# Automatically built by dist/s_test; may require local editing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= backup Test of hotbackup functionality. Do all the of the following tests with and without the -c (checkpoint) option; and with and without the transactional bulk loading optimization. Make sure that -c and -d (data_dir) are not allowed together. (1) Test that plain and simple hotbackup works. (2) Test with -data_dir (-d). (3) Test updating an existing hot backup (-u). (4) Test with absolute path. (5) Test with DB_CONFIG (-D), setting log_dir (-l) and data_dir (-d). (6) DB_CONFIG and update. (7) Repeat hot backup (non-update) with DB_CONFIG and existing directories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bigfile001 Create a database greater than 4 GB in size. Close, verify. Grow the database somewhat. Close, reverify. Lather, rinse, repeat. Since it will not work on all systems, this test is not run by default. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bigfile002 This one should be faster and not require so much disk space, although it doesn't test as extensively. Create an mpool file with 1K pages. Dirty page 6000000. Sync. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cold-boot a 4-site group. The first two sites start quickly and initiate an election. The other two sites don't join the election until the middle of the long full election timeout period. It's important that the number of sites that start immediately be a sub-majority, because that's the case that used to have a bug in it [#18456]. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dbm Historic DBM interface test. Use the first 1000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Then reopen the file, re-retrieve everything. Finally, delete everything. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= db_reptest Wrapper to configure and run the db_reptest program. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead001 Use two different configurations to test deadlock detection among a variable number of processes. One configuration has the processes deadlocked in a ring. The other has the processes all deadlocked on a single resource. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead002 Same test as dead001, but use "detect on every collision" instead of separate deadlock detector. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead003 Same test as dead002, but explicitly specify DB_LOCK_OLDEST and DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST. Verify the correct lock was aborted/granted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead006 use timeouts rather than the normal dd algorithm. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead007 Tests for locker and txn id wraparound. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead008 Run dead001 deadlock test using priorities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead009 Run dead002 deadlock test using priorities =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead010 Same test as dead003, except the actual youngest and oldest will have higher priorities. Verify that the oldest/youngest of the lower priority lockers gets killed. Doesn't apply to 2 procs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead011 Test out the minlocks, maxlocks, and minwrites options to the deadlock detector when priorities are used. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env001 Test of env remove interface (formerly env_remove). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env002 Test of DB_LOG_DIR and env name resolution. With an environment path specified using -home, and then again with it specified by the environment variable DB_HOME: 1) Make sure that the set_lg_dir option is respected a) as a relative pathname. b) as an absolute pathname. 2) Make sure that the DB_LOG_DIR db_config argument is respected, again as relative and absolute pathnames. 3) Make sure that if -both- db_config and a file are present, only the file is respected (see doc/env/naming.html). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env003 Test DB_TMP_DIR and env name resolution With an environment path specified using -home, and then again with it specified by the environment variable DB_HOME: 1) Make sure that the DB_TMP_DIR config file option is respected a) as a relative pathname. b) as an absolute pathname. 2) Make sure that the -tmp_dir config option is respected, again as relative and absolute pathnames. 3) Make sure that if -both- -tmp_dir and a file are present, only the file is respected (see doc/env/naming.html). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env004 Test multiple data directories. Do a bunch of different opens to make sure that the files are detected in different directories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env005 Test that using subsystems without initializing them correctly returns an error. Cannot test mpool, because it is assumed in the Tcl code. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env006 Make sure that all the utilities exist and run. Test that db_load -r options don't blow up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env007 Test DB_CONFIG config file options for berkdb env. 1) Make sure command line option is respected 2) Make sure that config file option is respected 3) Make sure that if -both- DB_CONFIG and the set_ method is used, only the file is respected. Then test all known config options. Also test config options on berkdb open. This isn't really env testing, but there's no better place to put it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env008 Test environments and subdirectories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env009 Test calls to all the various stat functions. We have several sprinkled throughout the test suite, but this will ensure that we run all of them at least once. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env010 Run recovery in an empty directory, and then make sure we can still create a database in that directory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env011 Run with region overwrite flag. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env012 Test DB_REGISTER. DB_REGISTER will fail on systems without fcntl. If it fails, make sure we got the expected DB_OPNOTSUP return. Then, the real tests: For each test, we start a process that opens an env with -register. 1. Verify that a 2nd process can enter the existing env with -register. 2. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process can enter with "-register -recover". 3. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process cannot enter with just "-register". 4. While the 1st process is still running, a 2nd process enters with "-register". Kill the 1st process. Verify that a 3rd process can enter with "-register -recover". Verify that the 3rd process, entering, causes process 2 to fail with the message DB_RUNRECOVERY. 5. We had a bug where recovery was always run with -register if there were empty slots in the process registry file. Verify that recovery doesn't automatically run if there is an empty slot. 6. Verify process cannot connect when specifying -failchk and an isalive function has not been declared. 7. Verify that a 2nd process can enter the existing env with -register and -failchk and having specified an isalive function 8. Kill the 1st process, and verify that the 2nd process can enter with "-register -failchk -recover" 9. 2nd process enters with "-register -failchk". Kill the 1st process. 2nd process may get blocked on a mutex held by process one. Verify 3rd process can enter with "-register -recover -failchk". 3rd process should run failchk, clear out open txn/log from process 1. It will enter env without need for any additional recovery. We look for "Freeing log information .." sentence in the log for 3rd process as an indication that failchk ran. If DB_RUNRECOVERY were returned instead it would mean failchk could not recover. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env013 Test of basic functionality of fileid_reset. Create a database in an env. Copy it to a new file within the same env. Reset the file id and make sure it has changed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env014 Make sure that attempts to open an environment with incompatible flags (e.g. replication without transactions) fail with the appropriate messages. A new thread of control joining an env automatically initializes the same subsystems as the original env. Make sure that the attempt to change subsystems when joining an env fails with the appropriate messages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env015 Rename the underlying directory of an env, make sure everything still works. Test runs with regular named databases and with in-memory named databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env016 Replication settings and DB_CONFIG Create a DB_CONFIG for various replication settings. Use rep_stat or getter functions to verify they're set correctly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env017 Check documented "stat" fields against the fields returned by the "stat" functions. Make sure they match, and that none are missing. These are the stat functions we test: env log_stat env lock_stat env txn_stat env mutex_stat env rep_stat env repmgr_stat env mpool_stat db stat seq stat db compact_stat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env018 Test getters when joining an env. When a second handle is opened on an existing env, get_open_flags needs to return the correct flags to the second handle so it knows what sort of environment it's just joined. For several different flags to env_open, open an env. Open a second handle on the same env, get_open_flags and verify the flag is returned. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env019 Test that stats are correctly set and reported when an env is accessed from a second process. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env020 Check if the output information for stat_print is expected. These are the stat_print functions we test: env stat_print env lock_stat_print env log_stat_print env mpool_stat_print env mutex_stat_print env rep_stat_print env repmgr_stat_print env txn_stat_print db stat_print seq stat_print =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= env021 Test the operations on a transaction in a CDS environment. These are the operations we test: $txn abort $txn commit $txn id $txn prepare $txn setname name $txn getname $txn discard $txn set_timeout In these operations, we only support the following: $txn id $txn commit =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop001.tcl Test two file system operations combined in one transaction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop002.tcl Test file system operations in the presence of bad permissions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop003 Test behavior of create and truncate for compatibility with sendmail. 1. DB_TRUNCATE is not allowed with locking or transactions. 2. Can -create into zero-length existing file. 3. Can -create into non-zero-length existing file if and only if DB_TRUNCATE is specified. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop004 Test of DB->rename(). (formerly test075) Test that files can be renamed from one directory to another. Test that files can be renamed using absolute or relative pathnames. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop005 Test of DB->remove() Formerly test080. Test use of dbremove with and without envs, with absolute and relative paths, and with subdirectories. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop006 Test file system operations in multiple simultaneous transactions. Start one transaction, do a file operation. Start a second transaction, do a file operation. Abort or commit txn1, then abort or commit txn2, and check for appropriate outcome. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop007 Test file system operations on named in-memory databases. Combine two ops in one transaction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop008 Test file system operations on named in-memory databases. Combine two ops in one transaction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop009 Test file system operations in child transactions. Combine two ops in one child transaction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop010 Test file system operations in child transactions. Two ops, each in its own child txn. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop011 Test file system operations in child transactions. Combine two ops in one child transaction, with in-emory databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fop012 Test file system operations in child transactions. Two ops, each in its own child txn, with in-memory dbs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= jointest Test duplicate assisted joins. Executes 1, 2, 3 and 4-way joins with differing index orders and selectivity. We'll test 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way joins and figure that if those work, everything else does as well. We'll create test databases called join1.db, join2.db, join3.db, and join4.db. The number on the database describes the duplication -- duplicates are of the form 0, N, 2N, 3N, ... where N is the number of the database. Primary.db is the primary database, and null.db is the database that has no matching duplicates. We should test this on all btrees, all hash, and a combination thereof =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock001 Make sure that the basic lock tests work. Do some simple gets and puts for a single locker. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock002 Exercise basic multi-process aspects of lock. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock003 Exercise multi-process aspects of lock. Generate a bunch of parallel testers that try to randomly obtain locks; make sure that the locks correctly protect corresponding objects. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock004 Test locker ids wraping around. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock005 Check that page locks are being released properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= lock006 Test lock_vec interface. We do all the same things that lock001 does, using lock_vec instead of lock_get and lock_put, plus a few more things like lock-coupling. 1. Get and release one at a time. 2. Release with put_obj (all locks for a given locker/obj). 3. Release with put_all (all locks for a given locker). Regularly check lock_stat to verify all locks have been released. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log001 Read/write log records. Test with and without fixed-length, in-memory logging, and encryption. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log002 Tests multiple logs Log truncation LSN comparison and file functionality. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log003 Verify that log_flush is flushing records correctly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log004 Make sure that if we do PREVs on a log, but the beginning of the log has been truncated, we do the right thing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log005 Check that log file sizes can change on the fly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log006 Test log file auto-remove. Test normal operation. Test a long-lived txn. Test log_archive flags. Test db_archive flags. Test turning on later. Test setting via DB_CONFIG. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log007 Test of in-memory logging bugs. [#11505] Test db_printlog with in-memory logs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log008 Test what happens if a txn_ckp record falls into a different log file than the DBREG_CKP records generated by the same checkpoint. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= log009 Test of logging and getting log file version information. Each time we cross a log file boundary verify we can get the version via the log cursorlag. Do this both forward and backward. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= memp001 Randomly updates pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= memp002 Tests multiple processes accessing and modifying the same files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= memp003 Test reader-only/writer process combinations; we use the access methods for testing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= memp004 Test that small read-only databases are mapped into memory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= memp005 Make sure that db pagesize does not interfere with mpool pagesize. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mut001 Exercise the mutex API. Allocate, lock, unlock, and free a bunch of mutexes. Set basic configuration options and check mutex_stat and the mutex getters for the correct values. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mut002 Two-process mutex test. Allocate and lock a self-blocking mutex. Start another process. Try to lock the mutex again -- it will block. Unlock the mutex from the other process, and the blocked lock should be obtained. Clean up. Do another test with a "-process-only" mutex. The second process should not be able to unlock the mutex. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= mut003 Try doing mutex operations out of order. Make sure we get appropriate errors. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= plat001 Test of portability of sequences. Create and dump a database containing sequences. Save the dump. This test is used in conjunction with the upgrade tests, which will compare the saved dump to a locally created dump. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd001 Per-operation recovery tests for non-duplicate, non-split messages. Makes sure that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing condition. Any test that appears with the message (change state) indicates that we've already run the particular test, but we are running it again so that we can change the state of the data base to prepare for the next test (this applies to all other recovery tests as well). These are the most basic recovery tests. We do individual recovery tests for each operation in the access method interface. First we create a file and capture the state of the database (i.e., we copy it. Then we run a transaction containing a single operation. In one test, we abort the transaction and compare the outcome to the original copy of the file. In the second test, we restore the original copy of the database and then run recovery and compare this against the actual database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd002 Split recovery tests. For every known split log message, makes sure that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing condition. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd003 Duplicate recovery tests. For every known duplicate log message, makes sure that we exercise redo, undo, and do-nothing condition. Test all the duplicate log messages and recovery operations. We make sure that we exercise all possible recovery actions: redo, undo, undo but no fix necessary and redo but no fix necessary. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd004 Big key test where big key gets elevated to internal page. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd005 Verify reuse of file ids works on catastrophic recovery. Make sure that we can do catastrophic recovery even if we open files using the same log file id. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd006 Nested transactions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd007 File create/delete tests. This is a recovery test for create/delete of databases. We have hooks in the database so that we can abort the process at various points and make sure that the transaction doesn't commit. We then need to recover and make sure the file is correctly existing or not, as the case may be. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd008 Test deeply nested transactions and many-child transactions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd009 Verify record numbering across split/reverse splits and recovery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd010 Test stability of btree duplicates across btree off-page dup splits and reverse splits and across recovery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd011 Verify that recovery to a specific timestamp works. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd012 Test of log file ID management. [#2288] Test recovery handling of file opens and closes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd013 Test of cursor adjustment on child transaction aborts. [#2373] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd014 This is a recovery test for create/delete of queue extents. We then need to recover and make sure the file is correctly existing or not, as the case may be. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd015 This is a recovery test for testing lots of prepared txns. This test is to force the use of txn_recover to call with the DB_FIRST flag and then DB_NEXT. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd016 Test recovery after checksum error. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd017 Test recovery and security. This is basically a watered down version of recd001 just to verify that encrypted environments can be recovered. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd018 Test recover of closely interspersed checkpoints and commits. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd019 Test txn id wrap-around and recovery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd020 Test creation of intermediate directories -- an undocumented, UNIX-only feature. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd021 Test of failed opens in recovery. If a file was deleted through the file system (and not within Berkeley DB), an error message should appear. Test for regular files and subdbs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd022 Test that pages allocated by an aborted subtransaction within an aborted prepared parent transaction are returned to the free list after recovery. This exercises __db_pg_prepare in systems without FTRUNCATE. [#7403] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd023 Test recover of reverse split. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd024 Test recovery of streaming partial insert operations. These are operations that do multiple partial puts that append to an existing data item (as long as the data item is on an overflow page). The interesting cases are: * Simple streaming operations * Operations that cause the overflow item to flow onto another page. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= recd025 Basic tests for transaction bulk loading and recovery. In particular, verify that the tricky hot backup protocol works. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep001 Replication rename and forced-upgrade test. Run rep_test in a replicated master environment. Verify that the database on the client is correct. Next, remove the database, close the master, upgrade the client, reopen the master, and make sure the new master can correctly run rep_test and propagate it in the other direction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep002 Basic replication election test. Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment; hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select a proper master from amongst themselves, in various scenarios. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep003 Repeated shutdown/restart replication test Run a quick put test in a replicated master environment; start up, shut down, and restart client processes, with and without recovery. To ensure that environment state is transient, use DB_PRIVATE. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep005 Replication election test with error handling. Run rep_test in a replicated master environment; hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select a proper master from amongst themselves, forcing errors at various locations in the election path. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep006 Replication and non-rep env handles. Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment; verify that the database on the client is correct. Next, create a non-rep env handle to the master env. Attempt to open the database r/w to force error. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep007 Replication and bad LSNs Run rep_test in a replicated master env. Close the client. Make additional changes to master. Close the master. Open the client as the new master. Make several different changes. Open the old master as the client. Verify periodically that contents are correct. This test is not appropriate for named in-memory db testing because the databases are lost when both envs are closed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep008 Replication, back up and synchronizing Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment. Close master and client. Copy the master log to the client. Clean the master. Reopen the master and client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep009 Replication and DUPMASTERs Run test001 in a replicated environment. Declare one of the clients to also be a master. Close a client, clean it and then declare it a 2nd master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep010 Replication and ISPERM With consecutive message processing, make sure every DB_REP_PERMANENT is responded to with an ISPERM when processed. With gaps in the processing, make sure every DB_REP_PERMANENT is responded to with an ISPERM or a NOTPERM. Verify in both cases that the LSN returned with ISPERM is found in the log. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep011 Replication: test open handle across an upgrade. Open and close test database in master environment. Update the client. Check client, and leave the handle to the client open as we close the masterenv and upgrade the client to master. Reopen the old master as client and catch up. Test that we can still do a put to the handle we created on the master while it was still a client, and then make sure that the change can be propagated back to the new client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep012 Replication and dead DB handles. Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master env. Run in replicated environment with secondary indices too. Make additional changes to master, but not to the client. Downgrade the master and upgrade the client with open db handles. Verify that the roll back on clients gives dead db handles. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep013 Replication and swapping master/clients with open dbs. Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master env. Make additional changes to master, but not to the client. Swap master and client. Verify that the roll back on clients gives dead db handles. Rerun the test, turning on client-to-client synchronization. Swap and verify several times. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep014 Replication and multiple replication handles. Test multiple client handles, opening and closing to make sure we get the right openfiles. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep015 Locking across multiple pages with replication. Open master and client with small pagesize and generate more than one page and generate off-page dups on the first page (second key) and last page (next-to-last key). Within a single transaction, for each database, open 2 cursors and delete the first and last entries (this exercises locks on regular pages). Intermittently update client during the process. Within a single transaction, for each database, open 2 cursors. Walk to the off-page dups and delete one from each end (this exercises locks on off-page dups). Intermittently update client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep016 Replication election test with varying required nvotes. Run a modified version of test001 in a replicated master environment; hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select the master with varying required participants. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep017 Concurrency with checkpoints. Verify that we achieve concurrency in the presence of checkpoints. Here are the checks that we wish to make: While dbenv1 is handling the checkpoint record: Subsequent in-order log records are accepted. Accepted PERM log records get NOTPERM A subsequent checkpoint gets NOTPERM After checkpoint completes, next txn returns PERM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep018 Replication with dbremove. Verify that the attempt to remove a database file on the master hangs while another process holds a handle on the client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep019 Replication and multiple clients at same LSN. Have several clients at the same LSN. Run recovery at different times. Declare a client master and after sync-up verify all client logs are identical. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep020 Replication elections - test election generation numbers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep021 Replication and multiple environments. Run similar tests in separate environments, making sure that some data overlaps. Then, "move" one client env from one replication group to another and make sure that we do not get divergent logs. We either match the first record and end up with identical logs or we get an error. Verify all client logs are identical if successful. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep022 Replication elections - test election generation numbers during simulated network partition. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep023 Replication using two master handles. Open two handles on one master env. Create two databases, one through each master handle. Process all messages through the first master handle. Make sure changes made through both handles are picked up properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep024 Replication page allocation / verify test Start a master (site 1) and a client (site 2). Master closes (simulating a crash). Site 2 becomes the master and site 1 comes back up as a client. Verify database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep025 Test of DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE. One master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put one more record to the master. At the next processing of messages, the client should get JOIN_FAILURE. Recover with a hot failover. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep026 Replication elections - simulate a crash after sending a vote. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep027 Replication and secondary indexes. Set up a secondary index on the master and make sure it can be accessed from the client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep028 Replication and non-rep env handles. (Also see rep006.) Open second non-rep env on client, and create a db through this handle. Open the db on master and put some data. Check whether the non-rep handle keeps working. Also check if opening the client database in the non-rep env writes log records. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep029 Test of internal initialization. One master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put one more record to the master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep030 Test of internal initialization multiple files and pagesizes. Hold some databases open on master. One master, one client using a data_dir for internal init. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put one more record to the master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep031 Test of internal initialization and blocked operations. One master, one client. Put one more record to the master. Test that internal initialization blocks: log_archive, rename, remove, fileid_reset, lsn_reset. Sleep 30+ seconds. Test that blocked operations are now unblocked. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep032 Test of log gap processing. One master, one client. Run rep_test. Run rep_test without sending messages to client. Make sure client missing the messages catches up properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep033 Test of internal initialization with rename and remove of dbs. One master, one client. Generate several databases. Replicate to client. Do some renames and removes, both before and after closing the client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep034 Test of STARTUPDONE notification. STARTUPDONE can now be recognized without the need for new "live" log records from the master (under favorable conditions). The response to the ALL_REQ at the end of synchronization includes an end-of-log marker that now triggers it. However, the message containing that end marker could get lost, so live log records still serve as a back-up mechanism. The end marker may also be set under c2c sync, but only if the serving client has itself achieved STARTUPDONE. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep035 Test sync-up recovery in replication. We need to fork off 3 child tclsh processes to operate on Site 3's (client always) home directory: Process 1 continually calls lock_detect. Process 2 continually calls txn_checkpoint. Process 3 continually calls memp_trickle. Process 4 continually calls log_archive. Sites 1 and 2 will continually swap being master (forcing site 3 to continually run sync-up recovery) New master performs 1 operation, replicates and downgrades. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep036 Multiple master processes writing to the database. One process handles all message processing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep037 Test of internal initialization and page throttling. One master, one client, force page throttling. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put one more record to the master. Verify page throttling occurred. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep038 Test of internal initialization and ongoing master updates. One master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put more records on master while initialization is in progress. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep039 Test of interrupted internal initialization. The interruption is due to a changed master, or the client crashing, or both. One master, two clients. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Restart client, optionally having "cleaned" client env dir. Either way, this has the effect of forcing an internal init. Interrupt the internal init. Vary the number of times we process messages to make sure the interruption occurs at varying stages of the first internal initialization. Run for btree and queue only because of the number of permutations. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep040 Test of racing rep_start and transactions. One master, one client. Have master in the middle of a transaction. Call rep_start to make master a client. Commit the transaction. Call rep_start to make master the master again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep041 Turn replication on and off at run-time. Start a master with replication OFF (noop transport function). Run rep_test to advance log files and archive. Start up client; change master to working transport function. Now replication is ON. Do more ops, make sure client is up to date. Close client, turn replication OFF on master, do more ops. Repeat from point A. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep042 Concurrency with updates. Verify racing role changes and updates don't result in pages with LSN 0,1. Set up an environment that is master. Spawn child process that does a delete, but using the $env check so that it sleeps in the middle of the call. Master downgrades and then sleeps as a client so that child will run. Verify child does not succeed (should get read-only error) due to role change in the middle of its call. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep043 Constant writes during upgrade/downgrade. Three envs take turns being master. Each env has a child process which does writes all the time. They will succeed when that env is master and fail when it is not. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep044 Test rollbacks with open file ids. We have one master with two handles and one client. Each time through the main loop, we open a db, write to the db, and close the db. Each one of these actions is propagated to the client, or a roll back is forced by swapping masters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep045 Replication with versions. Mimic an application where a database is set up in the background and then put into a replication group for use. The "version database" identifies the current live version, the database against which queries are made. For example, the version database might say the current version is 3, and queries would then be sent to db.3. Version 4 is prepared for use while version 3 is in use. When version 4 is complete, the version database is updated to point to version 4 so queries can be directed there. This test has a master and two clients. One client swaps roles with the master, and the other client runs constantly in another process. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep046 Replication and basic bulk transfer. Set bulk transfer replication option. Run long txns on master and then commit. Process on client and verify contents. Run a very long txn so that logging must send the log. Process and verify on client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep047 Replication and log gap bulk transfers. Set bulk transfer replication option. Run test. Start a new client (to test ALL_REQ and bulk). Run small test again. Clear messages for 1 client. Run small test again to test LOG_REQ gap processing and bulk. Process and verify on clients. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep048 Replication and log gap bulk transfers. Have two master env handles. Turn bulk on in one (turns it on for both). Turn it off in the other. While toggling, send log records from both handles. Process message and verify master and client match. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep049 Replication and delay syncing clients - basic test. Open and start up a master and two clients. Turn on delay sync in the delayed client. Change master, add data and process messages. Verify delayed client does not match. Make additional changes and update the delayted client. Verify all match. Add in a fresh delayed client to test delay of ALL_REQ. Process startup messages and verify freshc client has no database. Sync and verify fresh client matches. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep050 Replication and delay syncing clients - change master test. Open and start up master and 4 clients. Turn on delay for 3 clients. Switch masters, add data and verify delayed clients are out of date. Make additional changes to master. And change masters again. Sync/update delayed client and verify. The 4th client is a brand new delayed client added in to test the non-verify path. Then test two different things: 1. Swap master again while clients are still delayed. 2. Swap master again while sync is proceeding for one client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep051 Test of compaction with replication. Run rep_test in a replicated master environment. Delete a large number of entries and compact with -freespace. Propagate the changes to the client and make sure client and master match. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep052 Test of replication with NOWAIT. One master, one client. After initializing everything normally, close client and let the master get ahead -- far enough that the master no longer has the client's last log file. Reopen the client and turn on NOWAIT. Process a few messages to get the client into recovery mode, and verify that lockout occurs on a txn API call (txn_begin) and an env API call. Process all the messages and verify that lockout is over. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep053 Replication and basic client-to-client synchronization. Open and start up master and 1 client. Start up a second client later and verify it sync'ed from the original client, not the master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep054 Test of internal initialization where a far-behind client takes over as master. One master, two clients. Run rep_test and process. Close client 1. Run rep_test, opening new databases, and processing messages. Archive as we go so that log files get removed. Close master and reopen client 1 as master. Process messages. Verify that new master and client are in sync. Run rep_test again, adding data to one of the new named databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep055 Test of internal initialization and log archiving. One master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files and generate several more. Get list of archivable files from db_archive and restart client. As client is in the middle of internal init, remove the log files returned earlier by db_archive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep058 Replication with early databases Mimic an application where they create a database before calling rep_start, thus writing log records on a client before it is a client. Verify we cannot join repl group. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep060 Test of normally running clients and internal initialization. Have a client running normally, but slow/far behind the master. Then the master checkpoints and archives, causing the client to suddenly be thrown into internal init. This test tests that we clean up the old files/pages in mpool and dbreg. Also test same thing but the app holding an open dbp as well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep061 Test of internal initialization multiple files and pagesizes with page gaps. One master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Delete client files and restart client. Put one more record to the master. Force some page messages to get dropped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep062 Test of internal initialization where client has a different kind of database than the master. Create a master of one type, and let the client catch up. Close the client. Remove the database on the master, and create a new database of the same name but a different type. Run the master ahead far enough that internal initialization will be required on the reopen of the client. Reopen the client and verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep063 Replication election test with simulated different versions for each site. This tests that old sites with real priority trump ELECTABLE sites with zero priority even with greater LSNs. There is a special case in the code for testing that if the priority is <= 10, we simulate mixed versions for elections. Run a rep_test in a replicated master environment and close; hold an election among a group of clients to make sure they select the master with varying LSNs and priorities. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep064 Replication rename and forced-upgrade test. The test verifies that the client correctly (internally) closes files when upgrading to master. It does this by having the master have a database open, then crashing. The client upgrades to master, and attempts to remove the open database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep065 Tests replication running with different versions. This capability is introduced with 4.5. Start a replication group of 1 master and N sites, all running some historical version greater than or equal to 4.4. Take down a client and bring it up again running current. Run some upgrades, make sure everything works. Each site runs the tcllib of its own version, but uses the current tcl code (e.g. test.tcl). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep066 Replication and dead log handles. Run rep_test on master and a client. Simulate client crashes (master continues) until log 2. Open 2nd master env handle and put something in log and flush. Downgrade master, restart client as master. Run rep_test on newmaster until log 2. New master writes log records, newclient processes records and 2nd newclient env handle calls log_flush. New master commits, newclient processes and should succeed. Make sure 2nd handle detects the old log handle and doesn't write to a stale handle (if it does, the processing of the commit will fail). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep067 Full election timeout test. Verify that elections use a separate "full election timeout" (if such configuration is in use) instead of the normal timeout, when the replication group is "cold-booted" (all sites starting with recovery). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep068 Verify replication of dbreg operations does not hang clients. In a simple replication group, create a database with very little data. With DB_TXN_NOSYNC the database can be created at the client even though the log is not flushed. If we crash and restart, the application of the log starts over again, even though the database is still there. The application can open the database before replication tries to re-apply the create. This causes a hang as replication waits to be able to get a handle lock. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep069 Test of internal initialization and elections. If a client is in a recovery mode of any kind, it participates in elections at priority 0 so it can never be elected master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep070 Test of startup_done condition with idle master. Join a client to an existing master, and verify that the client detects startup_done even if the master does not execute any new transactions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep071 Test of multiple simultaneous client env handles and upgrading/downgrading. Tests use of temp db handle internally. Open a master and 2 handles to the same client env. Run rep_test. Close master and upgrade client to master using one env handle. Run rep_test again, and then downgrade back to client. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep072 Verify that internal init does not leak resources from the locking subsystem. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep073 Test of allowing clients to create and update their own scratch databases within the environment. Doing so requires the use use of the DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE flag for those databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep074 Verify replication withstands send errors processing requests. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep075 Replication and prepared transactions. Test having outstanding prepared transactions and simulating crashing or upgrading or downgrading sites. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep076 Replication elections - what happens if elected client does not become master? Set up a master and 3 clients. Take down master, run election. The elected client will ignore the fact that it's been elected, so we still have 2 clients. Run another election, a regular election that allows the winner to become master, and make sure it goes okay. We do this both for the client that ignored its election and for the other client. This simulates what would happen if, say, we had a temporary network partition and lost the winner. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep077 Replication, recovery and applying log records immediately. Master and 1 client. Start up both sites. Close client and run rep_test on the master so that the log record is the same LSN the client would be expecting. Reopen client with recovery and verify the client does not try to apply that "expected" record before it synchronizes with the master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep078 Replication and basic lease test. Set leases on master and 2 clients. Do a lease operation and process to all clients. Read with lease on master. Do another lease operation and don't process on any client. Try to read with on the master and verify it fails. Process the messages to the clients and retry the read. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep079 Replication leases and invalid usage. Open a client without leases. Attempt to set leases after rep_start. Attempt to declare as master without election. Run an election with an nsites parameter value. Elect a master with leases. Put some data and send to clients. Cleanly shutdown master env. Restart without recovery and verify leases are expired and refreshed. Add a new client without leases to a group using leases. Test errors if we cannot get leases before/after txn_commit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep080 AUTOINIT off with empty client logs. Verify that a fresh client trying to join the group for the first time observes the setting of DELAY_SYNC and !AUTOINIT properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep081 Test of internal initialization and missing database files. One master, one client, two databases. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Start up client. Remove or replace one master database file while client initialization is in progress, make sure other master database can keep processing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep082 Sending replication requests to correct master site. Regression test for a bug [#16592] where a client could send an UPDATE_REQ to another client instead of the master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep083 Replication clients must never send VERIFY_FAIL to a c2c request. Regression test for a bug [#16592] where a client could send a VERIFY_FAIL to another client, which is illegal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep084 Abbreviated internal init for named in-memory databases (NIMDBs). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep085 Skipping unnecessary abbreviated internal init. Make sure that once we've materialized NIMDBs, we don't bother trying to do it again on subsequent sync without recovery. Make sure we do probe for the need to materialize NIMDBs, but don't do any internal init at all if there are no NIMDBs. Note that in order to do this test we don't even need any NIMDBs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep086 Interrupted abbreviated internal init. Make sure we cleanly remove partially loaded named in-memory databases (NIMDBs). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep087 Abbreviated internal init with open file handles. Client has open handle to an on-disk DB when abbreviated internal init starts. Make sure we lock out access, and make sure it ends up as HANDLE_DEAD. Also, make sure that if there are no NIMDBs, that we *don't* get HANDLE_DEAD. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep088 Replication roll-back preserves checkpoint. Create a situation where a client has to roll back its log, discarding some existing transactions, in order to sync with a new master. 1. When the client still has its entire log file history, all the way back to log file #1, it's OK if the roll-back discards any/all checkpoints. 2. When old log files have been archived, if the roll-back would remove all existing checkpoints it must be forbidden. The log must always have a checkpoint (or all files back through #1). The client must do internal init or return JOIN_FAILURE. 3. (the normal case) Old log files archived, and a checkpoint still exists in the portion of the log which will remain after the roll-back: no internal-init/JOIN_FAILURE necessary. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep089 Test of proper clean-up of mpool during interrupted internal init. Have a client in the middle of internal init when a new master generation comes along, forcing the client to interrupt the internal init, including doing the clean-up. The client is in the middle of retrieving database pages, so that we are forced to clean up mpool. (Regression test for bug 17121) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep090 Test of AUTO_REMOVE on both master and client sites. One master, one client. Set AUTO_REMOVE on the client env. Generate several log files. Verify the client has properly removed the log files. Turn on AUTO_REMOVE on the master and generate more log files. Confirm both envs have the same log files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep091 Read-your-writes consistency. Write transactions at the master, and then call the txn_applied() method to see whether the client has received and applied them yet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep092 Read-your-writes consistency. Test events in one thread (process) waking up another sleeping thread, before a timeout expires. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep093 Egen changes during election. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep094 Full election with less than majority initially connected. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep095 Test of internal initialization use of shared region memory. One master, one client. Create a gap that requires internal initialization. Start the internal initialization in this parent process and complete it in a separate child process. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep096 Replication and db_replicate utility. Create a master and client environment. Open them. Start a db_replicate process on each. Create a database on the master and write some data. Then verify contents. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep097 Replication and lease data durability test. Set leases on master and 2 clients. Have the original master go down and a client take over. Have the old master rejoin as client, but go down again. The other two sites do one txn, while the original master's LSN extends beyond due to running recovery. Original Master rejoins while new master fails. Make sure remaining original site is elected, with the smaller LSN, but with txn data. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rep098 Test of internal initialization and page deallocation. Use one master, one client. Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. Start a client. After client gets UPDATE file information, delete entries to remove pages in the database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr001 Basic repmgr test. Run all mix-and-match combinations of the basic_repmgr_test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr002 Basic repmgr test. Run all combinations of the basic_repmgr_election_test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr003 Basic repmgr init test. Run all combinations of the basic_repmgr_init_test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr007 Basic repmgr client shutdown/restart test. Start an appointed master site and two clients. Shut down and restart each client, processing transactions after each restart. Verify all expected transactions are replicated. