# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST log001 # TEST Read/write log records. # TEST Test with and without fixed-length, in-memory logging, # TEST and encryption. proc log001 { } { global passwd global has_crypto global rand_init berkdb srand $rand_init set iter 1000 set max [expr 1024 * 128] foreach fixedlength { 0 1 } { foreach inmem { 1 0 } { log001_body $max $iter $fixedlength $inmem log001_body $max [expr $iter * 15] $fixedlength $inmem # Skip encrypted tests if not supported. if { $has_crypto == 0 } { continue } log001_body $max\ $iter $fixedlength $inmem "-encryptaes $passwd" log001_body $max\ [expr $iter * 15] $fixedlength $inmem "-encryptaes $passwd" } } } proc log001_body { max nrecs fixedlength inmem {encargs ""} } { source ./include.tcl puts -nonewline "Log001: Basic put/get log records: " if { $fixedlength == 1 } { puts -nonewline "fixed-length ($encargs)" } else { puts -nonewline "variable-length ($encargs)" } # In-memory logging requires a large enough log buffer that # any active transaction can be aborted. if { $inmem == 1 } { set lbuf [expr 8 * [expr 1024 * 1024]] puts " with in-memory logging." } else { puts " with on-disk logging." } env_cleanup $testdir set logargs "" if { $inmem == 1 } { set logargs "-log_inmemory -log_buffer $lbuf" } set env [eval {berkdb_env -log -create -home $testdir -mode 0644} \ $encargs $logargs -log_max $max] error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE # We will write records to the log and make sure we can # read them back correctly. We'll use a standard pattern # repeated some number of times for each record. set lsn_list {} set rec_list {} puts "\tLog001.a: Writing $nrecs log records" for { set i 0 } { $i < $nrecs } { incr i } { set rec "" for { set j 0 } { $j < [expr $i % 10 + 1] } {incr j} { set rec $rec$i:logrec:$i } if { $fixedlength != 1 } { set rec $rec:[random_data 237 0 0] } set lsn [$env log_put $rec] error_check_bad log_put [is_substr $lsn log_cmd] 1 lappend lsn_list $lsn lappend rec_list $rec } # Open a log cursor. set logc [$env log_cursor] error_check_good logc [is_valid_logc $logc $env] TRUE puts "\tLog001.b: Retrieving log records sequentially (forward)" set i 0 for { set grec [$logc get -first] } { [llength $grec] != 0 } { set grec [$logc get -next]} { error_check_good log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] \ [lindex $rec_list $i] incr i } puts "\tLog001.c: Retrieving log records sequentially (backward)" set i [llength $rec_list] for { set grec [$logc get -last] } { [llength $grec] != 0 } { set grec [$logc get -prev] } { incr i -1 error_check_good \ log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list $i] } puts "\tLog001.d: Retrieving log records sequentially by LSN" set i 0 foreach lsn $lsn_list { set grec [$logc get -set $lsn] error_check_good \ log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list $i] incr i } puts "\tLog001.e: Retrieving log records randomly by LSN" set m [expr [llength $lsn_list] - 1] for { set i 0 } { $i < $nrecs } { incr i } { set recno [berkdb random_int 0 $m ] set lsn [lindex $lsn_list $recno] set grec [$logc get -set $lsn] error_check_good \ log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list $recno] } puts "\tLog001.f: Retrieving first/current, last/current log record" set grec [$logc get -first] error_check_good log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list 0] set grec [$logc get -current] error_check_good log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list 0] set i [expr [llength $rec_list] - 1] set grec [$logc get -last] error_check_good log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list $i] set grec [$logc get -current] error_check_good log_get:seq [lindex $grec 1] [lindex $rec_list $i] # Close and unlink the file error_check_good log_cursor:close:$logc [$logc close] 0 error_check_good env:close [$env close] 0 error_check_good envremove [berkdb envremove -home $testdir] 0 }