# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST recd025 # TEST Basic tests for transaction bulk loading and recovery. # TEST In particular, verify that the tricky hot backup protocol works. # These tests check the following conditions # 1. We can abort a TXN_BULK transaction, both online and during recovery. # 2. Tricky hot backup protocol works correctly # - start bulk txn; populate, adding pages # - set hotbackup_in_progress (forces chkpt, as bulk txn is in progress) # - copy database file # - populate more, adding more pages (with bulk optimization disabled) # - commit # - move copy back into test dir # - roll forward, verify rolled-forward backup matches committed database # A more straightforward test of bulk transactions and hot backup is # in the backup test. proc recd025 { method args } { global fixed_len global is_hp_test source ./include.tcl # Skip test for specified page sizes -- we want to # specify our own page size. set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"] if { $pgindex != -1 } { puts "Recd025: Skipping for specific pagesizes" return } # Skip test for heap, as heap does not have BULK ops if { [is_heap $method] == 1 } { puts "Recd025 skipping for heap method." return } # Increase size of fixed-length records to match other methods. # We pick an arbitrarily larger record size to ensure that we # allocate several pages. set orig_fixed_len $fixed_len set fixed_len 53 set opts [convert_args $method $args] set omethod [convert_method $method] puts "Recd025: TXN_BULK page allocation and recovery" # Create the database and environment. env_cleanup $testdir set testfile recd025.db puts "\tRecd025.1a: creating environment" set env_cmd "berkdb_env -create -txn -home $testdir" set dbenv [eval $env_cmd] error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $dbenv] TRUE # Open database with small pages. puts "\tRecd025.1b: creating and populating database with small pages" set pagesize 512 set oflags "-create $omethod -mode 0644 -pagesize $pagesize \ -env $dbenv -auto_commit $opts $testfile" set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags] error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE set batchsize 20 set lim 0 set iter 1 set datasize 53 set data [repeat "a" $datasize] set t [$dbenv txn] for {set lim [expr $lim + $batchsize]} {$iter <= $lim } {incr iter} { eval {$db put} -txn $t $iter $data } error_check_good txn_commit [$t commit] 0 error_check_good sync:$db [$db sync] 0 # Make a copy of the database now, for comparison catch { file copy -force $testdir/$testfile $testdir/$testfile.orig } res copy_extent_file $testdir $testfile orig eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$testfile.orig NULL \ $testdir/dump.orig nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $opts puts "\tRecd025.1c: start bulk transaction, put data, allocating pages" set t [$dbenv txn -txn_bulk] for {set lim [expr $lim + $batchsize]} {$iter <= $lim } {incr iter} { eval {$db put} -txn $t $iter $data } # A copy before aborting error_check_good sync:$db [$db sync] 0 catch { file copy -force $testdir/$testfile $testdir/$testfile.preabort } res copy_extent_file $testdir $testfile preabort puts "\tRecd025.1d: abort bulk transaction; verify undo of puts" error_check_good txn_abort [$t abort] 0 error_check_good sync:$db [$db sync] 0 eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$testfile NULL \ $testdir/dump.postabort nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $opts filesort $testdir/dump.orig $testdir/dump.orig.sort filesort $testdir/dump.postabort $testdir/dump.postabort.sort error_check_good verify_abort_diff \ [filecmp $testdir/dump.orig.sort $testdir/dump.postabort.sort] 0 error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 reset_env $dbenv puts "\tRecd025.1e: recovery with allocations rolled back" # Move the preabort file into place, and run recovery catch { file copy -force $testdir/$testfile.preabort $testdir/$testfile } res set stat [catch {eval exec $util_path/db_recover -h $testdir -c } res] if { $stat == 1 } { error "FAIL: Recovery error: $res." } eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$testfile NULL \ $testdir/dump.postrecovery nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $opts filesort $testdir/dump.postrecovery $testdir/dump.postrecovery.sort error_check_good verify_abort_diff \ [filecmp $testdir/dump.orig.sort $testdir/dump.postabort.sort] 0 # Now for the really tricky hot backup test. puts "\tRecd025.3a: opening environment" set env_cmd "berkdb_env -create -txn -home $testdir" set dbenv [eval $env_cmd] error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $dbenv] TRUE # Open database puts "\tRecd025.3b: opening database with small pages" set oflags "$omethod -pagesize $pagesize \ -env $dbenv -auto_commit $opts $testfile" set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags] error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE puts "\tRecd025.3c: start bulk transaction and add pages" set t [$dbenv txn -txn_bulk] for {set lim [expr $lim + $batchsize]} {$iter <= $lim } {incr iter} { eval {$db put} -txn $t $iter $data } puts "\tRecd025.3d: Set hotbackup_in_progress, and copy the database" $dbenv set_flags -hotbackup_in_progress on catch { file copy -force $testdir/$testfile $testdir/$testfile.hotcopy } res puts "\tRecd025.3e: add more pages and commit" for {set lim [expr $lim + $batchsize] } {$iter <= $lim } {incr iter} { eval {$db put} -txn $t $iter $data } error_check_good txn_commit [$t commit] 0 $dbenv set_flags -hotbackup_in_progress off error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 reset_env $dbenv # dump the finished product eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$testfile NULL \ $testdir/dump.final nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $opts filesort $testdir/dump.final $testdir/dump.final.sort puts "\tRecd025.3f: roll forward the hot copy and compare" catch { file copy -force $testdir/$testfile.hotcopy $testdir/$testfile } res # Perform catastrophic recovery, to simulate hot backup behavior. set stat [catch {eval exec $util_path/db_recover -h $testdir -c } res] if { $stat == 1 } { error "FAIL: Recovery error: $res." } eval open_and_dump_file $testdir/$testfile NULL \ $testdir/dump.recovered_copy nop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next" $opts filesort $testdir/dump.recovered_copy $testdir/dump.recovered_copy.sort error_check_good verify_abort_diff \ [filecmp $testdir/dump.final.sort $testdir/dump.recovered_copy.sort] 0 # Set fixed_len back to the global value so we don't # mess up other tests. set fixed_len $orig_fixed_len return }