2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

278 lines
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# dist/ - This description of Oracle Berkeley DB's internal
# events hierarchy is processed by 'dist/s_include' to generate the
# platform-independant file dist/db_provider.d. The 'configure' step on the
# target operating system generate platform-specific include file.
# s_include -> dist/db_provider.d
# configure -> <build_directory>/db_provider.h
# There are two kinds of entries in, describing either an event class
# or an individual event. The entries starting in the first column are class
# names, consisting of a single word. The class's individual events follow,
# described as if they were an ANSI C function signature;
# Events are listed grouped by their relation to one another, rather than
# alphabetically. For instance allocation and free events are adjacent.
# New, unrelated events are placed at the end of their event class.
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The alloc class covers the allocation of "on disk" database pages.
# An attempt to allocate a database page of type 'type' for database 'db'
# returned 'ret'. If the allocation succeeded then ret is 0, pgno is the
# location of the new page, and pg is the address of the new page.
# Details of the page can be extracted from the pg pointer.
new(char *file, char *db, unsigned pgno, unsigned type,
struct _db_page *pg, int ret);
# An attempt to free the page 'pgno' of 'db' returned 'ret'.
# When successful the page is returned to the free list
# or the file is truncated.
free(char *file, char *db, unsigned pgno, unsigned ret);
# A btree split of pgno in db is being attempted. The parent page number
# and the level in the btree are also provided.
btree_split(char *file, char *db, unsigned pgno, unsigned parent,
unsigned level);
# These DB API calls provide the name of the file and database being accessed.
# In-memory databases will have a NULL (0) file name address. The db name will
# be null unless subdatabases are in use.
# The database or file name was opened. The 20 byte unique fileid can be
# used to keep track of databases as they are created and destroyed.
open(char *file, char *db, unsigned flags, uint8_t *fileid);
# The database or file name was closed.
close(char *file, char *db, unsigned flags, uint8_t *fileid);
# An attempt is being made to open a cursor on the database or file.
cursor(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, unsigned flags,
uint8_t *fileid);
# An attempt is being made to get data from a db.
get(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, DBT *key, DBT *data,
unsigned flags);
# An attempt is being made to put data to a db.
put(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, DBT *key, DBT *data,
unsigned flags);
# An attempt is being made to delete data from a db.
del(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, DBT *key, unsigned flags);
# The lock class monitors the transactional consistency locks: page, record,
# and database. It also monitors the non-transactional file handle locks.
# The thread is about to suspend itself because another locker already has
# a conflicting lock on object 'lock'. The lock DBT's data points to
# a __db_ilock structure, except for the atypical program which uses
# application specific locking.
suspend(DBT *lock, db_lockmode_t lock_mode);
# The thread is awakening from a suspend.
resume(DBT *lock, db_lockmode_t lock_mode);
# The lock is being freed.
put(struct __sh_dbt *lock, unsigned flags);
# The lock would have been freed except that its refcount was greater
# than 1.
put_reduce_count(struct __sh_dbt *lock, unsigned flags);
# These lock counters are included by --enable-perfmon-statistics.
# The locker_id's lock request in lock_obj is about to be aborted in
# order to resolve a deadlock. The lock region's st_ndeadlocks has
# been incremented.
deadlock(unsigned st_ndeadlocks, unsigned locker_id,
struct __sh_dbt *lock_obj);
# A DB_LOCK_NOWAIT lock request by locker_id would have had to wait.
# The lock regions's st_lock_nowait has been incremented and
# the request returns DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED.
nowait_notgranted(unsigned count, DBT *lock, unsigned locker_id);
request(unsigned request_count, DBT *lock, unsigned locker_id);
upgrade(unsigned upgrade_count, DBT *lock, unsigned locker_id);
# A lock is being stolen from one partition for another one
# The 'from' lock partition's st_locksteals has been incremented.
steal(unsigned st_locksteals, unsigned from, unsigned to);
