# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # $Id$ # # TEST txn012 # TEST Test txn->getname and txn->setname. proc txn012 { {ntxns 100} } { source ./include.tcl global util_path puts "Txn012: Test txn->setname and txn->getname." env_cleanup $testdir set txnname "this is a short txn name" set longtxnname "transaction names longer than 50 characters will be truncated" puts "\tTxn012.a: Set up env and txn." set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -txn] set db [berkdb_open -create -auto_commit -btree -env $env test.db] set txn0 [$env txn] set txn1 [$env txn] # Name the transactions, check the name. error_check_good name_txn0 [$txn0 setname $txnname] 0 set getname [$txn0 getname] error_check_good txnname $getname $txnname error_check_good longname_txn [$txn1 setname $longtxnname] 0 set getlongname [$txn1 getname] error_check_good longtxnname $getlongname $longtxnname # Run db_stat. The long txn name will be truncated. set stat [exec $util_path/db_stat -h $testdir -t] error_check_good stat_name [is_substr $stat $txnname] 1 error_check_good stat_longname [is_substr $stat $longtxnname] 0 set truncname [string range $longtxnname 0 49] error_check_good stat_truncname [is_substr $stat $truncname] 1 # Start another process and make sure it can see the names too. puts "\tTxn012.b: Fork child process." set pid [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl txn012script.tcl \ $testdir/txn012script.log $testdir $txnname $longtxnname &] watch_procs $pid 1 error_check_good txn0_commit [$txn0 commit] 0 error_check_good txn1_commit [$txn1 commit] 0 # Check for errors in child log file. set errstrings [eval findfail $testdir/txn012script.log] foreach str $errstrings { puts "FAIL: error message in log file: $str" } # Clean up. error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0 error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0 }