# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2003, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST test103 # TEST Test bulk get when record numbers wrap around. # TEST # TEST Load database with items starting before and ending after # TEST the record number wrap around point. Run bulk gets (-multi_key) # TEST with various buffer sizes and verify the contents returned match # TEST the results from a regular cursor get. # TEST # TEST Then delete items to create a sparse database and make sure it # TEST still works. Test both -multi and -multi_key since they behave # TEST differently. proc test103 { method {nentries 100} {start 4294967250} {tnum "103"} args} { source ./include.tcl set args [convert_args $method $args] set omethod [convert_method $method] puts "Test$tnum: $method ($args) Test of bulk get with wraparound." if { [is_queueext $method] == 0 } { puts "\tSkipping Test$tnum for method $method." return } # Create the database and open the dictionary set txnenv 0 set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"] # # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name. # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name. if { $eindex == -1 } { set testfile $testdir/test$tnum.db set env NULL } else { set testfile test$tnum.db incr eindex set env [lindex $args $eindex] set txnenv [is_txnenv $env] if { $txnenv == 1 } { append args " -auto_commit " # # If we are using txns and running with the # default, set the default down a bit. # if { $nentries == 10000 } { set nentries 100 } } set testdir [get_home $env] } cleanup $testdir $env set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr \ -create -mode 0644} $args $omethod $testfile] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE # Find the pagesize so we can use it to size the buffer. set stat [$db stat] set pagesize [get_pagesize $stat] set did [open $dict] puts "\tTest$tnum.a: put/get loop" set txn "" # Here is the loop where we put each key/data pair set count 0 set k [expr $start + 1] while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nentries } { # # We cannot use 'incr' because it gets unhappy since # expr above is using 64-bits. set k [expr $k + 1] # # Detect if we're more than 32 bits now. If so, wrap # our key back to 1. # if { [expr $k > 0xffffffff] } { set k 1 } if { $txnenv == 1 } { set t [$env txn] error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE set txn "-txn $t" } set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$k [chop_data $method $str]}] error_check_good db_put $ret 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } incr count } close $did # Run tests in verbose mode for debugging. set verbose 0 puts "\tTest$tnum.b: Bulk get with large buffer (retrieves all data)." # Buffer is large enough that everything fits in a single get. check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * $nentries] multi_key $verbose puts "\tTest$tnum.c: Bulk get with buffer = (2 x pagesize)." # Buffer gets several items at a get, but not all. check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * 2] multi_key $verbose # Skip tests if buffer would be smaller than allowed. if { $pagesize >= 1024 } { puts "\tTest$tnum.d: Bulk get with buffer = pagesize." check_multi_recno $db $pagesize multi_key $verbose } if { $pagesize >= 2048 } { puts "\tTest$tnum.e: Bulk get with buffer < pagesize\ (returns EINVAL)." catch { check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize / 2] \ multi_key $verbose } res error_check_good \ bufsize_less_than_pagesize [is_substr $res "invalid"] 1 } # For a sparsely populated database, test with both -multi_key and # -multi. In any sort of record numbered database, -multi does not # return keys, so it returns all items. -multi_key returns both keys # and data so it skips deleted items. puts "\tTest$tnum.f: Delete every 10th item to create sparse database." if { $txnenv == 1 } { set t [$env txn] error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE set txn "-txn $t" } set curs [ eval {$db cursor} $txn] error_check_good cursor [is_valid_cursor $curs $db] TRUE set count 0 for { set kd [$curs get -first] } { $count < $nentries } \ { set kd [$curs get -next] } { if { [expr $count % 10 == 0] } { error_check_good cdelete [$curs del] 0 } incr count } error_check_good curs_close [$curs close] 0 if { $txnenv == 1 } { error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0 } puts "\tTest$tnum.g: Sparse database, large buffer, multi_key." check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * $nentries] multi_key $verbose puts "\tTest$tnum.h: Sparse database, large buffer, multi." check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * $nentries] multi $verbose puts "\tTest$tnum.i: \ Sparse database, buffer = (2 x pagesize), multi_key." check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * 2] multi_key $verbose puts "\tTest$tnum.j: Sparse database, buffer = (2 x pagesize), multi." check_multi_recno $db [expr $pagesize * 2] multi $verbose if { $pagesize >= 1024 } { puts "\tTest$tnum.k: \ Sparse database, buffer = pagesize, multi_key." check_multi_recno $db $pagesize multi_key $verbose puts "\tTest$tnum.k: Sparse database, buffer = pagesize, multi." check_multi_recno $db $pagesize multi $verbose } error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 } # The proc check_multi_recno is a modification of the utility routine # check_multi_key specifically for recno methods. We use this instead # check_multi, even with the -multi flag, because the check_multi utility # assumes that dups are being used which can't happen with record-based # methods. proc check_multi_recno { db size flag {verbose 0}} { source ./include.tcl set c [eval { $db cursor} ] set m [eval { $db cursor} ] set j 1 # Walk the database with -multi_key or -multi bulk get. for {set d [$m get -first -$flag $size] } { [llength $d] != 0 } { set d [$m get -next -$flag $size] } { if {$verbose == 1 } { puts "FETCH $j" incr j } # For each bulk get return, compare the results to what we # get by walking the db with an ordinary cursor get. for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $d] } { incr i } { set kd [lindex $d $i] set k [lindex $kd 0] set data [lindex $kd 1] set len [string length $data] if {$verbose == 1 } { puts ">> $k << >> $len << " } # If we hit a deleted item in -multi, skip over it. if { $flag == "multi" && $len == 0 } { continue } set check [$c get -next] set cd [lindex $check 0] set ck [lindex $cd 0] set cdata [lindex $cd 1] error_check_good key $k $ck error_check_good data_len $len [string length $cdata] error_check_good data $data $cdata } } }