2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

204 lines
5.7 KiB

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# Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST rep074
# TEST Verify replication withstands send errors processing requests.
# TEST Run for btree only because access method shouldn't matter.
proc rep074 { method { niter 20 } { tnum "074" } args } {
source ./include.tcl
global databases_in_memory
global repfiles_in_memory
global env_private
# Skip for all methods except btree.
if { $checking_valid_methods } {
return btree
if { [is_btree $method] == 0 } {
puts "Rep$tnum: skipping for non-btree method $method."
set args [convert_args $method $args]
set logsets [create_logsets 2]
# Set up for on-disk or in-memory databases.
set msg "using on-disk databases"
if { $databases_in_memory } {
set msg "using named in-memory databases"
if { [is_queueext $method] } {
puts -nonewline "Skipping rep$tnum for method "
puts "$method with named in-memory databases."
set msg2 "and on-disk replication files"
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set msg2 "and in-memory replication files"
set msg3 ""
if { $env_private } {
set msg3 "with private env"
foreach l $logsets {
puts "Rep$tnum ($method): Test of send errors processing\
requests $msg $msg2 $msg3."
puts "Rep$tnum: Master logs are [lindex $l 0]"
puts "Rep$tnum: Client logs are [lindex $l 1]"
rep074_sub $method $niter $tnum $l $args
proc rep074_sub { method niter tnum logset largs } {
global testdir
global rep074_failure_count
global repfiles_in_memory
global env_private
global rep_verbose
global verbose_type
set rep074_failure_count -1
set verbargs ""
if { $rep_verbose == 1 } {
set verbargs " -verbose {$verbose_type on} "
set repmemargs ""
if { $repfiles_in_memory } {
set repmemargs "-rep_inmem_files "
set privargs ""
if { $env_private == 1 } {
set privargs " -private "
env_cleanup $testdir
replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
set clientdir $testdir/CLIENTDIR
file mkdir $masterdir
file mkdir $clientdir
set m_logtype [lindex $logset 0]
set c_logtype [lindex $logset 1]
# In-memory logs require a large log buffer, and cannot
# be used with -txn nosync. Adjust the args for master
# and client.
set m_logargs [adjust_logargs $m_logtype]
set c_logargs [adjust_logargs $c_logtype]
set m_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $m_logtype]
set c_txnargs [adjust_txnargs $c_logtype]
# Open a master.
repladd 1
set ma_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $verbargs -errpfx MASTER \
-home $masterdir $m_logargs $m_txnargs $repmemargs $privargs \
-rep_transport \[list 1 rep074_replsend\]"
set masterenv [eval $ma_envcmd -rep_master]
# Create some new records, so that the master will have something
# substantial to say when asked for LOG_REQ.
puts "\tRep$tnum.a: Running rep_test in replicated env."
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter 0 0 0 $largs
# Open a client
repladd 2
set cl_envcmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $verbargs -errpfx CLIENT \
-home $clientdir $c_logargs $c_txnargs $repmemargs $privargs \
-rep_transport \[list 2 replsend\]"
set clientenv [eval $cl_envcmd -rep_client]
set envlist "{$masterenv 1} {$clientenv 2}"
# Bring the client online by processing the startup messages. This will
# cause the client to send a request to the master.
# In the first cycle, the client gets NEWMASTER and sends an UPDATE_REQ.
# In the second cycle, the master answers the UPDATE_REQ with an UPDATE,
# and the client sends a PAGE_REQ. Third, once we've gotten pages, we
# send a LOG_REQ.
# 3. PAGE -> LOG_REQ
puts "\tRep$tnum.b: NEWMASTER -> UPDATE_REQ"
proc_msgs_once $envlist
puts "\tRep$tnum.c: UPDATE -> PAGE_REQ"
proc_msgs_once $envlist
puts "\tRep$tnum.d: PAGE -> LOG_REQ"
proc_msgs_once $envlist
# Force a sending error at the master while processing the LOG_REQ.
# We should ignore it, and return success to rep_process_message
puts "\tRep$tnum.e: Simulate a send error."
set rep074_failure_count [expr $niter / 2]
proc_msgs_once $envlist NONE errorp
puts "\tRep$tnum.f: Check for good return from rep_process_msg."
error_check_good rep_resilient $errorp 0
# Since we interrupted the flow with the simulated error, we don't have
# the log records we need yet.
error_check_bad startupdone \
[stat_field $clientenv rep_stat "Startup complete"] 1
# Run some more new txns at the master, so that the client eventually
# decides to request the remainder of the LOG_REQ response that it's
# missing. Pause for a second to make sure we reach the lower
# threshold for re-request on fast machines. We need to force a
# checkpoint because we need to create a gap, and then pause to
# reach the rerequest threshold.
set rep074_failure_count -1
$masterenv txn_checkpoint -force
process_msgs $envlist
tclsleep 1
eval rep_test $method $masterenv NULL $niter 0 0 0 $largs
process_msgs $envlist
error_check_good startupdone \
[stat_field $clientenv rep_stat "Startup complete"] 1
$masterenv close
$clientenv close
replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
# Failure count < 0 turns off any special failure simulation processing.
# When the count is > 0, it means we should process that many messages normally,
# before invoking a failure.
proc rep074_replsend { control rec fromid toid flags lsn } {
global rep074_failure_count
if { $rep074_failure_count < 0 } {
return [replsend $control $rec $fromid $toid $flags $lsn]
if { $rep074_failure_count > 0 } {
incr rep074_failure_count -1
return [replsend $control $rec $fromid $toid $flags $lsn]
# Return an arbitrary non-zero value to indicate an error.
return 1