# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST rep039 # TEST Test of interrupted internal initialization. The # TEST interruption is due to a changed master, or the client crashing, # TEST or both. # TEST # TEST One master, two clients. # TEST Generate several log files. Remove old master log files. # TEST Restart client, optionally having "cleaned" client env dir. Either # TEST way, this has the effect of forcing an internal init. # TEST Interrupt the internal init. # TEST Vary the number of times we process messages to make sure # TEST the interruption occurs at varying stages of the first internal # TEST initialization. # TEST # TEST Run for btree and queue only because of the number of permutations. # TEST proc rep039 { method { niter 200 } { tnum "039" } args } { source ./include.tcl global databases_in_memory global repfiles_in_memory # Run for btree and queue methods only. if { $checking_valid_methods } { set test_methods {} foreach method $valid_methods { if { [is_btree $method] == 1 || \ [is_queue $method] == 1 } { lappend test_methods $method } } return $test_methods } if { [is_btree $method] == 0 && [is_queue $method] == 0 } { puts "Rep$tnum: skipping for non-btree, non-queue method." return } # Skip for mixed-mode logging -- this test has a very large # set of iterations already. global mixed_mode_logging if { $mixed_mode_logging > 0 } { puts "Rep$tnum: Skipping for mixed mode logging." return } # This test needs to set its own pagesize. set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"] if { $pgindex != -1 } { puts "Rep$tnum: skipping for specific pagesizes" return } set args [convert_args $method $args] # Set up for on-disk or in-memory databases. set msg "using on-disk databases" if { $databases_in_memory } { set msg "using named in-memory databases" if { [is_queueext $method] } { puts -nonewline "Skipping rep$tnum for method " puts "$method with named in-memory databases." return } } set msg2 "and on-disk replication files" if { $repfiles_in_memory } { set msg2 "and in-memory replication files" } # Run the body of the test with and without recovery, # and with and without cleaning. set cleanopts { noclean clean } set archopts { archive noarchive } set nummsgs 4 set announce {puts "Rep$tnum ($method $r $clean $a $crash $l $args):\ Test of internal init. $i message iters. \ Test $cnt of $maxtest tests $with recovery $msg $msg2."} foreach r $test_recopts { if { $r == "-recover" && !$is_windows_test && !$is_hp_test && !$repfiles_in_memory } { set crashopts { master_change client_crash both } } else { set crashopts { master_change } } # Only one of the three sites in the replication group needs to # be tested with in-memory logs: the "client under test". # if { $r == "-recover" } { set cl_logopts { on-disk } set with "with" } else { set cl_logopts { on-disk in-memory } set with "without" } set maxtest [expr [llength $crashopts] * \ [llength $cleanopts] * \ [llength $archopts] * \ [llength $cl_logopts] * \ [expr $nummsgs]] set cnt 1 foreach crash $crashopts { foreach clean $cleanopts { foreach a $archopts { foreach l $cl_logopts { for { set i 1 } \ { $i <= $nummsgs } \ { incr i } { eval $announce rep039_sub $method \ $niter $tnum $r \ $clean $a $crash \ $l $i $args incr cnt } } } } } } } proc rep039_sub \ { method niter tnum recargs clean archive crash cl_logopt pmsgs largs } { global testdir global util_path global databases_in_memory global repfiles_in_memory global rep_verbose global verbose_type set verbargs "" if { $rep_verbose == 1 } { set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} " } set repmemargs "" if { $repfiles_in_memory } { set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files " } set master_change false set client_crash false if { $crash == "master_change" } { set master_change true } elseif { $crash == "client_crash" } { set client_crash true } elseif { $crash == "both" } { set master_change true set client_crash true } else { error "FAIL:[timestamp] '$crash' is an unrecognized crash type" } env_cleanup $testdir replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR # This test has three replication sites: a master, a client whose # behavior is under test, and another client. We'll call them # "A", "B" and "C". At one point during the test, we may (depending on # the setting of $master_change) switch roles between the master and the # other client. # # The initial site/role assignments are as follows: # # A = master # B = client under test # C = other client # # In the case where we do switch roles, the roles become: # # A = other client # B = client under test (no change here) # C = master # # Although the real names are A, B, and C, we'll use mnemonic names # whenever possible. In