFileName = home + "/" + name + ".db"; HashDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new HashDatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED; db = HashDatabase.Open(dbFileName, dbConfig); cursor = db.Cursor(); } public void AddOneByCursor(HashCursor cursor) { DatabaseEntry key, data; KeyValuePair pair; key = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")); data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data")); pair = new KeyValuePair(key, data); cursor.Add(pair); } } }