# A lock object is being stolen from one partition for another one.
# The 'from' lock partition's st_objectsteals has been incremented.
object_steal(unsigned st_objectsteals, unsigned from, unsigned to);
# A lock wait expired due to the lock request timeout.
locktimeout(unsigned st_nlocktimeouts, const DBT *lock);
# A lock wait expired due to the transaction's timeout.
txntimeout(unsigned st_ntxntimeouts, const DBT *lock);
# The allocation or deallocation of the locker id changed the number
# of active locker identifiers.
nlockers(unsigned active, unsigned locker_id);
# The allocation of the locker id set a new maximum
# number of active locker identifiers.
maxnlockers(unsigned new_max_active, unsigned locker_id);
# Log - Transaction log
read(unsigned read_count, unsigned logfile);
# The mpool class monitors the allocation and management of memory,
# including the cache.
# Read a page from file into buf.
read(char *file, unsigned pgno, struct __bh *buf);
# Write a page from buf to file.
write(char *file, unsigned pgno, struct __bh *buf);
# This is an attempt to allocate size bytes from region_id.
# The reg_type is one of the reg_type_t enum values.
env_alloc(unsigned size, unsigned region_id, unsigned reg_type);
# The page is about to be removed from the cache.
evict(char *file, unsigned pgno, struct __bh *buf);
# The memory allocator has incremented wrap_count after searching through
# the entire region without being able to fulfill the request for
# alloc_len bytes. As wrap_count increases the library makes more effort
# to allocate space.
alloc_wrap(unsigned alloc_len, int region_id, int wrap_count,
int put_counter);
# These mpool counters are included by --enable-perfmon-statistics.
# The eviction of a clean page from a cache incremented st_ro_evict.
clean_eviction(unsigned st_ro_evict, unsigned region_id);
# The eviction of a dirty page from a cache incremented st_rw_evict.
# The page has already been written out.
dirty_eviction(unsigned st_rw_evict, unsigned region_id);
# An attempt to allocate memory from region_id failed.
fail(unsigned failure_count, unsigned alloc_len, unsigned region_id);
free(unsigned freed_count, unsigned alloc_len, unsigned region_id);
longest_search(unsigned count, unsigned alloc_len, unsigned region_id);
free_frozen(unsigned count, char *file, unsigned pgno);
freeze(unsigned hash_frozen, unsigned pgno);
# A search for pgno of file incremented st_hash_searches.
hash_search(unsigned st_hash_searches, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# A search for pgno of file increased st_hash_examined by the number
# of hash buckets examined.
hash_examined(unsigned st_hash_examined, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# A search for pgno of file set a new maximum st_hash_longest value.
hash_longest(unsigned st_hash_longest, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# A file's st_map count was incremented after a page was mapped into
# memory. The mapping might have caused disk I/O.
map(unsigned st_map, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# The hit count was incremented because pgno from file was found
# in the cache.
hit(unsigned st_cache_hit, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# The miss count was incremented because pgno from file was
# not already present in the cache.
miss(unsigned st_cache_miss, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# The st_page_create field was incremented because
# the pgno of file was created in the cache.
page_create(unsigned st_page_create, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# The st_page_in field was incremented because
# the pgno from file was read into the cache.
page_in(unsigned st_page_in, char *file, unsigned pgno);
# The st_page_out field was incremented because
# the pgno from file was written out.
page_out(unsigned st_page_out, char *file, unsigned pgno);
thaw(unsigned count, char *file, unsigned pgno);
alloc(unsigned success_count, unsigned len, unsigned region_id);
nallocs(unsigned st_alloc, unsigned alloc_len);
alloc_buckets(unsigned st_alloc_buckets, unsigned region_id);
alloc_max_buckets(unsigned max, unsigned region_id);
alloc_max_pages(unsigned max, unsigned region_id);
alloc_pages(unsigned count, unsigned region_id);
backup_spins(unsigned spins, char *file, unsigned pgno);`
# The aggressiveness of a buffer cache allocation increases as more
# involved methods are needed in order to free up the requested space
# in the cache with the indicated region_id.
# aggressive: the agressiveness of an allocation request was increased.
# max_aggressive: the agressiveness of an allocation request was increased
# to a new maximum.
aggressive(unsigned st_alloc_aggressive, unsigned region_id);
max_aggressive(unsigned st_alloc_max_aggr, unsigned region_id);
# The mutex category monitors includes shared latches. The alloc_id value
# is one of the MTX_XXX definitions from dbinc/mutex.h
# This thread is about to suspend itself because a thread has the
# mutex or shared latch locked in a mode which conflicts with the
# this request.
suspend(unsigned mutex, unsigned excl, unsigned alloc_id,
struct __db_mutex_t *mutexp);
# The thread is returning from a suspend and will attempt to obtain
# the mutex or shared latch again. It might need to suspend again.
resume(unsigned mutex, unsigned excl, unsigned alloc_id,
struct __db_mutex_t *mutexp);
# These mutex counters are included by --enable-perfmon-statistics.
# Increment the count of times that the mutex was free when trying
# to lock it.
set_nowait(unsigned mutex_set_nowait, unsigned mutex);
# Increment the count of times that the mutex was busy when trying
# to lock it.
set_wait(unsigned mutex_set_wait, unsigned mutex);
# Increment the count of times that the shared latch was free
# when trying to get a shared lock on it.
set_rd_nowait(unsigned mutex_set_rd_nowait, unsigned mutex);
# Increment the count of times that the shared latch was already
# exclusively latched when trying to get a shared lock on it.
set_rd_wait(unsigned mutex_set_rd_wait, unsigned mutex);
# Increment the count of times that a hybrid mutex had to block
# on its condition variable. n a busy system this might happen
# several times before the corresponding hybrid_wakeup.
hybrid_wait(unsigned hybrid_wait, unsigned mutex);
# Increment the count of times that a hybrid mutex finished
# one or more waits for its condition variable.
hybrid_wakeup(unsigned hybrid_wakeup, unsigned mutex);
# The race events are triggered when the interactions between two threads
# causes a rarely executed code path to be taken. They are used primarily
# to help test and diagnose race conditions, though if they are being
# triggered too frequently it could result in performance degradation.
# They are intended for use by Berkeley DB engineers.
# A Btree search needs to wait for a page lock and retry from the top.
bam_search(char *file, char *db, int errcode, struct _db_page *pg,
struct _db_page *parent, unsigned flags);
# A record was not found searching an off-page duplicate tree.
# Retry the search.
dbc_get(char *file, char *db, int errcode, unsigned flags, DBT *key);
# The thread could not immediately open and lock the file handle
# without waiting. The thread will close, wait, and retry.
fop_file_setup(char *file, int errcode, unsigned flags);
# A get next or previous in a recno db had to retry.
ramc_get(char *file, char *db, struct _db_page *pg, unsigned flags);
# The statistics counters for replication are for internal use.
log_queued(unsigned count, DB_LSN *lsn);
pg_duplicated(unsigned eid, unsigned pgno, unsigned file, unsigned count);
pg_record(unsigned count, unsigned eid);
pg_request(unsigned count, unsigned eid);
election_won(unsigned count, unsigned generation);
election(unsigned count, unsigned generation);
log_request(unsigned count, unsigned eid);
master_change(unsigned count, unsigned eid);
# The txn category covers the basic transaction operations.
# A transaction was successfully begun.
begin(unsigned txnid, unsigned flags);
# A transaction is starting to commit.
commit(unsigned txnid, unsigned flags);
# The transaction is starting to prepare, flushing the log
# so that a future commit can be guaranteed to succeed.
# The global identifier field is 128 bytes long.
prepare(unsigned txnid, uint8_t *gid);
# The transaction is about to abort.
abort(unsigned txnid);
# These txn counters are included by --enable-perfmon-statistics.
# Beginning the transaction incremented st_nbegins.
nbegins(unsigned st_nbegins, unsigned txnid);
# Aborting the transaction incremented st_naborts.
naborts(unsigned st_naborts, unsigned txnid);
# Committing the transaction incremented st_ncommits.
ncommits(unsigned st_ncommits, unsigned txnid);
# Beginning or ending the transaction updated the number of active
# transactions.
nactive(unsigned st_nactive, unsigned txnid);
# The creation of the transaction set a new maximum number
# of active transactions.
maxnactive(unsigned st_maxnactive, unsigned txnid);
nsnapshot(unsigned st_nsnapshot, unsigned txnid);
maxnsnapshot(unsigned st_maxnsnapshot, unsigned txnid);