# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST rep011 # TEST Replication: test open handle across an upgrade. # TEST # TEST Open and close test database in master environment. # TEST Update the client. Check client, and leave the handle # TEST to the client open as we close the masterenv and upgrade # TEST the client to master. Reopen the old master as client # TEST and catch up. Test that we can still do a put to the # TEST handle we created on the master while it was still a # TEST client, and then make sure that the change can be # TEST propagated back to the new client. proc rep011 { method { tnum "011" } args } { global has_crypto global passwd global repfiles_in_memory global env_private source ./include.tcl # Run for all access methods. if { $checking_valid_methods } { return "ALL" } set msg2 "and on-disk replication files" if { $repfiles_in_memory } { set msg2 "and in-memory replication files" } set msg3 "" if { $env_private } { set msg3 "and private env" } set logsets [create_logsets 2] foreach r $test_recopts { foreach l $logsets { set logindex [lsearch -exact $l "in-memory"] if { $r == "-recover" && $logindex != -1 } { puts "Rep$tnum: Skipping\ for in-memory logs with -recover." continue } set envargs "" puts "Rep$tnum.a ($r $envargs $method):\ Test upgrade of open handles $msg2 $msg3." puts "Rep$tnum: Master logs are [lindex $l 0]" puts "Rep$tnum: Client logs are [lindex $l 1]" rep011_sub $method $tnum $envargs $l $r $args if { $has_crypto == 0 } { continue } append envargs " -encryptaes $passwd " append args " -encrypt " puts "Rep$tnum.b ($r $envargs):\ Open handle upgrade test with encryption ($method)." puts "Rep$tnum: Master logs are [lindex $l 0]" puts "Rep$tnum: Client logs are [lindex $l 1]" rep011_sub $method $tnum $envargs $l $r $args } } } proc rep011_sub { method tnum envargs logset recargs largs } { source ./include.tcl global testdir global encrypt global repfiles_in_memory global env_private global rep_verbose global verbose_type set verbargs "" if { $rep_verbose == 1 } { set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} " } set repmemargs "" if { $repfiles_in_memory } { set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files " } set privargs "" if { $env_private == 1 } { set privargs " -private " } env_cleanup $testdir replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR file mkdir $masterdir file mkdir $clientdir set m_logtype [lindex $logset 0] set c_logtype [lindex $logset 1] # In-memory logs require a large log buffer, and cannot # be used with -txn nosync. set m_logargs [adjust_logargs $m_logtype] set c_logargs [adjust_logargs $c_logtype] set m_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $m_logtype] set c_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $c_logtype] # Open a master. repladd 1 set env_cmd(M) "berkdb_env_noerr -create -log_max 1000000 \ $m_logargs $envargs $verbargs -home $masterdir $repmemargs \ $privargs $m_txnargs -errpfx MASTER -rep_master \ -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]" set masterenv [eval $env_cmd(M) $recargs] # Open a client repladd 2 set env_cmd(C) "berkdb_env_noerr -create \ $c_logargs $envargs $verbargs -home $clientdir $repmemargs \ $privargs $c_txnargs -errpfx CLIENT -rep_client \ -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]" set clientenv [eval $env_cmd(C) $recargs] # Bring the client online by processing the startup messages. set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2}" process_msgs $envlist # Open a test database on the master so we can test having # handles open across an upgrade. puts "\tRep$tnum.a:\ Opening test database for post-upgrade client logging test." set master_upg_db [berkdb_open_noerr \ -create -auto_commit -btree -env $masterenv rep$tnum-upg.db] set puttxn [$masterenv txn] error_check_good master_upg_db_put \ [$master_upg_db put -txn $puttxn hello world] 0 error_check_good puttxn_commit [$puttxn commit] 0 error_check_good master_upg_db_close [$master_upg_db close] 0 # Update the client. process_msgs $envlist # Open the cross-upgrade database on the client and check its contents. set client_upg_db [berkdb_open_noerr \ -create -auto_commit -btree -env $clientenv rep$tnum-upg.db] error_check_good client_upg_db_get [$client_upg_db get hello] \ [list [list hello world]] # !!! We use this handle later. Don't close it here. # Close master. puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Close master." error_check_good masterenv_close [$masterenv close] 0 puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Upgrade client." set newmasterenv $clientenv error_check_good upgrade_client [$newmasterenv rep_start -master] 0 puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Reopen old master as client and catch up." set newclientenv [eval {berkdb_env_noerr -create -recover} $envargs \ -txn nosync -errpfx NEWCLIENT $verbargs $privargs \ {-home $masterdir -rep_client -rep_transport [list 1 replsend]}] set envlist "{$newclientenv 1} {$newmasterenv 2}" process_msgs $envlist # Test put to the database handle we opened back when the new master # was a client. puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Test put to handle opened before upgrade." set puttxn [$newmasterenv txn] error_check_good client_upg_db_put \ [$client_upg_db put -txn $puttxn hello there] 0 error_check_good puttxn_commit [$puttxn commit] 0 process_msgs $envlist # Close the new master's handle for the upgrade-test database; we # don't need it. Then check to make sure the client did in fact # update the database. puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Test that client did update the database." error_check_good client_upg_db_close [$client_upg_db close] 0 set newclient_upg_db \ [berkdb_open_noerr -env $newclientenv rep$tnum-upg.db] error_check_good newclient_upg_db_get [$newclient_upg_db get hello] \ [list [list hello there]] error_check_good newclient_upg_db_close [$newclient_upg_db close] 0 error_check_good newmasterenv_close [$newmasterenv close] 0 error_check_good newclientenv_close [$newclientenv close] 0 if { [lsearch $envargs "-encrypta*"] !=-1 } { set encrypt 1 } error_check_good verify \ [verify_dir $clientdir "\tRep$tnum.g: " 0 0 1] 0 replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR }