# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ source ./include.tcl source $test_path/test.tcl source $test_path/testutils.tcl source $test_path/reputils.tcl set dirB [lindex $argv 0] set portB [lindex $argv 1] set dirA [lindex $argv 2] set portA [lindex $argv 3] puts "Repmgr029script2: Open env of A." set ma_cmd "berkdb_env -home $dirA -txn -thread" set envA [eval $ma_cmd] error_check_good script_env_open [is_valid_env $envA] TRUE puts "Repmgr029script2: Wait until there is an active txn" set maxcount 100 for { set count 0 } { $count < $maxcount } { incr count } { set active_txn_1 [stat_field $envA txn_stat "Number active txns"] if { $active_txn_1 > 0 } { break } else { tclsleep 1 } } error_check_good a_txn_A_1 $active_txn_1 1 puts "Repmgr029script2: Start up B. It finishes when the txn has been aborted." set envB [berkdb env -create -errpfx B -home $dirB -txn -rep -thread] $envB repmgr -local [list localhost $portB] -remote [list localhost $portA] \ -start client await_startup_done $envB error_check_good a_txn_A_0 [stat_field $envA txn_stat "Number active txns"] 0 puts "Repmgr029script2: Check gmdb at site B" error_check_good nsites_B [$envB rep_get_nsites] 2 error_check_good client_close [$envB close] 0