2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

789 lines
23 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# TEST rep091
# TEST Read-your-writes consistency.
# TEST Write transactions at the master, and then call the txn_applied()
# TEST method to see whether the client has received and applied them yet.
proc rep091 { method { niter 20 } { tnum "091" } args } {
source ./include.tcl
global databases_in_memory
global repfiles_in_memory
# Skip for all methods except btree.
if { $checking_valid_methods } {
set test_methods { btree }
return $test_methods
if { [is_btree $method] == 0 } {
puts "Rep091: Skipping for method $method."
# Set up for on-disk or in-memory databases and make dbname match
# the one assigned in rep_test.
if { $databases_in_memory == 1 } {
set dbname { "" "test.db" }
set msg "using named in-memory databases"
} else {
set dbname "test.db"
set msg "using on-disk databases"
# For this test it's important to test both ways, so for now run both
# under our control. Later, when the containing test infrastructure for
# doing this automatically is more fully developed, we can remove this
# loop and just let the infrastructure handle it.
set orig $repfiles_in_memory
foreach repfiles_in_memory {0 1} {
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set msg2 "and in-memory replication files"
} else {
set msg2 "and on-disk replication files"
puts "Rep$tnum ($method $args): Test of\
read-your-writes consistency $msg $msg2."
rep091a_sub $method $niter $tnum no $dbname $args
rep091a_sub $method $niter $tnum yes $dbname $args
rep091b_sub $method $niter $tnum $dbname $args
rep091c_sub $method $niter $tnum no $dbname $args
rep091c_sub $method $niter $tnum yes $dbname $args
rep091d_sub $method $niter $tnum no $dbname $args
rep091d_sub $method $niter $tnum yes $dbname $args
rep091e_sub $method $niter $tnum $dbname $args
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
rep091f_sub $method $niter $tnum $dbname $args
# Restore original setting, in case any other tests are going to be run
# after this one.
set repfiles_in_memory $orig
proc rep091a_sub { method niter tnum future_gen dbname largs } {
global rep_verbose
global testdir
global verbose_type
global repfiles_in_memory
puts -nonewline "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, basic test"
if { $future_gen } {
puts ", with extra gen cycle."
} else {
puts "."
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Create master and client."
repladd 1
set ma_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx MASTER \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $masterdir -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master]
repladd 2
set cl_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2}"
process_msgs $envlist
if { $future_gen } {
# Cycle the gen an extra time, so that the client sees not only
# a future transaction, but a future gen. Restart the master as
# a client first, and communicate with the surviving other
# client, to make sure the master realizes the correct gen. We
# can get away without doing this in the normal case, but when
# repfiles are in memory the master otherwise starts over from
# gen 0, leading to quite a mess.
$masterenv close
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_client -recover]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2}"
process_msgs $envlist
$masterenv rep_start -master
set start 0
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Write txn and get its commit token."
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
-create $omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "key1" "data1"
set token [$txn commit]
# binary scan $token IIIII r1 r2 r3 r4 r5
# puts "the token value is $r1 $r2 $r3 $r4 $r5"
# For the most part, we're interested in checking txn_applied at
# clients. But it's also supposed to work in a degenerate, simple
# manner at the master.
error_check_good applied_at_master [$masterenv txn_applied $token] 0
# While we're at it, verify that if we don't ask for the commit token,
# the result of [$env commit] is just a plain "0". (This is more of a
# sanity check on the Tcl API, to help us believe that the rest of this
# test is valid.)
set txn [$masterenv txn]
$db put -txn $txn "other key" "any data"
set result [$txn commit]
error_check_good commit_no_token $result 0
$db close
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Check the applied status of the transaction at the client."
# Before processing messages, the client will not have heard of the
# transaction yet. But afterwards it should. Check it once with no
# timeout (default 0), and again with a timeout specified to do a simple
# test of waiting. (Multi-thread waiting tests will be done
# separately.)
set result [$clientenv txn_applied $token]
error_check_good not_applied [is_substr $result DB_TIMEOUT] 1
set start [clock seconds]
set result [$clientenv txn_applied -timeout 10000000 $token]
set duration [expr [clock seconds] - $start]
error_check_good not_yet_applied [expr $duration >= 10] 1
process_msgs $envlist
error_check_good txn_applied [$clientenv txn_applied $token] 0
# "Empty" transactions are not really interesting either, but again
# they're supposed to be allowed:
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
set token [$txn commit]
set result [$masterenv txn_applied $token]
error_check_good empty_txn [is_substr $result DB_KEYEMPTY] 1
set result [$clientenv txn_applied $token]
error_check_good empty_txn2 [is_substr $result DB_KEYEMPTY] 1
# Check a few simple invalid cases.
error_check_bad client_token [catch {$clientenv txn -token} result] 0
error_check_good cl_tok_msg [is_substr $result "invalid arg"] 1
set txn [$masterenv txn]
error_check_bad child_token \
[catch {$masterenv txn -token -parent $txn} result] 0
error_check_good parent_tok_msg [is_substr $result "invalid arg"] 1
$txn abort
$clientenv close
$masterenv close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Verify that an LSN history database appears correctly at a client even if the
# client is created via a hot backup (instead of internal init). Sites "A" and
# "B" alternate the master role, in order to facilitate accumulating a history
# of gen changes (especially in the in-mem case, where otherwise our LSN history
# database would be lost each time we restarted the master). The "CLIENT2" site
# will be the one to be initialized via hot backup.
proc rep091b_sub { method niter tnum dbname largs } {
global rep_verbose
global testdir
global verbose_type
global util_path
global repfiles_in_memory
puts "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, hot backup."
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set dira $testdir/DIRA
set dirb $testdir/DIRB
set clientdir2 $testdir/CLIENTDIR2
file mkdir $dira
file mkdir $dirb
file mkdir $clientdir2
repladd 1
set envcmd_a "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx SITE_A \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $dira -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $envcmd_a -rep_master]
repladd 2
set envcmd_b "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx SITE_B \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $dirb -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $envcmd_b -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2}"
process_msgs $envlist
set start 0
# Swap master and client role, some arbitrary number of times, in order
# to change the generation number, before writing our transaction of
# interest.
set count 2
for { set i 0 } { $i < $count } { incr i } {
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
set tmp $masterenv
set masterenv $clientenv
set clientenv $tmp
$clientenv rep_start -client
$masterenv rep_start -master
process_msgs $envlist
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
set token [$txn commit]
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# Cycle the master gen a few more times, in order to force the token gen
# not to be at the top of the history. Again, the count is arbitrary.
$db close
set count 3
for { set i 0 } { $i < $count } { incr i } {
set tmp $masterenv
set masterenv $clientenv
set clientenv $tmp
$clientenv rep_start -client
$masterenv rep_start -master
process_msgs $envlist
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# Note that the choice of which existing directory ("a" or "b") we use
# as the source of the copy doesn't matter.
exec $util_path/db_hotbackup -h $dira -b $clientdir2
set count 2
for { set i 0 } { $i < $count } { incr i } {
set tmp $masterenv
set masterenv $clientenv
set clientenv $tmp
$clientenv rep_start -client
$masterenv rep_start -master
process_msgs $envlist
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# Create a second transaction, after a few more master gen changes, and
# get its token too.
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "other key" "different data"
set token2 [$txn commit]
# Start the new client, by running "catastrophic" recovery on the
# hot-backup files.
exec $util_path/db_recover -c -h $clientdir2
repladd 3
set cl2_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT2 \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir2 -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv2 [eval $cl2_envcmd -rep_client]
$clientenv2 rep_config {autoinit off}
# Before syncing with the master, we should be able to confirm the first
# transaction, but not the second one, because the hot backup should
# include an (old) copy of the LSN history database.
if {$repfiles_in_memory} {
set result [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token]
error_check_good still_waiting [is_substr $result DB_TIMEOUT] 1
set result2 [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token2]
error_check_good not_yet_applied [is_substr $result2 DB_TIMEOUT] 1
} else {
error_check_good txn_applied [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token] 0
set result2 [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token2]
error_check_good not_yet_applied [is_substr $result2 DB_NOTFOUND] 1
# Sync with master, and this time token2 should be there.
lappend envlist [list $clientenv2 3]
process_msgs $envlist
error_check_good txn_applied2 [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token2] 0
$db close
$clientenv2 close
$clientenv close
$masterenv close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Test detection of rollbacks.
proc rep091c_sub { method niter tnum future_gen dbname largs } {
global rep_verbose
global testdir
global verbose_type
global repfiles_in_memory
puts "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, rollbacks."
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR
set clientdir2 $testdir/CLIENTDIR2
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir
file mkdir $clientdir2
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Create a group of three."
repladd 1
set ma_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx MASTER \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $masterdir -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master]
repladd 2
set cl_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -rep_client]
repladd 3
set cl2_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT2 \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir2 -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv2 [eval $cl2_envcmd -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
set start 0
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# If desired, test the case where the token has a "future" gen, by
# bumping of the gen a few times after cutting off the disconnected
# client.
if { $future_gen } {
for { set count 3 } { $count > 0 } { incr count -1 } {
$masterenv close
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master -recover]
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL \
$niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"
# Write some more transactions, taking a token for one of them, but
# prevent one of the clients from seeing any of them.
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Write transactions, and get token."
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
set token [$txn commit]
$db close
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
replclear 2
process_msgs $envlist
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Switch master, forcing a rollback."
$masterenv close
# $clientenv rep_start -master
$clientenv rep_start -client; #
set envlist "{$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"; #
process_msgs $envlist; #
$clientenv rep_start -master; #
eval rep_test $method $clientenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
replclear 1
# set envlist "{$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
puts "\tRep$tnum.d: Check txn_applied at client and at (new) master."
set result [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token]
error_check_good rolled_back [is_substr $result DB_NOTFOUND] 1
set result [$clientenv txn_applied $token]
error_check_good rolled_back2 [is_substr $result DB_NOTFOUND] 1
$clientenv close
$clientenv2 close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Test envid check. Simulate a network partition: two masters proceed at the
# same gen, in the same LSN range. The envid would be the only way we would
# know that a transaction from the disconnected master is not correctly applied
# at a client in the other partition.
proc rep091d_sub { method niter tnum extra_gen dbname largs } {
global rep_verbose
global testdir
global verbose_type
global repfiles_in_memory
puts -nonewline "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, partition"
if { $extra_gen } {
puts ", with extra gen."
