2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

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* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* $Id$
#include "db_config.h"
#include "db_int.h"
#include "db_cxx.h"
#include "dbinc/cxx_int.h"
// Helper macro for simple methods that pass through to the
// underlying C method. It may return an error or raise an exception.
// Note this macro expects that input _argspec is an argument
// list element (e.g., "char *arg") and that _arglist is the arguments
// that should be passed through to the C method (e.g., "(dbsite, arg)")
#define DB_SITE_METHOD(_name, _delete, _argspec, _arglist, _retok) \
int DbSite::_name _argspec \
{ \
int ret; \
DB_SITE *dbsite = unwrap(this); \
if (dbsite == NULL) \
ret = EINVAL; \
else \
ret = dbsite->_name _arglist; \
if (_delete) \
delete this; \
if (!_retok(ret)) \
DB_ERROR(DbEnv::get_DbEnv(dbsite->env->dbenv), \
"DbSite::"#_name, ret, ON_ERROR_UNKNOWN); \
return (ret); \
: imp_(0)
DB_SITE_METHOD(close, 1, (), (dbsite), DB_RETOK_STD)
DB_SITE_METHOD(get_address, 0, (const char **hostp, u_int *port),
(dbsite, hostp, port), DB_RETOK_STD)
DB_SITE_METHOD(get_config, 0, (u_int32_t which, u_int32_t *valuep),
(dbsite, which, valuep), DB_RETOK_STD)
DB_SITE_METHOD(get_eid, 0, (int *eidp), (dbsite, eidp), DB_RETOK_STD)
DB_SITE_METHOD(remove, 1, (), (dbsite), DB_RETOK_STD)
DB_SITE_METHOD(set_config, 0, (u_int32_t which, u_int32_t value),
(dbsite, which, value), DB_RETOK_STD)