2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

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2.3 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST env021
# TEST Test the operations on a transaction in a CDS environment.
# TEST These are the operations we test:
# TEST $txn abort
# TEST $txn commit
# TEST $txn id
# TEST $txn prepare
# TEST $txn setname name
# TEST $txn getname
# TEST $txn discard
# TEST $txn set_timeout
# TEST In these operations, we only support the following:
# TEST $txn id
# TEST $txn commit
proc env021 { } {
source ./include.tcl
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "Env021: Test operations on a transaction in a CDS environment."
set indx 0
puts "\tEnv021.$indx: Test DB_ENV->cdsgroup_begin in\
an environment without DB_INIT_CDB configured"
file mkdir $testdir/envdir$indx
set env1 [berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $testdir/envdir$indx \
-lock -log -txn -mode 0644]
error_check_good is_valid_env [is_valid_env $env1] TRUE
set txn1 [catch {eval $env1 cdsgroup} res]
error_check_good env_without_cdb [expr \
[is_substr $res "requires"] && [is_substr $res "DB_INIT_CDB"]] 1
error_check_good env_close [$env1 close] 0
set env021parms {
{"abort" "abort" 0}
{"commit" "commit" 1}
{"id" "id" 1}
{"prepare" "prepare env021gid1" 0}
{"setname" "setname env021txn1" 0}
{"getname" "getname" 0}
{"discard" "discard" 0}
{"set_timeout" "set_timeout 1000" 0}
foreach param $env021parms {
set testname [lindex $param 0]
set cmd [lindex $param 1]
set success [lindex $param 2]
incr indx
puts "\tEnv021.$indx: Test DB_TXN->$testname"
file mkdir $testdir/envdir$indx
set env1 [berkdb_env_noerr -create -home $testdir/envdir$indx \
-cdb -mode 0644]
error_check_good is_valid_env [is_valid_env $env1] TRUE
set txn1 [$env1 cdsgroup]
error_check_good is_valid_txn [is_valid_txn $txn1 $env1] TRUE
set ret [catch {eval $txn1 $cmd} res]
if {$success} {
error_check_bad "$txn1 $cmd" \
[is_substr $res "CDS groups do not support"] 1
} else {
error_check_good "$txn1 $cmd" \
[is_substr $res "CDS groups do not support"] 1
set ret [catch {$txn1 commit} res]
if {$ret} {
error_check_good \
txn_commit [is_substr $res "invalid command name"] 1
error_check_good env_close [$env1 close] 0