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr009 repmgr API error test. Try a variety of repmgr calls that result in errors. Also try combinations of repmgr and base replication API calls that result in errors. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr010 Acknowledgement policy and timeout test. Verify that "quorum" acknowledgement policy succeeds with fewer than nsites running. Verify that "all" acknowledgement policy results in ack failures with fewer than nsites running. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr011 repmgr two site strict majority test. Start an appointed master and one client with 2 site strict majority set. Shut down the master site, wait and verify that the client site was not elected master. Start up master site and verify that transactions are processed as expected. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr012 repmgr heartbeat test. Start an appointed master and one client site. Set heartbeat send and monitor values and process some transactions. Stop sending heartbeats from master and verify that client sees a dropped connection. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr013 Site list test. Configure a master and two clients where one client is a peer of the other and verify resulting site lists. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr017 repmgr in-memory cache overflow test. Start an appointed master site and one client, putting databases, environment regions, logs and replication files in-memory. Set very small cachesize and run enough transactions to overflow cache. Shut down and restart master and client, giving master a larger cache. Run and verify a small number of transactions. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr018 Check repmgr stats. Start an appointed master and one client. Shut down the client, run some transactions at the master and verify that there are acknowledgement failures and one dropped connection. Shut down and restart client again and verify that there are two dropped connections. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr023 Test of JOIN_FAILURE event for repmgr applications. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr024 Test of group-wide log archiving awareness. Verify that log archiving will use the ack from the clients in its decisions about what log files are allowed to be archived. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr025 repmgr heartbeat rerequest test. Start an appointed master site and one client. Use a test hook to inhibit PAGE_REQ processing at the master (i.e., "lose" some messages). Start a second client that gets stuck in internal init. Wait long enough to rely on the heartbeat rerequest to request the missing pages, rescind the test hook and verify that all data appears on both clients. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr026 Test of "full election" timeouts. 1. Cold boot with all sites present. 2. Cold boot with some sites missing. 3. Partial-participation election with one client having seen a master, but another just starting up fresh. 4. Partial participation, with all participants already having seen a master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr027 Test of "full election" timeouts, where a client starts up and joins the group during the middle of an election. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr028 Repmgr allows applications to choose master explicitly, instead of relying on elections. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr029 Test repmgr group membership: create, join, re-join and remove from repmgr group and observe changes in group membership database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr030 repmgr multiple client-to-client peer test. Start an appointed master and three clients. The third client configures the other two clients as peers and delays client sync. Add some data and confirm that the third client uses first client as a peer. Close the master so that the first client now becomes the master. Add some more data and confirm that the third client now uses the second client as a peer. Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr032 The (undocumented) AUTOROLLBACK config feature. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr100 Basic test of repmgr's multi-process master support. Set up a simple 2-site group, create data and replicate it. Add a second process at the master and have it write some updates. It does not explicitly start repmgr (nor do any replication configuration, for that matter). Its first update triggers initiation of connections, and so it doesn't get to the client without a log request. But later updates should go directly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr101 Repmgr support for multi-process master. Start two processes at the master. Add a client site (not previously known to the master processes), and make sure both master processes connect to it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr102 Ensuring exactly one listener process. Start a repmgr process with a listener. Start a second process, and see that it does not become the listener. Shut down the first process (gracefully). Now a second process should become listener. Kill the listener process abruptly. Running failchk should show that recovery is necessary. Run recovery and start a clean listener. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr105 Repmgr recognition of peer setting, across processes. Set up a master and two clients, synchronized with some data. Add a new client, configured to use c2c sync with one of the original clients. Check stats to make sure the correct c2c peer was used. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr106 Simple smoke test for repmgr elections with multi-process envs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr107 Repmgr combined with replication-unaware process at master. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr108 Subordinate connections and processes should not trigger elections. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr109 Test repmgr's internal juggling of peer EID's. Set up master and 2 clients, A and B. Add a third client (C), with two processes. The first process will be configured to know about A. The second process will know about B, and set that as peer, but when it joins the env site B will have to be shuffled into a later position in the list, because A is already first. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr110 Multi-process repmgr start-up policies. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr111 Multi-process repmgr with env open before set local site. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= repmgr112 Multi-process repmgr ack policies. Subordinate processes sending live log records must observe the ack policy set by the main process. Also, a policy change made by a subordinate process should be observed by all processes. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rsrc001 Recno backing file test. Try different patterns of adding records and making sure that the corresponding file matches. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rsrc002 Recno backing file test #2: test of set_re_delim. Specify a backing file with colon-delimited records, and make sure they are correctly interpreted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rsrc003 Recno backing file test. Try different patterns of adding records and making sure that the corresponding file matches. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= rsrc004 Recno backing file test for EOF-terminated records. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= scr### The scr### directories are shell scripts that test a variety of things, including things about the distribution itself. These tests won't run on most systems, so don't even try to run them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb001 Tests mixing db and subdb operations Tests mixing db and subdb operations Create a db, add data, try to create a subdb. Test naming db and subdb with a leading - for correct parsing Existence check -- test use of -excl with subdbs Test non-subdb and subdb operations Test naming (filenames begin with -) Test existence (cannot create subdb of same name with -excl) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb002 Tests basic subdb functionality Small keys, small data Put/get per key Dump file Close, reopen Dump file Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. Then repeat using an environment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb003 Tests many subdbs Creates many subdbs and puts a small amount of data in each (many defaults to 1000) Use the first 1000 entries from the dictionary as subdbnames. Insert each with entry as name of subdatabase and a partial list as key/data. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb004 Tests large subdb names subdb name = filecontents, key = filename, data = filecontents Put/get per key Dump file Dump subdbs, verify data and subdb name match Create 1 db with many large subdbs. Use the contents as subdb names. Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names as the key with their contents as data. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb005 Tests cursor operations in subdbs Put/get per key Verify cursor operations work within subdb Verify cursor operations do not work across subdbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb006 Tests intra-subdb join We'll test 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way joins and figure that if those work, everything else does as well. We'll create test databases called sub1.db, sub2.db, sub3.db, and sub4.db. The number on the database describes the duplication -- duplicates are of the form 0, N, 2N, 3N, ... where N is the number of the database. Primary.db is the primary database, and sub0.db is the database that has no matching duplicates. All of these are within a single database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb007 Tests page size difference errors between subdbs. If the physical file already exists, we ignore pagesize specifications on any subsequent -creates. 1. Create/open a subdb with system default page size. Create/open a second subdb specifying a different page size. The create should succeed, but the pagesize of the new db will be the system default page size. 2. Create/open a subdb with a specified, non-default page size. Create/open a second subdb specifying a different page size. The create should succeed, but the pagesize of the new db will be the specified page size from the first create. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb008 Tests explicit setting of lorders for subdatabases -- the lorder should be ignored. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb009 Test DB->rename() method for subdbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb010 Test DB->remove() method and DB->truncate() for subdbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb011 Test deleting Subdbs with overflow pages Create 1 db with many large subdbs. Test subdatabases with overflow pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb012 Test subdbs with locking and transactions Tests creating and removing subdbs while handles are open works correctly, and in the face of txns. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb013 Tests in-memory subdatabases. Create an in-memory subdb. Test for persistence after overflowing the cache. Test for conflicts when we have two in-memory files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb014 Tests mixing in-memory named and in-memory unnamed dbs. Create a regular in-memory db, add data. Create a named in-memory db. Try to create the same named in-memory db again (should fail). Try to create a different named in-memory db (should succeed). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb015 Tests basic in-memory named database functionality Small keys, small data Put/get per key Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. Then repeat using an environment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb016 Creates many in-memory named dbs and puts a small amount of data in each (many defaults to 100) Use the first 100 entries from the dictionary as names. Insert each with entry as name of subdatabase and a partial list as key/data. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb017 Test DB->rename() for in-memory named databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb018 Tests join of in-memory named databases. We'll test 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way joins and figure that if those work, everything else does as well. We'll create test databases called sub1.db, sub2.db, sub3.db, and sub4.db. The number on the database describes the duplication -- duplicates are of the form 0, N, 2N, 3N, ... where N is the number of the database. Primary.db is the primary database, and sub0.db is the database that has no matching duplicates. All of these are within a single database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb019 Tests in-memory subdatabases. Create an in-memory subdb. Test for persistence after overflowing the cache. Test for conflicts when we have two in-memory files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdb020 Tests in-memory subdatabases. Create an in-memory subdb with one page size. Close, and open with a different page size: should fail. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdbtest001 Tests multiple access methods in one subdb Open several subdbs, each with a different access method Small keys, small data Put/get per key per subdb Dump file, verify per subdb Close, reopen per subdb Dump file, verify per subdb Make several subdb's of different access methods all in one DB. Rotate methods and repeat [#762]. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sdbtest002 Tests multiple access methods in one subdb access by multiple processes. Open several subdbs, each with a different access method Small keys, small data Put/get per key per subdb Fork off several child procs to each delete selected data from their subdb and then exit Dump file, verify contents of each subdb is correct Close, reopen per subdb Dump file, verify per subdb Make several subdb's of different access methods all in one DB. Fork of some child procs to each manipulate one subdb and when they are finished, verify the contents of the databases. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sec001 Test of security interface =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sec002 Test of security interface and catching errors in the face of attackers overwriting parts of existing files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si001 Secondary index put/delete with lorder test Put data in primary db and check that pget on secondary index finds the right entries. Alter the primary in the following ways, checking for correct data each time: Overwrite data in primary database. Delete half of entries through primary. Delete half of remaining entries through secondary. Append data (for record-based primaries only). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si002 Basic cursor-based secondary index put/delete test Cursor put data in primary db and check that pget on secondary index finds the right entries. Open and use a second cursor to exercise the cursor comparison API on secondaries. Overwrite while walking primary, check pget again. Overwrite while walking secondary (use c_pget), check pget again. Cursor delete half of entries through primary, check. Cursor delete half of remainder through secondary, check. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si003 si001 with secondaries created and closed mid-test Basic secondary index put/delete test with secondaries created mid-test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si004 si002 with secondaries created and closed mid-test Basic cursor-based secondary index put/delete test, with secondaries created mid-test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si005 Basic secondary index put/delete test with transactions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si006 Test -immutable_key interface. DB_IMMUTABLE_KEY is an optimization to be used when a secondary key will not be changed. It does not prevent a deliberate change to the secondary key, it just does not propagate that change when it is made to the primary. This test verifies that a change to the primary is propagated to the secondary or not as specified by -immutable_key. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si007 Secondary index put/delete with lorder test This test is the same as si001 with the exception that we create and populate the primary and THEN create the secondaries and associate them with -create. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= si008 Secondary index put/delete with lorder test This test is the same as si001 except that we create the secondaries with different byte orders: one native, one swapped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sijointest: Secondary index and join test. This used to be si005.tcl. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= sql001 Test db_replicate using a simple SQL app. Start db_replicate on master side and client side, and do various operations using dbsql on master side. After every operation, we will check the records on both sides, to make sure we get same results from both sides. Also try an insert operation on client side; it should fail. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test001 Small keys/data Put/get per key Dump file Close, reopen Dump file Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test002 Small keys/medium data Put/get per key Dump file Close, reopen Dump file Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test003 Small keys/large data Put/get per key Dump file Close, reopen Dump file Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names as the key with their contents as data. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test004 Small keys/medium data Put/get per key Sequential (cursor) get/delete Check that cursor operations work. Create a database. Read through the database sequentially using cursors and delete each element. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test005 Small keys/medium data Put/get per key Close, reopen Sequential (cursor) get/delete Check that cursor operations work. Create a database; close it and reopen it. Then read through the database sequentially using cursors and delete each element. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test006 Small keys/medium data Put/get per key Keyed delete and verify Keyed delete test. Create database. Go through database, deleting all entries by key. Then do the same for unsorted and sorted dups. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test007 Small keys/medium data Put/get per key Close, reopen Keyed delete Check that delete operations work. Create a database; close database and reopen it. Then issues delete by key for each entry. (Test006 plus reopen) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test008 Small keys/large data Put/get per key Loop through keys by steps (which change) ... delete each key at step ... add each key back ... change step Confirm that overflow pages are getting reused Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their names as the key with their contents as data. After all are entered, begin looping through the entries; deleting some pairs and then readding them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test009 Small keys/large data Same as test008; close and reopen database Check that we reuse overflow pages. Create database with lots of big key/data pairs. Go through and delete and add keys back randomly. Then close the DB and make sure that we have everything we think we should. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test010 Duplicate test Small key/data pairs. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; add duplicate records for each. After all are entered, retrieve all; verify output. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. This does not work for recno =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test011 Duplicate test Small key/data pairs. Test DB_KEYFIRST, DB_KEYLAST, DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER. To test off-page duplicates, run with small pagesize. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; add duplicate records for each. Then do some key_first/key_last add_before, add_after operations. This does not work for recno To test if dups work when they fall off the main page, run this with a very tiny page size. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test012 Large keys/small data Same as test003 except use big keys (source files and executables) and small data (the file/executable names). Take the source files and dbtest executable and enter their contents as the key with their names as data. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test013 Partial put test Overwrite entire records using partial puts. Make sure that NOOVERWRITE flag works. 1. Insert 10000 keys and retrieve them (equal key/data pairs). 2. Attempt to overwrite keys with NO_OVERWRITE set (expect error). 3. Actually overwrite each one with its datum reversed. No partial testing here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test014 Exercise partial puts on short data Run 5 combinations of numbers of characters to replace, and number of times to increase the size by. Partial put test, small data, replacing with same size. The data set consists of the first nentries of the dictionary. We will insert them (and retrieve them) as we do in test 1 (equal key/data pairs). Then we'll try to perform partial puts of some characters at the beginning, some at the end, and some at the middle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test015 Partial put test Partial put test where the key does not initially exist. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test016 Partial put test Partial put where the datum gets shorter as a result of the put. Partial put test where partial puts make the record smaller. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string; retrieve each. After all are entered, go back and do partial puts, replacing a random-length string with the key value. Then verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test017 Basic offpage duplicate test. Run duplicates with small page size so that we test off page duplicates. Then after we have an off-page database, test with overflow pages too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test018 Offpage duplicate test Key_{first,last,before,after} offpage duplicates. Run duplicates with small page size so that we test off page duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test019 Partial get test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test020 In-Memory database tests. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test021 Btree range tests. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self, reversed as key and self as data. After all are entered, retrieve each using a cursor SET_RANGE, and getting about 20 keys sequentially after it (in some cases we'll run out towards the end of the file). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test022 Test of DB->getbyteswapped(). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test023 Duplicate test Exercise deletes and cursor operations within a duplicate set. Add a key with duplicates (first time on-page, second time off-page) Number the dups. Delete dups and make sure that CURRENT/NEXT/PREV work correctly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test024 Record number retrieval test. Test the Btree and Record number get-by-number functionality. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test025 DB_APPEND flag test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test026 Small keys/medium data w/duplicates Put/get per key. Loop through keys -- delete each key ... test that cursors delete duplicates correctly Keyed delete test through cursor. If ndups is small; this will test on-page dups; if it's large, it will test off-page dups. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test027 Off-page duplicate test Test026 with parameters to force off-page duplicates. Check that delete operations work. Create a database; close database and reopen it. Then issues delete by key for each entry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test028 Cursor delete test Test put operations after deleting through a cursor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test029 Test the Btree and Record number renumbering. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test030 Test DB_NEXT_DUP Functionality. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test031 Duplicate sorting functionality Make sure DB_NODUPDATA works. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and "ndups" duplicates For the data field, prepend random five-char strings (see test032) that we force the duplicate sorting code to do something. Along the way, test that we cannot insert duplicate duplicates using DB_NODUPDATA. By setting ndups large, we can make this an off-page test After all are entered, retrieve all; verify output. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. This does not work for recno =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test032 DB_GET_BOTH, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and "ndups" duplicates. For the data field, prepend the letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate sorting code to do something. By setting ndups large, we can make this an off-page test. By setting overflow to be 1, we can make this an overflow test. Test the DB_GET_BOTH functionality by retrieving each dup in the file explicitly. Test the DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving the unique key prefix (cursor only). Finally test the failure case. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test033 DB_GET_BOTH without comparison function Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; add duplicate records for each. After all are entered, retrieve all and verify output using DB_GET_BOTH (on DB and DBC handles) and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE (on a DBC handle) on existent and nonexistent keys. XXX This does not work for rbtree. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test034 test032 with off-page or overflow case with non-duplicates and duplicates. DB_GET_BOTH, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality with off-page or overflow case within non-duplicates and duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test035 Test033 with off-page non-duplicates and duplicates DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page non-duplicates and duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test036 Test KEYFIRST and KEYLAST when the key doesn't exist Put nentries key/data pairs (from the dictionary) using a cursor and KEYFIRST and KEYLAST (this tests the case where use use cursor put for non-existent keys). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test037 Test DB_RMW =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test038 DB_GET_BOTH, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE on deleted items Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and "ndups" duplicates. For the data field, prepend the letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate sorting code to do something. By setting ndups large, we can make this an off-page test Test the DB_GET_BOTH and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving each dup in the file explicitly. Then remove each duplicate and try the retrieval again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test039 DB_GET_BOTH/DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE on deleted items without comparison function. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and "ndups" duplicates. For the data field, prepend the letters of the alphabet in a random order so we force the duplicate sorting code to do something. By setting ndups large, we can make this an off-page test. Test the DB_GET_BOTH and DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE functionality by retrieving each dup in the file explicitly. Then remove each duplicate and try the retrieval again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test040 Test038 with off-page duplicates DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test041 Test039 with off-page duplicates DB_GET_BOTH functionality with off-page duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test042 Concurrent Data Store test (CDB) Multiprocess DB test; verify that locking is working for the concurrent access method product. Use the first "nentries" words from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string. Then fire off multiple processes that bang on the database. Each one should try to read and write random keys. When they rewrite, they'll append their pid to the data string (sometimes doing a rewrite sometimes doing a partial put). Some will use cursors to traverse through a few keys before finding one to write. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test043 Recno renumbering and implicit creation test Test the Record number implicit creation and renumbering options. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test044 Small system integration tests Test proper functioning of the checkpoint daemon, recovery, transactions, etc. System integration DB test: verify that locking, recovery, checkpoint, and all the other utilities basically work. The test consists of $nprocs processes operating on $nfiles files. A transaction consists of adding the same key/data pair to some random number of these files. We generate a bimodal distribution in key size with 70% of the keys being small (1-10 characters) and the remaining 30% of the keys being large (uniform distribution about mean $key_avg). If we generate a key, we first check to make sure that the key is not already in the dataset. If it is, we do a lookup. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test045 Small random tester Runs a number of random add/delete/retrieve operations. Tests both successful conditions and error conditions. Run the random db tester on the specified access method. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test046 Overwrite test of small/big key/data with cursor checks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test047 DBcursor->c_get get test with SET_RANGE option. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test048 Cursor stability across Btree splits. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test049 Cursor operations on uninitialized cursors. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test050 Overwrite test of small/big key/data with cursor checks for Recno. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test051 Fixed-length record Recno test. 0. Test various flags (legal and illegal) to open 1. Test partial puts where dlen != size (should fail) 2. Partial puts for existent record -- replaces at beg, mid, and end of record, as well as full replace =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test052 Renumbering record Recno test. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test053 Test of the DB_REVSPLITOFF flag in the Btree and Btree-w-recnum methods. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test054 Cursor maintenance during key/data deletion. This test checks for cursor maintenance in the presence of deletes. There are N different scenarios to tests: 1. No duplicates. Cursor A deletes a key, do a GET for the key. 2. No duplicates. Cursor is positioned right before key K, Delete K, do a next on the cursor. 3. No duplicates. Cursor is positioned on key K, do a regular delete of K, do a current get on K. 4. Repeat 3 but do a next instead of current. 5. Duplicates. Cursor A is on the first item of a duplicate set, A does a delete. Then we do a non-cursor get. 6. Duplicates. Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item. do a delete of the entire Key. Test cursor current. 7. Continue last test and try cursor next. 8. Duplicates. Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item. Cursor B is in the same duplicate set and deletes a different item. Verify that the cursor is in the right place. 9. Cursors A and B are in the place in the same duplicate set. A deletes its item. Do current on B. 10. Continue 8 and do a next on B. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test055 Basic cursor operations. This test checks basic cursor operations. There are N different scenarios to tests: 1. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve current. 2. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve next. 3. (no dups) Set cursor, retrieve prev. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test056 Cursor maintenance during deletes. Check if deleting a key when a cursor is on a duplicate of that key works. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test057 Cursor maintenance during key deletes. 1. Delete a key with a cursor. Add the key back with a regular put. Make sure the cursor can't get the new item. 2. Put two cursors on one item. Delete through one cursor, check that the other sees the change. 3. Same as 2, with the two cursors on a duplicate. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test058 Verify that deleting and reading duplicates results in correct ordering. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test059 Cursor ops work with a partial length of 0. Make sure that we handle retrieves of zero-length data items correctly. The following ops, should allow a partial data retrieve of 0-length. db_get db_cget FIRST, NEXT, LAST, PREV, CURRENT, SET, SET_RANGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test060 Test of the DB_EXCL flag to DB->open(). 1) Attempt to open and create a nonexistent database; verify success. 2) Attempt to reopen it; verify failure. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test061 Test of txn abort and commit for in-memory databases. a) Put + abort: verify absence of data b) Put + commit: verify presence of data c) Overwrite + abort: verify that data is unchanged d) Overwrite + commit: verify that data has changed e) Delete + abort: verify that data is still present f) Delete + commit: verify that data has been deleted =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test062 Test of partial puts (using DB_CURRENT) onto duplicate pages. Insert the first 200 words into the dictionary 200 times each with self as key and :self as data. Use partial puts to append self again to data; verify correctness. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test063 Test of the DB_RDONLY flag to DB->open Attempt to both DB->put and DBC->c_put into a database that has been opened DB_RDONLY, and check for failure. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test064 Test of DB->get_type Create a database of type specified by method. Make sure DB->get_type returns the right thing with both a normal and DB_UNKNOWN open. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test065 Test of DB->stat, both -DB_FAST_STAT and row counts with DB->stat -txn. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test066 Test of cursor overwrites of DB_CURRENT w/ duplicates. Make sure a cursor put to DB_CURRENT acts as an overwrite in a database with duplicates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test067 Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts onto almost empty duplicate pages, with and without DB_DUP_SORT. Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts on almost-empty duplicate pages. This test was written to address the following issue, #2 in the list of issues relating to bug #0820: 2. DBcursor->put, DB_CURRENT flag, off-page duplicates, hash and btree: In Btree, the DB_CURRENT overwrite of off-page duplicate records first deletes the record and then puts the new one -- this could be a problem if the removal of the record causes a reverse split. Suggested solution is to acquire a cursor to lock down the current record, put a new record after that record, and then delete using the held cursor. It also tests the following, #5 in the same list of issues: 5. DBcursor->put, DB_AFTER/DB_BEFORE/DB_CURRENT flags, DB_DBT_PARTIAL set, duplicate comparison routine specified. The partial change does not change how data items sort, but the record to be put isn't built yet, and that record supplied is the one that's checked for ordering compatibility. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test068 Test of DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER with partial puts. Make sure DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER work properly with partial puts, and check that they return EINVAL if DB_DUPSORT is set or if DB_DUP is not. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test069 Test of DB_CURRENT partial puts without duplicates-- test067 w/ small ndups to ensure that partial puts to DB_CURRENT work correctly in the absence of duplicate pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test070 Test of DB_CONSUME (Four consumers, 1000 items.) Fork off six processes, four consumers and two producers. The producers will each put 20000 records into a queue; the consumers will each get 10000. Then, verify that no record was lost or retrieved twice. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test071 Test of DB_CONSUME (One consumer, 10000 items.) This is DB Test 70, with one consumer, one producers, and 10000 items. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test072 Test of cursor stability when duplicates are moved off-page. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test073 Test of cursor stability on duplicate pages. Does the following: a. Initialize things by DB->putting ndups dups and setting a reference cursor to point to each. b. c_put ndups dups (and correspondingly expanding the set of reference cursors) after the last one, making sure after each step that all the reference cursors still point to the right item. c. Ditto, but before the first one. d. Ditto, but after each one in sequence first to last. e. Ditto, but after each one in sequence from last to first. occur relative to the new datum) f. Ditto for the two sequence tests, only doing a DBC->c_put(DB_CURRENT) of a larger datum instead of adding a new one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test074 Test of DB_NEXT_NODUP. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test076 Test creation of many small databases in a single environment. [#1528]. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test077 Test of DB_GET_RECNO [#1206]. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test078 Test of DBC->c_count(). [#303] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test079 Test of deletes in large trees. (test006 w/ sm. pagesize). Check that delete operations work in large btrees. 10000 entries and a pagesize of 512 push this out to a four-level btree, with a small fraction of the entries going on overflow pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test081 Test off-page duplicates and overflow pages together with very large keys (key/data as file contents). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test082 Test of DB_PREV_NODUP (uses test074). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test083 Test of DB->key_range. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test084 Basic sanity test (test001) with large (64K) pages. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test085 Test of cursor behavior when a cursor is pointing to a deleted btree key which then has duplicates added. [#2473] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test086 Test of cursor stability across btree splits/rsplits with subtransaction aborts (a variant of test048). [#2373] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test087 Test of cursor stability when converting to and modifying off-page duplicate pages with subtransaction aborts. [#2373] Does the following: a. Initialize things by DB->putting ndups dups and setting a reference cursor to point to each. Do each put twice, first aborting, then committing, so we're sure to abort the move to off-page dups at some point. b. c_put ndups dups (and correspondingly expanding the set of reference cursors) after the last one, making sure after each step that all the reference cursors still point to the right item. c. Ditto, but before the first one. d. Ditto, but after each one in sequence first to last. e. Ditto, but after each one in sequence from last to first. occur relative to the new datum) f. Ditto for the two sequence tests, only doing a DBC->c_put(DB_CURRENT) of a larger datum instead of adding a new one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test088 Test of cursor stability across btree splits with very deep trees (a variant of test048). [#2514] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test089 Concurrent Data Store test (CDB) Enhanced CDB testing to test off-page dups, cursor dups and cursor operations like c_del then c_get. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test090 Test for functionality near the end of the queue using test001. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test091 Test of DB_CONSUME_WAIT. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test092 Test of DB_DIRTY_READ [#3395] We set up a database with nentries in it. We then open the database read-only twice. One with dirty reads and one without. We open the database for writing and update some entries in it. Then read those new entries via db->get (clean and dirty), and via cursors (clean and dirty). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test093 Test set_bt_compare (btree key comparison function) and set_h_compare (hash key comparison function). Open a database with a comparison function specified, populate, and close, saving a list with that key order as we do so. Reopen and read in the keys, saving in another list; the keys should be in the order specified by the comparison function. Sort the original saved list of keys using the comparison function, and verify that it matches the keys as read out of the database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test094 Test using set_dup_compare. Use the first 10,000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and data; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. Close file, reopen, do retrieve and re-verify. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test095 Bulk get test for methods supporting dups. [#2934] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test096 Db->truncate test. For all methods: Test that truncate empties an existing database. Test that truncate-write in an aborted txn doesn't change the original contents. Test that truncate-write in a committed txn does overwrite the original contents. For btree and hash, do the same in a database with offpage dups. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test097 Open up a large set of database files simultaneously. Adjust for local file descriptor resource limits. Then use the first 1000 entries from the dictionary. Insert each with self as key and a fixed, medium length data string; retrieve each. After all are entered, retrieve all; compare output to original. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test098 Test of DB_GET_RECNO and secondary indices. Open a primary and a secondary, and do a normal cursor get followed by a get_recno. (This is a smoke test for "Bug #1" in [#5811].) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test099 Test of DB->get and DBC->c_get with set_recno and get_recno. Populate a small btree -recnum database. After all are entered, retrieve each using -recno with DB->get. Open a cursor and do the same for DBC->c_get with set_recno. Verify that set_recno sets the record number position properly. Verify that get_recno returns the correct record numbers. Using the same database, open 3 cursors and position one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end. Delete by cursor and check that record renumbering is done properly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test100 Test for functionality near the end of the queue using test025 (DB_APPEND). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test101 Test for functionality near the end of the queue using test070 (DB_CONSUME). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test102 Bulk get test for record-based methods. [#2934] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test103 Test bulk get when record numbers wrap around. Load database with items starting before and ending after the record number wrap around point. Run bulk gets (-multi_key) with various buffer sizes and verify the contents returned match the results from a regular cursor get. Then delete items to create a sparse database and make sure it still works. Test both -multi and -multi_key since they behave differently. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test106 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test107 Test of read-committed (degree 2 isolation). [#8689] We set up a database. Open a read-committed transactional cursor and a regular transactional cursor on it. Position each cursor on one page, and do a put to a different page. Make sure that: - the put succeeds if we are using degree 2 isolation. - the put deadlocks within a regular transaction with a regular cursor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test109 Test of sequences. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test110 Partial get test with duplicates. For hash and btree, create and populate a database with dups. Randomly selecting offset and length, retrieve data from each record and make sure we get what we expect. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test111 Test database compaction. Populate a database. Remove a high proportion of entries. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Add back some entries, delete more entries (this time by cursor), dump, compact, and do the before/after check again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test112 Test database compaction with a deep tree. This is a lot like test111, but with a large number of entries and a small page size to make the tree deep. To make it simple we use numerical keys all the time. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Add back some entries, delete more entries (this time by cursor), dump, compact, and do the before/after check again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test113 Test database compaction with duplicates. This is essentially test111 with duplicates. To make it simple we use numerical keys all the time. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Add back some entries, delete more entries (this time by cursor), dump, compact, and do the before/after check again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test114 Test database compaction with overflows. Populate a database. Remove a high proportion of entries. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Add back some entries, delete more entries (this time by cursor), dump, compact, and do the before/after check again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test115 Test database compaction with user-specified btree sort. This is essentially test111 with the user-specified sort. Populate a database. Remove a high proportion of entries. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Add back some entries, delete more entries (this time by cursor), dump, compact, and do the before/after check again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test116 Test of basic functionality of lsn_reset. Create a database in an env. Copy it to a new file within the same env. Reset the page LSNs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test117 Test database compaction with requested fill percent. Populate a database. Remove a high proportion of entries. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, requesting fill percentages starting at 10% and working our way up to 100. On each cycle, make sure we still have the same contents. Unlike the other compaction tests, this one does not use -freespace. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test119 Test behavior when Berkeley DB returns DB_BUFFER_SMALL on a cursor. If the user-supplied buffer is not large enough to contain the returned value, DB returns BUFFER_SMALL. If it does, check that the cursor does not move -- if it moves, it will skip items. [#13815] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test120 Test of multi-version concurrency control. Test basic functionality: a snapshot transaction started before a regular transaction's put can't see the modification. A snapshot transaction started after the put can see it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test121 Tests of multi-version concurrency control. MVCC and cursor adjustment. Set up a -snapshot cursor and position it in the middle of a database. Write to the database, both before and after the cursor, and verify that it stays on the same position. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test122 Tests of multi-version concurrency control. MVCC and databases that turn multi-version on and off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test123 Concurrent Data Store cdsgroup smoke test. Open a CDS env with -cdb_alldb. Start a "txn" with -cdsgroup. Create two databases in the env, do a cursor put in both within the same txn. This should succeed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test124 Test db->verify with noorderchk and orderchkonly flags. Create a db with a non-standard sort order. Check that it fails a regular verify and succeeds with -noorderchk. Do a similar test with a db containing subdbs, one with the standard order and another with non-standard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test125 Test cursor comparison API. The cursor comparison API reports whether two cursors within the same database are at the same position. It does not report any information about relative position. 1. Test two uninitialized cursors (error). 2. Test one uninitialized cursor, one initialized (error). 3. Test two cursors in different databases (error). 4. Put two cursors in the same place, test for match. Walk them back and forth a bit, more matching. 5. Two cursors in the same spot. Delete through one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test126 Test database bulk update for non-duplicate databases. Put with -multiple, then with -multiple_key, and make sure the items in database are what we put. Later, delete some items with -multiple, then with -multiple_key, and make sure if the correct items are deleted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test127 Test database bulk update. This is essentially test126 with duplicates. To make it simple we use numerical keys all the time. Put with -multiple, then with -multiple_key, and make sure the items in database are what we want. Later, delete some items with -multiple, then with -multiple_key, and make sure if the correct items are deleted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test128 Test database bulk update for sub database and duplicate database. This is essentially test126 with sub database and secondary database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test129 Test database bulk update for duplicate sub database. This is essentially test127 with sub database. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test130 Test moving of subdatabase metadata pages. Populate num_db sub-database. Open multiple handles on each. Remove a high proportion of entries. Dump and save contents. Compact the database, dump again, and make sure we still have the same contents. Make sure handles and cursors still work after compaction. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test131 Test foreign database operations. Create a foreign db, and put some records into it. Then associate the foreign db with a secondary db, and put records into the primary db. Do operations in the foreign db and check results. Finally, verify the foreign relation between the foreign db and secondary db. Here, we test three different foreign delete constraints: - DB_FOREIGN_ABORT - DB_FOREIGN_CASCADE - DB_FOREIGN_NULLIFY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test132 Test foreign database operations on sub databases and in-memory databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test133 Test Cursor Cleanup. Open a primary database and a secondary database, then open 3 cursors on the secondary database, and point them at the first item. Do the following operations in loops: * The 1st cursor will delete the current item. * The 2nd cursor will also try to delete the current item. * Move all the 3 cursors to get the next item and check the returns. Finally, move the 3rd cursor once. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= test134 Test cursor cleanup for sub databases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn001 Begin, commit, abort testing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn002 Verify that read-only transactions do not write log records. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn003 Test abort/commit/prepare of txns with outstanding child txns. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn004 Test of wraparound txnids (txn001) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn005 Test transaction ID wraparound and recovery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn008 Test of wraparound txnids (txn002) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn009 Test of wraparound txnids (txn003) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn010 Test DB_ENV->txn_checkpoint arguments/flags =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn011 Test durable and non-durable txns. Test a mixed env (with both durable and non-durable dbs), then a purely non-durable env. Make sure commit and abort work, and that only the log records we expect are written. Test that we can't get a durable handle on an open ND database, or vice versa. Test that all subdb's must be of the same type (D or ND). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn012 Test txn->getname and txn->setname. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn013 Test of txns used in the wrong environment. Set up two envs. Start a txn in one env, and attempt to use it in the other env. Verify we get the appropriate error message. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= txn014 Test of parent and child txns working on the same database. A txn that will become a parent create a database. A txn that will not become a parent creates another database. Start a child txn of the 1st txn. Verify that the parent txn is disabled while child is open. 1. Child reads contents with child handle (should succeed). 2. Child reads contents with parent handle (should succeed). Verify that the non-parent txn can read from its database, and that the child txn cannot. Return to the child txn. 3. Child writes with child handle (should succeed). 4. Child writes with parent handle (should succeed). Commit the child, verify that the parent can write again. Check contents of database with a second child.