} else {
puts "."
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR
set clientdir2 $testdir/CLIENTDIR2
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir
file mkdir $clientdir2
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Create a group of three."
repladd 1
set ma_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx MASTER \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $masterdir -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master]
repladd 2
set cl_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -rep_client]
repladd 3
set cl2_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT2 \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir2 -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv2 [eval $cl2_envcmd -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
set start 0
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# Bounce master and client1. Then when they come back up, pretend
# client1 is disconnected, and somehow decides to act as a master (an
# application not using elections, obviously). Note that we must
# replclear appropriately in both directions.
$masterenv close
$clientenv close
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master -recover]
replclear 2
set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -rep_master -recover]
replclear 1
replclear 3
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv2 3}"
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: Run identical series of txns at two masters."
set orig_start $start
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
$txn commit
$db close
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
replclear 2
process_msgs $envlist
set start $orig_start
eval rep_test $method $clientenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $clientenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$clientenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
set token [$txn commit]
$db close
eval rep_test $method $clientenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
replclear 1
replclear 3
if { $extra_gen } {
$masterenv close
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master -recover]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv2 3}"
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
replclear 2
process_msgs $envlist
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: Check txn_applied."
set result [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token]
error_check_good not_found [is_substr $result DB_NOTFOUND] 1
$clientenv close
$clientenv2 close
$masterenv close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Test the simplified, degenerate behavior of a non-replication environment: a
# valid transaction is always considered applied, unless it disappears in a
# backup/restore.
proc rep091e_sub { method niter tnum dbname largs } {
global testdir
global util_path
set backupdir "$testdir/backup"
file mkdir $backupdir
puts "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, non-rep env."
env_cleanup $testdir
set dir $testdir
set envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -home $dir"
set env [eval $envcmd]
set start 0
eval rep_test $method $env NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
exec $util_path/db_hotbackup -h $testdir -b $backupdir
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $env -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$env txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
set token [$txn commit]
$db close
eval rep_test $method $env NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
error_check_good applied [$env txn_applied $token] 0
$env close
set envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -home $backupdir -recover_fatal"
set env [eval $envcmd]
set result [$env txn_applied $token]
error_check_good restored [is_substr $result DB_NOTFOUND] 1
$env close
# Check proper behavior of txn_applied() at a client before in-mem DB's have
# been materialized. This is only relevant when repfiles_in_memory, so skip it
# in the default case. Sites "A" and "B" will take turns being master, and
# CLIENT2 will be the one whose behavior is under test.
proc rep091f_sub { method niter tnum dbname largs } {
global rep_verbose
global testdir
global verbose_type
global util_path
global repfiles_in_memory
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
puts "Rep$tnum: read-your-writes consistency, missing in-mem DB."
} else {
puts "Rep$tnum: skipping missing in-mem DB test."
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set dira $testdir/DIRA
set dirb $testdir/DIRB
set clientdir2 $testdir/CLIENTDIR2
file mkdir $dira
file mkdir $dirb
file mkdir $clientdir2
repladd 1
set envcmd_a "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx SITE_A \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $dira -rep_transport \[list 1 replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $envcmd_a -rep_master]
repladd 2
set envcmd_b "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx SITE_B \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $dirb -rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $envcmd_b -rep_client]
repladd 3
set cl2_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -txn -errpfx CLIENT2 \
$repmemargs \
$verbargs -home $clientdir2 -rep_transport \[list 3 replsend\]"
set clientenv2 [eval $cl2_envcmd -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2} {$clientenv2 3}"
process_msgs $envlist
set start 0
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
# Write the transaction of interest in gen 1.
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set dbargs [convert_args $method $largs]
set db [eval berkdb_open_noerr -env $masterenv -auto_commit \
$omethod $dbargs $dbname ]
set txn [$masterenv txn -token]
$db put -txn $txn "some key" "some data"
set token [$txn commit]
$db close
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
set tmp $masterenv
set masterenv $clientenv
set clientenv $tmp
$clientenv rep_start -client
$masterenv rep_start -master
process_msgs $envlist
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter $start $start 0 $largs
incr start $niter
process_msgs $envlist
# Bounce the client. Even though it has the transaction of interest,
# and had observed the change to gen 2, when we restart it it won't have
# its LSN history database.
$clientenv2 close
set clientenv2 [eval $cl2_envcmd -rep_client -recover]
set result [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token]
error_check_good not_yet [is_substr $result DB_TIMEOUT] 1
# Sync with master, and this time token should be confirmed.
set envlist [lreplace $envlist end end [list $clientenv2 3]]
process_msgs $envlist
error_check_good txn_applied [$clientenv2 txn_applied $token] 0
$clientenv2 close
$clientenv close
$masterenv close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR