# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1999, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST env007 # TEST Test DB_CONFIG config file options for berkdb env. # TEST 1) Make sure command line option is respected # TEST 2) Make sure that config file option is respected # TEST 3) Make sure that if -both- DB_CONFIG and the set_ # TEST method is used, only the file is respected. # TEST Then test all known config options. # TEST Also test config options on berkdb open. This isn't # TEST really env testing, but there's no better place to put it. proc env007 { } { global errorInfo global errorCode global passwd global has_crypto source ./include.tcl puts "Env007: DB_CONFIG and getters test." puts "Env007.a: Test berkdb env options using getters and stat." # Set up options we can check via stat or getters. Structure # of the list is: # 0. Arg used in berkdb env command # 1. Arg used in DB_CONFIG file # 2. Value assigned in berkdb env command # 3. Value assigned in DB_CONFIG file # 4. Message output during test # 5. Stat command to run (empty if we can't get the info # from stat). # 6. String to search for in stat output # 7. Which arg to check in stat (needed for cases where # we set more than one args at a time, but stat can # only check one args, like cachesize) # 8. Arg used in getter # # The initial values for both locks and lock objects have silently # enforced minimums of 50 * #cpus. These values work for up to 8 cpus. set rlist { { " -txn_init " "set_memory_init DB_MEM_TRANSACTION" "19" "31" "Env007.a1: Txn Init" "txn_stat" "Initial txns" "0" "get_tx_init" } { " -txn_max " "set_tx_max" "29" "51" "Env007.a1: Txn Max" "txn_stat" "Maximum txns" "0" "get_tx_max" } { " -lock_locks " "set_memory_init DB_MEM_LOCK" "12407" "12429" "Env007.a2: Lock Init" "lock_stat" "Initial locks" "0" "get_lk_init_locks" } { " -lock_max_locks " "set_lk_max_locks" "1070" "1290" "Env007.a2: Lock Max" "lock_stat" "Maximum locks" "0" "get_lk_max_locks" } { " -lock_lockers " "set_memory_init DB_MEM_LOCKER" "150" "200" "Env007.a3: Init Lockers" "lock_stat" "Initial lockers" "0" "get_lk_init_lockers" } { " -lock_max_lockers " "set_lk_max_lockers" "1500" "2000" "Env007.a3: Max Lockers" "lock_stat" "Maximum lockers" "0" "get_lk_max_lockers" } { " -lock_objects " "set_memory_init DB_MEM_LOCKOBJECT" "12405" "12408" "Env007.a4: Init Objects" "lock_stat" "Initial objects" "0" "get_lk_init_objects" } { " -lock_max_objects " "set_lk_max_objects" "1500" "2000" "Env007.a4: Max Objects" "lock_stat" "Maximum objects" "0" "get_lk_max_objects" } { " -log_buffer " "set_lg_bsize" "65536" "131072" "Env007.a5: Log Bsize" "log_stat" "Log record cache size" "0" "get_lg_bsize" } { " -log_max " "set_lg_max" "8388608" "9437184" "Env007.a6: Log Max" "log_stat" "Current log file size" "0" "get_lg_max" } { " -cachesize " "set_cachesize" "0 536870912 1" "1 0 1" "Env007.a7.0: Cachesize" "mpool_stat" "Cache size (gbytes)" "0" "get_cachesize" } { " -cachesize " "set_cachesize" "0 536870912 1" "1 0 1" "Env007.a7.1: Cachesize" "mpool_stat" "Cache size (bytes)" "1" "get_cachesize" } { " -cachesize " "set_cachesize" "0 536870912 1" "1 0 1" "Env007.a7.2: Cachesize" "mpool_stat" "Number of caches" "2" "get_cachesize" } { " -lock_timeout " "set_lock_timeout" "100" "120" "Env007.a8: Lock Timeout" "lock_stat" "Lock timeout value" "0" "get_timeout lock" } { " -log_regionmax " "set_lg_regionmax" "8388608" "4194304" "Env007.a9: Log Regionmax" "" "Region size" "0" "get_lg_regionmax" } { " -mpool_max_openfd " "set_mp_max_openfd" "17" "27" "Env007.a10: Mmap max openfd" "mpool_stat" "Maximum open file descriptors" "0" "get_mp_max_openfd" } { " -mpool_max_write " "set_mp_max_write" "37 47" "57 67" "Env007.a11.1: Mmap max write" "mpool_stat" "Sleep after writing maximum buffers" "1" "get_mp_max_write" } { " -mpool_mmap_size " "set_mp_mmapsize" "12582912" "8388608" "Env007.a12: Mmapsize" "mpool_stat" "Maximum memory-mapped file size" "0" "get_mp_mmapsize" } { " -shm_key " "set_shm_key" "15" "35" "Env007.a13: Shm Key" "" "" "" "get_shm_key" } { " -tmp_dir " "set_tmp_dir" "." "./TEMPDIR" "Env007.a14: Temp dir" "" "" "" "get_tmp_dir" } { " -txn_timeout " "set_txn_timeout" "100" "120" "Env007.a15: Txn timeout" "lock_stat" "Transaction timeout value" "0" "get_timeout txn" } { " -log_filemode " "set_lg_filemode" "417" "637" "Env007.a16: Log FileMode" "log_stat" "Log file mode" "0" "get_lg_filemode" } {" -lock_partitions " "set_lk_partitions" "10" "20" "Env007.a17: Lock Partitions" "lock_stat" "Number of lock table partitions" "0" "get_lk_partitions" } {" -mutex_set_align " "mutex_set_align" "8" "16" "Env007.a18: Mutex align" "mutex_stat" "Mutex align" "0" "mutex_get_align" } {" -mutex_set_incr " "mutex_set_increment" "1000" "1500" "Env007.a19: Mutex increment" "" "" "" "mutex_get_incr" } {" -mutex_set_max " "mutex_set_max" "2000" "2500" "Env007.a20: Mutex max" "mutex_stat" "Mutex max" "0" "mutex_get_max" } {" -mutex_set_tas_spins " "mutex_set_tas_spins" "60" "85" "Env007.a21: Mutex tas spins" "mutex_stat" "Mutex TAS spins" "0" "mutex_get_tas_spins" } {" -pagesize " "set_mp_pagesize" "4096" "8192" "Env007.a22: Mpool pagesize" "" "" "" "get_mp_pagesize" } {" -reg_timeout " "set_reg_timeout" "25000" "35000" "Env007.a23: Register timeout" "" "" "" "get_timeout reg" } } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir -txn " set qnxexclude {set_cachesize} foreach item $rlist { set envarg [lindex $item 0] set configarg [lindex $item 1] set envval [lindex $item 2] set configval [lindex $item 3] set msg [lindex $item 4] set statcmd [lindex $item 5] set statstr [lindex $item 6] set index [lindex $item 7] set getter [lindex $item 8] if { $is_qnx_test && [lsearch $qnxexclude $configarg] != -1 } { puts "\tEnv007.a: Skipping $configarg for QNX" continue } env_cleanup $testdir # First verify using just env args puts "\t$msg Environment argument only" set env [eval $e $envarg {$envval}] error_check_good envopen:0 [is_valid_env $env] TRUE error_check_good get_envval [eval $env $getter] $envval if { $statcmd != "" } { set statenvval [lindex $envval $index] # log_stat reports the sum of the specified # region size and the log buffer size. if { $statstr == "Region size" } { set lbufsize 32768 set statenvval [expr $statenvval + $lbufsize] } env007_check $env $statcmd $statstr $statenvval } error_check_good envclose:0 [$env close] 0 env_cleanup $testdir env007_make_config $configarg $configval # Verify using just config file puts "\t$msg Config file only" set env [eval $e] error_check_good envopen:1 [is_valid_env $env] TRUE error_check_good get_configval1 [eval $env $getter] $configval if { $statcmd != "" } { set statconfigval [lindex $configval $index] if { $statstr == "Region size" } { set statconfigval \ [expr $statconfigval + $lbufsize] } env007_check $env $statcmd $statstr $statconfigval } error_check_good envclose:1 [$env close] 0 # Now verify using env args and config args puts "\t$msg Environment arg and config file" set env [eval $e $envarg {$envval}] error_check_good envopen:2 [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Getter should retrieve config val, not envval. error_check_good get_configval2 [eval $env $getter] $configval if { $statcmd != "" } { env007_check $env $statcmd $statstr $statconfigval } error_check_good envclose:2 [$env close] 0 } # # Test all options that can be set in DB_CONFIG. Write it out # to the file and make sure we can open the env. This execs # the config file code. Also check with a getter that the # expected value is returned. # puts "\tEnv007.b1: Test berkdb env config options using getters\ and env open." # The cfglist variable contains options that can be set in DB_CONFIG. set cfglist { { "set_data_dir" "." "get_data_dirs" "." } { "add_data_dir" "." "get_data_dirs" "." } { "set_create_dir" "." "get_create_dir" "."} { "set_flags" "db_auto_commit" "get_flags" "-auto_commit" } { "set_flags" "db_cdb_alldb" "get_flags" "-cdb_alldb" } { "set_flags" "db_direct_db" "get_flags" "-direct_db" } { "set_flags" "db_dsync_db" "get_flags" "-dsync_db" } { "set_flags" "db_multiversion" "get_flags" "-multiversion" } { "set_flags" "db_nolocking" "get_flags" "-nolock" } { "set_flags" "db_nommap" "get_flags" "-nommap" } { "set_flags" "db_nopanic" "get_flags" "-nopanic" } { "set_flags" "db_overwrite" "get_flags" "-overwrite" } { "set_flags" "db_region_init" "get_flags" "-region_init" } { "set_flags" "db_time_notgranted" "get_flags" "-time_notgranted" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_nosync" "get_flags" "-nosync" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_nowait" "get_flags" "-nowait" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_snapshot" "get_flags" "-snapshot" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_write_nosync" "get_flags" "-wrnosync" } { "set_flags" "db_yieldcpu" "get_flags" "-yield" } { "set_flags" "db_log_inmemory" "log_get_config" "inmemory" } { "set_flags" "db_direct_log" "log_get_config" "direct" } { "set_flags" "db_dsync_log" "log_get_config" "dsync" } { "set_flags" "db_log_autoremove" "log_get_config" "autoremove" } { "set_lg_bsize" "65536" "get_lg_bsize" "65536" } { "set_lg_dir" "." "get_lg_dir" "." } { "set_lg_max" "8388608" "get_lg_max" "8388608" } { "set_lg_regionmax" "262144" "get_lg_regionmax" "262144" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_default" "get_lk_detect" "default" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_expire" "get_lk_detect" "expire" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_maxlocks" "get_lk_detect" "maxlocks" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_maxwrite" "get_lk_detect" "maxwrite" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_minlocks" "get_lk_detect" "minlocks" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_minwrite" "get_lk_detect" "minwrite" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_oldest" "get_lk_detect" "oldest" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_random" "get_lk_detect" "random" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_youngest" "get_lk_detect" "youngest" } { "set_lk_max_lockers" "1500" "get_lk_max_lockers" "1500" } { "set_lk_max_locks" "1290" "get_lk_max_locks" "1290" } { "set_lk_max_objects" "1500" "get_lk_max_objects" "1500" } { "set_lk_partitions" "5" "get_lk_partitions" "5" } { "set_lock_timeout" "100" "get_timeout lock" "100" } { "set_mp_mmapsize" "12582912" "get_mp_mmapsize" "12582912" } { "set_mp_max_write" "10 20" "get_mp_max_write" "10 20" } { "set_mp_max_openfd" "10" "get_mp_max_openfd" "10" } { "set_mp_pagesize" "8192" "get_mp_pagesize" "8192" } { "set_open_flags" "db_private" "get_open_flags" "-private" } { "set_open_flags" "db_private on" "get_open_flags" "-private" } { "set_open_flags" "db_init_rep" "get_open_flags" "-rep" } { "set_open_flags" "db_thread" "get_open_flags" "-thread" } { "set_region_init" "1" "get_flags" "-region_init" } { "set_reg_timeout" "60" "get_timeout reg" "60" } { "set_shm_key" "15" "get_shm_key" "15" } { "set_tas_spins" "15" "get_tas_spins" "15" } { "set_tmp_dir" "." "get_tmp_dir" "." } { "set_tx_max" "31" "get_tx_max" "31" } { "set_txn_timeout" "50" "get_timeout txn" "50" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_deadlock" "get_verbose deadlock" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_register" "get_verbose register" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_replication" "get_verbose rep" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_elect" "get_verbose rep_elect" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_lease" "get_verbose rep_lease" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_misc" "get_verbose rep_misc" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_msgs" "get_verbose rep_msgs" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_sync" "get_verbose rep_sync" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_rep_system" "get_verbose rep_system" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_repmgr_connfail" "get_verbose repmgr_connfail" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_repmgr_misc" "get_verbose repmgr_misc" "on" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_waitsfor" "get_verbose wait" "on" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_direct" "log_get_config" "direct" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_dsync" "log_get_config" "dsync" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_auto_remove" "log_get_config" "autoremove" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_in_memory" "log_get_config" "inmemory" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_zero" "log_get_config" "zero" } { "mutex_set_align" "8" "mutex_get_align" "8" } { "mutex_set_increment" "100" "mutex_get_incr" "100" } { "mutex_set_max" "1000" "mutex_get_max" "1000" } { "mutex_set_tas_spins" "32" "mutex_get_tas_spins" "32" } } env_cleanup $testdir set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir \ -txn -lock -log -thread" set directlist {db_direct_db db_log_direct db_direct_log} foreach item $cfglist { env_cleanup $testdir set configarg [lindex $item 0] set configval [lindex $item 1] set getter [lindex $item 2] set getval [lindex $item 3] set extra_cmd {} if {$configarg == "set_create_dir"} { set extra_cmd "-add_dir $configval" } env007_make_config $configarg $configval # Verify using config file puts "\t\tEnv007.b1: $configarg $configval" # Unconfigured/unsupported direct I/O is not reported # as a failure. set directmsg \ "direct I/O either not configured or not supported" if {[catch { eval $e $extra_cmd} env ]} { if { [lsearch $directlist $configval] != -1 && \ [is_substr $env $directmsg] == 1 } { continue } else { puts "FAIL: $env" continue } } error_check_good envvalid:1 [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # get_open_flags returns a whole string of flags, so pick # out the one we're looking for. The other getters are # specific to the designated flag. if { $getter == "get_open_flags" } { set flags [eval $env $getter] error_check_good flag_found [is_substr $flags $getval] 1 } elseif { $getter == "log_get_config" } { error_check_good log_get [eval $env $getter $getval] 1 } else { error_check_good getter:1 [eval $env $getter] $getval } error_check_good envclose:1 [$env close] 0 } # Some verbose options send output to stdout that we want # to inspect, or don't want to send to the screen -- handle # these by running them in their own Tcl shell. # # We use the same method as section .b1, but cfglist has one # additional argument where we specify the message to look # for in the log file. puts "\tEnv007.b2: Test berkdb env config options using getters\ and env open in a separate Tcl shell." # The cfglist variable contains options that can be set in DB_CONFIG. set cfglist { { "set_verbose" "db_verb_recovery" \ "get_verbose recovery" "on" "No log files found"} { "set_verbose" "db_verb_fileops" \ "get_verbose fileops" "on" "fileops" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_fileops_all" \ "get_verbose fileops_all" "on" "fileops: write" } } foreach item $cfglist { env_cleanup $testdir set configarg [lindex $item 0] set configval [lindex $item 1] set getter [lindex $item 2] set getval [lindex $item 3] set checkmsg [lindex $item 4] puts "\t\tEnv007.b2: $configarg $configval" set pid [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \ env007script.tcl $testdir/env007.b2.output $configarg \ $configval $getter $getval &] tclsleep 2 watch_procs $pid 5 error_check_good found_message \ [findstring $checkmsg $testdir/env007.b2.output] 1 # Clean up before the next part. fileremove -f $testdir/DB_CONFIG } puts "\tEnv007.c: Test berkdb env options using getters and env open." # The envopenlist variable contains options that can be set using # berkdb env. We always set -mpool. set envopenlist { { "-system_mem" "-shm_key 20" "-system_mem" "get_open_flags" } { "-cdb" "" "-cdb" "get_open_flags" } { "-errpfx" "FOO" "FOO" "get_errpfx" } { "-lock" "" "-lock" "get_open_flags" } { "-log" "" "-log" "get_open_flags" } { "" "" "-mpool" "get_open_flags" } { "-txn -rep" "" "-rep" "get_open_flags" } { "-txn" "" "-txn" "get_open_flags" } { "-recover" "-txn" "-recover" "get_open_flags" } { "-recover_fatal" "-txn" "-recover_fatal" "get_open_flags" } { "-register" "-txn -recover" "-register" "get_open_flags" } { "-use_environ" "" "-use_environ" "get_open_flags" } { "-use_environ_root" "" "-use_environ_root" "get_open_flags" } { "" "" "-create" "get_open_flags" } { "-private" "" "-private" "get_open_flags" } { "-thread" "" "-thread" "get_open_flags" } { "-txn_timestamp" "100000000" "100000000" "get_tx_timestamp" } } if { $has_crypto == 1 } { lappend envopenlist { "-encryptaes" "$passwd" "-encryptaes" "get_encrypt_flags" } } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir" set qnxexclude {-system_mem} foreach item $envopenlist { env_cleanup $testdir set envarg [lindex $item 0] set envval [lindex $item 1] set retval [lindex $item 2] set getter [lindex $item 3] if { $is_qnx_test && [lsearch $qnxexclude $envarg] != -1} { puts "\t\tEnv007: Skipping $envarg for QNX" continue } puts "\t\tEnv007.c: $envarg $retval" # Set up env set ret [catch {eval $e $envarg $envval} env] if { $ret != 0 } { # If the env open failed, it may be because we're on a # platform such as HP-UX 10 that won't support mutexes # in shmget memory. Verify that the return value was # EINVAL or EOPNOTSUPP and bail gracefully. error_check_good \ is_shm_test [is_substr $envarg -system_mem] 1 error_check_good returned_error [expr \ [is_substr $errorCode EINVAL] || \ [is_substr $errorCode EOPNOTSUPP]] 1 puts "Warning: platform\ does not support mutexes in shmget memory." puts "Skipping shared memory mpool test." } else { error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Check that getter retrieves expected retval. set get_retval [eval $env $getter] if { [is_substr $get_retval $retval] != 1 } { puts "FAIL: $retval\ should be a substring of $get_retval" continue } error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 # The -encryptany flag can only be tested on an existing # environment that supports encryption, so do it here. if { $has_crypto == 1 } { if { $envarg == "-encryptaes" } { set env [eval berkdb_env -home $testdir\ -encryptany $passwd] error_check_good get_encryptany \ [eval $env get_encrypt_flags] \ "-encryptaes" error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 } } } } puts "\tEnv007.d: Test berkdb env options using set_flags and getters." # The flaglist variable contains options that can be set using # $env set_flags. set flaglist { { "-direct_db" } { "-dsync_db" } { "-nolock" } { "-nommap" } { "-nopanic" } { "-nosync" } { "-overwrite" } { "-panic" } { "-snapshot" } { "-time_notgranted" } { "-wrnosync" } { "-hotbackup_in_progress" } } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -txn -home $testdir" set directlist {-direct_db} foreach item $flaglist { set flag [lindex $item 0] env_cleanup $testdir puts "\t\tEnv007.d: $flag" # Set up env set env [eval $e] error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Use set_flags to turn on new env characteristics. # # Unconfigured/unsupported direct I/O is not reported # as a failure. if {[catch { $env set_flags $flag on } res ]} { if { [lsearch $directlist $flag] != -1 && \ [is_substr $res $directmsg] == 1 } { error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } else { puts "FAIL: $res" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } } else { error_check_good "flag $flag on" $res 0 } # Check that getter retrieves expected retval. # A call to get_flags with -panic will report # that the env is panicked, so skip over this and # turn it off. if { $flag != "-panic" } { set get_retval [eval $env get_flags] if { [is_substr $get_retval $flag] != 1 } { puts "FAIL: $flag should\ be a substring of $get_retval" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } } # Use set_flags to turn off env characteristics, make sure # they are gone. error_check_good "flag $flag off" [$env set_flags $flag off] 0 set get_retval [eval $env get_flags] if { [is_substr $get_retval $flag] == 1 } { puts "FAIL: $flag should not be in $get_retval" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 } puts "\tEnv007.d1: Test berkdb env options using log_set_config and getters." # The flaglist variable contains options that can be set using # $env log_config. set flaglist { { "autoremove" } { "direct" } { "dsync" } { "zero" } } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -mode 0644 -home $testdir" set directlist {direct} foreach item $flaglist { set flag [lindex $item 0] env_cleanup $testdir # Set up env set env [eval $e] error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Use set_flags to turn on new env characteristics. # # Unconfigured/unsupported direct I/O is not reported # as a failure. if {[catch { $env log_config $flag on } res ]} { if { [lsearch $directlist $flag] != -1 && \ [is_substr $res $directmsg] == 1 } { error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } else { puts "FAIL: $res" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } } else { error_check_good "flag $flag on" $res 0 } # Check that getter retrieves expected retval. set get_retval [eval $env log_get_config $flag] if { $get_retval != 1 } { puts "FAIL: $flag is not on" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } # Use set_flags to turn off env characteristics, make sure # they are gone. error_check_good "flag $flag off" [$env log_config $flag off] 0 set get_retval [eval $env log_get_config $flag] if { $get_retval == 1 } { puts "FAIL: $flag should off" error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 continue } error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 } puts "\tEnv007.e: Test env get_home." env_cleanup $testdir # Set up env set env [eval $e] error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Test for correct value. set get_retval [eval $env get_home] error_check_good get_home $get_retval $testdir error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 puts "\tEnv007.f: Test that bad config values are rejected." set cfglist { { "set_cache_max" "1" } { "set_data_dir" "dir1 dir2" } { "add_data_dir" "dir1 dir2" } { "set_create_dir" "dir1 dir2" } { "set_intermediate_dir_mode" "0644 0666" } { "set_cachesize" "1048576" } { "set_flags" "db_xxx" } { "set_flags" "1" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_nosync x" } { "set_flags" "db_txn_nosync x x1" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_xxx" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_auto_remove x" } { "log_set_config" "db_log_auto_remove x x1" } { "set_lg_bsize" "db_xxx" } { "set_lg_max" "db_xxx" } { "set_lg_dir" "dir1 dir2" } { "set_lg_regionmax" "db_xxx" } { "set_lock_timeout" "lock 500"} { "set_lk_detect" "db_xxx" } { "set_lk_detect" "1" } { "set_lk_detect" "db_lock_youngest x" } { "set_lk_max_locks" "db_xxx" } { "set_lk_max_lockers" "db_xxx" } { "set_lk_max_objects" "db_xxx" } { "set_mp_max_openfd" "1 2" } { "set_mp_max_write" "1 2 3" } { "set_mp_mmapsize" "db_xxx" } { "set_open_flags" "db_private db_thread db_init_rep" } { "set_open_flags" "db_private x" } { "set_open_flags" "db_xxx" } { "set_region_init" "db_xxx" } { "set_region_init" "db_xxx 1" } { "set_region_init" "100" } { "set_reg_timeout" "reg 5000" } { "set_shm_key" "db_xxx" } { "set_shm_key" ""} { "set_shm_key" "11 12 13"} { "set_tas_spins" "db_xxx" } { "set_tmp_dir" "dir1 dir2" } { "set_tx_max" "db_xxx" } { "set_txn_timeout" "txn 5000" } { "set_verbose" "db_xxx" } { "set_verbose" "1" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_recovery x" } { "set_verbose" "db_verb_recovery x x1" } } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 \ -home $testdir -log -lock -txn " foreach item $cfglist { set configarg [lindex $item 0] set configval [lindex $item 1] env007_make_config $configarg $configval # verify using just config file set stat [catch {eval $e} ret] error_check_good envopen $stat 1 error_check_good error [is_substr $errorCode EINVAL] 1 } puts "\tEnv007.g: Config name error set_xxx" set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 \ -home $testdir -log -lock -txn " env007_make_config "set_xxx" 1 set stat [catch {eval $e} ret] error_check_good envopen $stat 1 error_check_good error [is_substr $errorInfo \ "unrecognized name-value pair"] 1 puts "\tEnv007.h: Test berkdb open flags and getters." # Check options that we configure with berkdb open and # query via getters. Structure of the list is: # 0. Flag used in berkdb open command # 1. Value specified to flag # 2. Specific method, if needed # 3. Arg used in getter set olist { { "-minkey" "4" " -btree " "get_bt_minkey" } { "-cachesize" "0 1048576 1" "" "get_cachesize" } { "" "FILENAME DBNAME" "" "get_dbname" } { "" "" "" "get_env" } { "-errpfx" "ERROR:" "" "get_errpfx" } { "" "-chksum" "" "get_flags" } { "-delim" "58" "-recno" "get_re_delim" } { "" "-dup" "" "get_flags" } { "" "-dup -dupsort" "" "get_flags" } { "" "-dup" "-hash" "get_flags" } { "" "-dup -dupsort" "-hash" "get_flags" } { "" "-recnum" "" "get_flags" } { "" "-revsplitoff" "" "get_flags" } { "" "-revsplitoff" "-hash" "get_flags" } { "" "-inorder" "-queue" "get_flags" } { "" "-renumber" "-recno" "get_flags" } { "" "-snapshot" "-recno" "get_flags" } { "" "-create" "" "get_open_flags" } { "" "-create -read_uncommitted" "" "get_open_flags" } { "" "-create -excl" "" "get_open_flags" } { "" "-create -nommap" "" "get_open_flags" } { "" "-create -thread" "" "get_open_flags" } { "" "-create -truncate" "" "get_open_flags" } { "-ffactor" "40" " -hash " "get_h_ffactor" } { "-lorder" "4321" "" "get_lorder" } { "-nelem" "10000" " -hash " "get_h_nelem" } { "-pagesize" "4096" "" "get_pagesize" } { "-extent" "4" "-queue" "get_q_extentsize" } { "-len" "20" "-recno" "get_re_len" } { "-pad" "0" "-recno" "get_re_pad" } { "-source" "include.tcl" "-recno" "get_re_source" } } set o "berkdb_open_noerr -create -mode 0644" foreach item $olist { cleanup $testdir NULL set flag [lindex $item 0] set flagval [lindex $item 1] set method [lindex $item 2] if { $method == "" } { set method " -btree " } set getter [lindex $item 3] puts "\t\tEnv007.h: $flag $flagval $method" # Check that open is successful with the flag. # The option -cachesize requires grouping for $flagval. if { $flag == "-cachesize" } { set ret [catch {eval $o $method $flag {$flagval}\ $testdir/a.db} db] } else { set ret [catch {eval $o $method $flag $flagval\ $testdir/a.db} db] } if { $ret != 0 } { # If the open failed, it may be because we're on a # platform such as HP-UX 10 that won't support # locks in process-local memory. # Verify that the return value was EOPNOTSUPP # and bail gracefully. error_check_good \ is_thread_test [is_substr $flagval -thread] 1 error_check_good returned_error [expr \ [is_substr $errorCode EINVAL] || \ [is_substr $errorCode EOPNOTSUPP]] 1 puts "Warning: platform does not support\ locks inside process-local memory." puts "Skipping test of -thread flag." } else { error_check_good dbopen:0 [is_valid_db $db] TRUE # Check that getter retrieves the correct value. # Cachesizes under 500MB are adjusted upward to # about 25% so just make sure we're in the right # ballpark, between 1.2 and 1.3 of the original value. if { $flag == "-cachesize" } { set retval [eval $db $getter] set retbytes [lindex $retval 1] set setbytes [lindex $flagval 1] error_check_good cachesize_low [expr\ $retbytes > [expr $setbytes * 6 / 5]] 1 error_check_good cachesize_high [expr\ $retbytes < [expr $setbytes * 13 / 10]] 1 } else { error_check_good get_flagval \ [eval $db $getter] $flagval } error_check_good dbclose:0 [$db close] 0 } } puts "\tEnv007.i: Test berkdb_open -rdonly." # This test is done separately because -rdonly can only be specified # on an already existing database. set flag "-rdonly" set db [eval berkdb_open $flag $testdir/a.db] error_check_good open_rdonly [is_valid_db $db] TRUE error_check_good get_rdonly [eval $db get_open_flags] $flag error_check_good dbclose:0 [$db close] 0 puts "\tEnv007.j: Test berkdb open flags and getters\ requiring environments." # Check options that we configure with berkdb open and # query via getters. Structure of the list is: # 0. Flag used in berkdb open command # 1. Value specified to flag # 2. Specific method, if needed # 3. Arg used in getter # 4. Additional flags needed in setting up env set elist { { "" "-auto_commit" "" "get_open_flags" "" } { "" "-notdurable" "" "get_flags" "" } } if { $has_crypto == 1 } { lappend elist \ { "" "-encrypt" "" "get_flags" "-encryptaes $passwd" } } set e "berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -txn " set o "berkdb_open -create -btree -mode 0644 " foreach item $elist { env_cleanup $testdir set flag [lindex $item 0] set flagval [lindex $item 1] set method [lindex $item 2] if { $method == "" } { set method " -btree " } set getter [lindex $item 3] set envflag [lindex $item 4] puts "\t\tEnv007.j: $flag $flagval" # Check that open is successful with the flag. set env [eval $e $envflag] set db [eval $o -env $env $flag $flagval a.db] error_check_good dbopen:0 [is_valid_db $db] TRUE # Check that getter retrieves the correct value set get_flagval [eval $db $getter] error_check_good get_flagval [is_substr $get_flagval $flagval] 1 error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0 error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 } puts "\tEnv007.k: Test berkdb_open DB_TXN_NOSYNC and DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC." # Test all combinations of DB_TXN_NOSYNC and DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC. If we're # setting both of them, the previous setting would be cleared. set cfglist { { "db_txn_nosync" "on" "db_txn_write_nosync" "on" "-nosync" "0" "-wrnosync" "1"} { "db_txn_nosync" "off" "db_txn_write_nosync" "on" "-nosync" "0" "-wrnosync" "1"} { "db_txn_nosync" "on" "db_txn_write_nosync" "off" "-nosync" "1" "-wrnosync" "0"} { "db_txn_nosync" "off" "db_txn_write_nosync" "off" "-nosync" "0" "-wrnosync" "0"} { "db_txn_write_nosync" "on" "db_txn_nosync" "on" "-wrnosync" "0" "-nosync" "1"} { "db_txn_write_nosync" "off" "db_txn_nosync" "on" "-wrnosync" "0" "-nosync" "1"} { "db_txn_write_nosync" "on" "db_txn_nosync" "off" "-wrnosync" "1" "-nosync" "0"} { "db_txn_write_nosync" "off" "db_txn_nosync" "off" "-wrnosync" "0" "-nosync" "0"} } foreach item $cfglist { env_cleanup $testdir set cfg1 [lindex $item 0] set val1 [lindex $item 1] set cfg2 [lindex $item 2] set val2 [lindex $item 3] set chk_cfg1 [lindex $item 4] set chk_val1 [lindex $item 5] set chk_cfg2 [lindex $item 6] set chk_val2 [lindex $item 7] env007_append_config "w" "set_flags" "$cfg1" "$val1" env007_append_config "a" "set_flags" "$cfg2" "$val2" set env [eval $e] error_check_good envopen:1 [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # Check flags set flags [eval $env "get_flags"] error_check_good flag_found [is_substr $flags $chk_cfg1] $chk_val1 error_check_good flag_found [is_substr $flags $chk_cfg2] $chk_val2 error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 } } proc env007_check { env statcmd statstr testval } { set stat [$env $statcmd] set checked 0 foreach statpair $stat { if {$checked == 1} { break } set statmsg [lindex $statpair 0] set statval [lindex $statpair 1] if {[is_substr $statmsg $statstr] != 0} { set checked 1 error_check_good $statstr:ck $statval $testval } } error_check_good $statstr:test $checked 1 } proc env007_make_config { carg cval } { global testdir set cid [open $testdir/DB_CONFIG w] puts $cid "$carg $cval" close $cid } proc env007_append_config { mode carg cval onoff } { global testdir set cid [open $testdir/DB_CONFIG $mode] puts $cid "$carg $cval $onoff" close $cid } proc env007_eval_env { e } { eval $e }