%%% Some very simple glue for starting fiddler from the command line. -module(fiddler1). -export([start/0, start3/0, startn/1]). start() -> fiddler:start([{7001,6001},{7000,6000}]). start3() -> fiddler:start([{7001,6001},{7000,6000},{7002,6002}]). %%% %%% Allows all TCP ports to be configured on the command line. The %%% syntax would be something like: %%% %%% erl -noshell -s fiddler1 startn 8000 '[{7001,6001},{7000,6000}]' %%% %%% where "8000" is the manager port, and the list of tuples gives the %%% pass-through configuration. %%% startn([MP|[Cfg|[]]]) -> io:format("we got ~p and ~p~n", [MP,Cfg]), MgrPort = list_to_integer(atom_to_list(MP)), {ok,Tokens,_} = erl_scan:string(lists:append(atom_to_list(Cfg), ".")), {ok,Config} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens), fiddler:start(MgrPort, Config).