particular, this means that we'll have to # re-jigger the mnemonic names after the role switch. file mkdir [set dirs(A) $testdir/SITE_A] file mkdir [set dirs(B) $testdir/SITE_B] file mkdir [set dirs(C) $testdir/SITE_C] # Log size is small so we quickly create more than one. # The documentation says that the log file must be at least # four times the size of the in-memory log buffer. set pagesize 4096 append largs " -pagesize $pagesize " set log_buf [expr $pagesize * 2] set log_max [expr $log_buf * 4] # Set up the three sites: A, B, and C will correspond to EID's # 1, 2, and 3 in the obvious way. As we start out, site A is always the # master. # repladd 1 set env_A_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn nosync \ $verbargs $repmemargs \ -log_buffer $log_buf -log_max $log_max -errpfx SITE_A \ -home $dirs(A) -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]" set envs(A) [eval $env_A_cmd $recargs -rep_master] # Open a client repladd 2 set txn_arg [adjust_txnargs $cl_logopt] set log_arg [adjust_logargs $cl_logopt] if { $cl_logopt == "on-disk" } { # Override in this case, because we want to specify log_buffer. set log_arg "-log_buffer $log_buf" } set env_B_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $txn_arg \ $verbargs $repmemargs \ $log_arg -log_max $log_max -errpfx SITE_B \ -home $dirs(B) -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]" set envs(B) [eval $env_B_cmd $recargs -rep_client] # Open 2nd client repladd 3 set env_C_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn nosync \ $verbargs $repmemargs \ -log_buffer $log_buf -log_max $log_max -errpfx SITE_C \ -home $dirs(C) -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]" set envs(C) [eval $env_C_cmd $recargs -rep_client] # Turn off throttling for this test. foreach site [array names envs] { $envs($site) rep_limit 0 0 } # Bring the clients online by processing the startup messages. set envlist "{$envs(A) 1} {$envs(B) 2} {$envs(C) 3}" process_msgs $envlist # Set up the (indirect) mnemonic role names for the first part of the # test. set master A set test_client B set other C # Clobber replication's 30-second anti-archive timer, which will have # been started by client sync-up internal init, so that we can do a # log_archive in a moment. # $envs($master) test force noarchive_timeout # Run rep_test in the master (and update client). puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Running rep_test in replicated env." set start 0 eval rep_test $method $envs($master) NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs incr start $niter process_msgs $envlist # Create a gap requiring internal initialization. set flags "" set cid 2 set dbhandle NULL set m_logtype "on-disk" set start [push_master_ahead $method $envs($master) $dirs($master) \ $m_logtype $envs($test_client) $cid $dbhandle $start $niter $flags $largs] set envlist "{$envs($master) 1} {$envs($other) 3}" process_msgs $envlist if { $archive == "archive" } { puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Run db_archive on other client." $envs($other) log_flush set res [eval exec $util_path/db_archive -l -h $dirs($other)] error_check_bad \ log.1.present [lsearch -exact $res log.0000000001] -1 set res [eval exec $util_path/db_archive -d -h $dirs($other)] set res [eval exec $util_path/db_archive -l -h $dirs($other)] error_check_good \ log.1.gone [lsearch -exact $res log.0000000001] -1 } else { puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Skipping db_archive on other client." } puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Reopen test client ($clean)." if { $clean == "clean" } { env_cleanup $dirs($test_client) } # (The test client is always site B, EID 2.) # set envs(B) [eval $env_B_cmd $recargs -rep_client] error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $envs(B)] TRUE $envs(B) rep_limit 0 0 # Hold an open database handle while doing internal init, to make sure # no back lock interactions are happening. But only do so some of the # time, and of course only if it's reasonable to expect the database to # exist at this point. (It won't, if we're using in-memory databases # and we've just started the client with recovery, since recovery blows # away the mpool.) Set up database as in-memory or on-disk first. # if { $databases_in_memory } { set dbname { "" "test.db" } set have_db [expr {$recargs != "-recover"}] } else { set dbname "test.db" set have_db true } if {$clean == "noclean" && $have_db && [berkdb random_int 0 1] == 1} { puts "\tRep$tnum.g: Hold open db handle from client app." set cdb [eval\ {berkdb_open_noerr -env} $envs($test_client) $dbname] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $cdb] TRUE set ccur [$cdb cursor] error_check_good curs [is_valid_cursor $ccur $cdb] TRUE set ret [$ccur get -first] set kd [lindex $ret 0] set key [lindex $kd 0] error_check_good cclose [$ccur close] 0 } else { puts "\tRep$tnum.g: (No client app handle will be held.)" set cdb "NONE" } set envlist "{$envs(A) 1} {$envs(B) 2} {$envs(C) 3}" proc_msgs_once $envlist # # We want to simulate a master continually getting new # records while an update is going on. # set entries 10 eval rep_test $method $envs($master) NULL $entries $start $start 0 $largs incr start $entries # # We call proc_msgs_once N times to get us into page recovery: # 1. Send master messages and client finds master. # 2. Master replies and client does verify. # 3. Master gives verify_fail and client does update_req. # 4. Master send update info and client does page_req. # # We vary the number of times we call proc_msgs_once (via pmsgs) # so that we test switching master at each point in the # internal initialization processing. # set nproced 0 puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Get partially through initialization ($pmsgs iters)" for { set i 1 } { $i < $pmsgs } { incr i } { incr nproced [proc_msgs_once $envlist] } if { [string is true $master_change] } { replclear 1 replclear 3 puts "\tRep$tnum.g: Downgrade/upgrade master." # Downgrade the existing master to a client, switch around the # roles, and then upgrade the newly appointed master. error_check_good downgrade [$envs($master) rep_start -client] 0 set master C set other A error_check_good upgrade [$envs($master) rep_start -master] 0 } # Simulate a client crash: simply abandon the handle without closing it. # Note that this doesn't work on Windows, because there you can't remove # a file if anyone (including yourself) has it open. This also does not # work on HP-UX, because there you are not allowed to open a second # handle on an env. This won't work with in-memory replication files # because the missing internal init file is the mechanism for cleaning # up databases from the partial internal init before the client crash. # # Note that crashing only makes sense with "-recover". # if { [string is true $client_crash] } { error_check_good assert [string compare $recargs "-recover"] 0 set abandoned_env $envs($test_client) set abandoned true set envs($test_client) [eval $env_B_cmd $recargs -rep_client] $envs($test_client) rep_limit 0 0 # Again, remember: whatever the current roles, a site and its EID # stay linked always. # set envlist "{$envs(A) 1} {$envs(B) 2} {$envs(C) 3}" } else { set abandoned false } process_msgs $envlist # # Now simulate continual updates to the new master. Each # time through we just process messages once before # generating more updates. # set niter 10 for { set i 0 } { $i < $niter } { incr i } { set nproced 0 eval rep_test $method $envs($master) NULL $entries $start \ $start 0 $largs incr start $niter incr nproced [proc_msgs_once $envlist] error_check_bad nproced $nproced 0 } process_msgs $envlist puts "\tRep$tnum.h: Verify logs and databases" # Whether or not we've switched roles, it's always site A that may have # had its logs archived away. When the $init_test flag is turned on, # rep_verify allows the site in the second position to have # (more-)archived logs, so we have to abuse the calling signature a bit # here to get this to work. (I.e., even when A is still master and C is # still the other client, we have to pass things in this order so that # the $init_test different-sized-logs trick can work.) # set init_test 1 rep_verify $dirs(C) $envs(C) $dirs(A) $envs(A) $init_test # Process messages again in case we are running with debug_rop. process_msgs $envlist rep_verify $dirs($master) $envs($master) \ $dirs($test_client) $envs($test_client) $init_test # Add records to the master and update client. puts "\tRep$tnum.i: Add more records and check again." set entries 10 eval rep_test $method $envs($master) NULL $entries $start \ $start 0 $largs incr start $entries process_msgs $envlist 0 NONE err # Check again that everyone is identical. rep_verify $dirs(C) $envs(C) $dirs(A) $envs(A) $init_test process_msgs $envlist rep_verify $dirs($master) $envs($master) \ $dirs($test_client) $envs($test_client) $init_test if {$cdb != "NONE"} { if {$abandoned} { # The $cdb was opened in an env which was then # abandoned, recovered, marked panic'ed. We don't # really care; we're just trying to clean up resources. # catch {$cdb close} } else { error_check_good clientdb_close [$cdb close] 0 } } error_check_good masterenv_close [$envs($master) close] 0 error_check_good clientenv_close [$envs($test_client) close] 0 error_check_good clientenv2_close [$envs($other) close] 0 if { $abandoned } { catch {$abandoned_env close} } replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR }