# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1999, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST test068 # TEST Test of DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER with partial puts. # TEST Make sure DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER work properly with partial puts, and # TEST check that they return EINVAL if DB_DUPSORT is set or if DB_DUP is not. proc test068 { method args } { source ./include.tcl global alphabet global errorCode global is_je_test set tnum "068" set orig_tdir $testdir set args [convert_args $method $args] set omethod [convert_method $method] puts "Test$tnum:\ $method ($args) Test of DB_BEFORE/DB_AFTER and partial puts." if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } { puts "\tTest$tnum: skipping for method $method." return } set txnenv 0 set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"] # # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name. # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name. set nkeys 1000 if { $eindex == -1 } { set testfile $testdir/test$tnum.db set env NULL } else { set testfile test$tnum.db incr eindex set env [lindex $args $eindex] set txnenv [is_txnenv $env] if { $txnenv == 1 } { append args " -auto_commit " set nkeys 100 } set testdir [get_home $env] } # Create a list of $nkeys words to insert into db. puts "\tTest$tnum.a: Initialize word list." set txn "" set wordlist {} set count 0 set did [open $dict] while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nkeys } { lappend wordlist $str incr count } close $did # Sanity check: did we get $nkeys words? error_check_good enough_keys [llength $wordlist] $nkeys # rbtree can't handle dups, so just test the non-dup case # if it's the current method. if { [is_rbtree $method] == 1 } { set dupoptlist { "" } } else { set dupoptlist { "" "-dup" "-dup -dupsort" } } foreach dupopt $dupoptlist { if { $is_je_test || [is_compressed $args] == 1 } { if { $dupopt == "-dup" } { continue } } # Testdir might be reset in the loop by some proc sourcing # include.tcl. Reset it to the env's home here, before # cleanup. if { $env != "NULL" } { set testdir [get_home $env] } cleanup $testdir $env set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr -create -mode 0644 \ $omethod} $args $dupopt {$testfile}] error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE puts "\tTest$tnum.b ($dupopt): DB initialization: put loop." foreach word $wordlist { if { $txnenv == 1 } { set t [$env txn] error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE set txn "-txn $t" } set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$word $word}] error_check_good db_put $ret 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } } puts "\tTest$tnum.c ($dupopt): get loop." foreach word $wordlist { # Make sure that the Nth word has been correctly # inserted, and also that the Nth word is the # Nth one we pull out of the database using a cursor. set dbt [$db get $word] error_check_good get_key [list [list $word $word]] $dbt } if { $txnenv == 1 } { set t [$env txn] error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE set txn "-txn $t" } set dbc [eval {$db cursor} $txn] error_check_good cursor_open [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE puts "\tTest$tnum.d ($dupopt): DBC->put w/ DB_AFTER." # Set cursor to the first key; make sure it succeeds. # With an unsorted wordlist, we can't be sure that the # first item returned will equal the first item in the # wordlist, so we just make sure it got something back. set dbt [eval {$dbc get -first}] error_check_good \ dbc_get_first [llength $dbt] 1 # If -dup is not set, or if -dupsort is set too, we # need to verify that DB_BEFORE and DB_AFTER fail # and then move on to the next $dupopt. if { $dupopt != "-dup" } { set errorCode "NONE" set ret [catch {eval $dbc put -after \ {-partial [list 6 0]} "after"} res] error_check_good dbc_put_after_fail $ret 1 error_check_good dbc_put_after_einval \ [is_substr $errorCode EINVAL] 1 puts "\tTest$tnum ($dupopt): DB_AFTER returns EINVAL." set errorCode "NONE" set ret [catch {eval $dbc put -before \ {-partial [list 6 0]} "before"} res] error_check_good dbc_put_before_fail $ret 1 error_check_good dbc_put_before_einval \ [is_substr $errorCode EINVAL] 1 puts "\tTest$tnum ($dupopt): DB_BEFORE returns EINVAL." puts "\tTest$tnum ($dupopt): Correct error returns,\ skipping further test." # continue with broad foreach error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 continue } puts "\tTest$tnum.e ($dupopt): DBC->put(DB_AFTER) loop." foreach word $wordlist { # set cursor to $word set dbt [$dbc get -set $word] error_check_good \ dbc_get_set $dbt [list [list $word $word]] # put after it set ret [$dbc put -after -partial {4 0} after] error_check_good dbc_put_after $ret 0 } puts "\tTest$tnum.f ($dupopt): DBC->put(DB_BEFORE) loop." foreach word $wordlist { # set cursor to $word set dbt [$dbc get -set $word] error_check_good \ dbc_get_set $dbt [list [list $word $word]] # put before it set ret [$dbc put -before -partial {6 0} before] error_check_good dbc_put_before $ret 0 } error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } eval $db sync puts "\tTest$tnum.g ($dupopt): Verify correctness." if { $txnenv == 1 } { set t [$env txn] error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE set txn "-txn $t" } set dbc [eval {$db cursor} $txn] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE # loop through the whole db beginning to end, # make sure we have, in order, {$word "\0\0\0\0\0\0before"}, # {$word $word}, {$word "\0\0\0\0after"} for each word. set count 0 while { $count < $nkeys } { # Get the first item of each set of three. # We don't know what the word is, but set $word to # the key and check that the data is # "\0\0\0\0\0\0before". set dbt [$dbc get -next] set word [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0] error_check_good dbc_get_one $dbt \ [list [list $word "\0\0\0\0\0\0before"]] set dbt [$dbc get -next] error_check_good \ dbc_get_two $dbt [list [list $word $word]] set dbt [$dbc get -next] error_check_good dbc_get_three $dbt \ [list [list $word "\0\0\0\0after"]] incr count } error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 } set testdir $orig_tdir }