2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

167 lines
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# Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST dead003
# TEST Same test as dead002, but explicitly specify DB_LOCK_OLDEST and
# TEST DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST. Verify the correct lock was aborted/granted.
proc dead003 { {procs "2 4 10"} {tests "ring clump"} {tnum "003"} {pri 0} } {
source ./include.tcl
global lock_curid
global lock_maxid
set detects { oldest youngest }
set msg ""
if { $pri == 1 } {
set msg " with priority"
puts "Dead$tnum: Deadlock detector tests: $detects"
# Create the environment.
foreach d $detects {
env_cleanup $testdir
puts "\tDead$tnum.a: creating environment for $d"
set env [berkdb_env \
-create -mode 0644 -home $testdir -lock -lock_detect $d]
error_check_good lock_env:open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
foreach t $tests {
foreach n $procs {
if {$pri == 1 && $n == 2} {
puts "Skipping test for $n procs \
with priority."
set pidlist ""
set ret [$env lock_id_set \
$lock_curid $lock_maxid]
error_check_good lock_id_set $ret 0
# Fire off the tests
puts "\tDead$tnum: $n procs of test $t $msg"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
set locker [$env lock_id]
# If testing priorities, set the oldest
# and youngest lockers to a higher
# priority, meaning the second oldest
# or second youngest locker will be
# aborted.
if {$pri == 1} {
if {$i == 0 || \
$i == [expr $n - 1]} {
$env lock_set_priority \
$locker 1
} else {
$env lock_set_priority \
$locker 0
puts "$tclsh_path\
test_path/ddscript.tcl $testdir \
$t $locker $i $n >& \
set p [exec $tclsh_path \
$test_path/wrap.tcl \
ddscript.tcl \
$testdir/dead$tnum.log.$i $testdir \
$t $locker $i $n &]
lappend pidlist $p
watch_procs $pidlist 5
# Now check output
# dead: the number of aborted lockers
# clean: the number of non-aborted lockers
# killed: the highest aborted locker
# kept: the highest non-aborted locker
# In a ring, only one locker is aborted.
# In a clump, only one locker is not aborted.
set dead 0
set clean 0
set other 0
set killed $n
set kept $n
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
set did [open $testdir/dead$tnum.log.$i]
while { [gets $did val] != -1 } {
# If the line comes from the
# profiling tool, ignore it.
if { [string first \
"profiling:" $val] == 0 } {
switch $val {
incr dead
set killed $i
1 {
incr clean
set kept $i
default { incr other }
close $did
puts "\tDead$tnum: dead check..."
dead_check $t $n 0 $dead $clean $other
# If we get here we know we have the
# correct number of dead/clean procs, as
# checked by dead_check above. Now verify
# that the right process was the one.
puts "\tDead$tnum: Verify $d locks were aborted"
if {$pri == 0} {
set l ""
if { $d == "oldest" } {
set l [expr $n - 1]
if { $d == "youngest" } {
set l 0
set did [open $testdir/dead$tnum.log.$l]
while { [gets $did val] != -1 } {
# If the line comes from the
# profiling tool, ignore it.
if { [string first \
"profiling:" $val] == 0 } {
error_check_good check_abort \
$val 1
close $did
} else {
if {$d == "oldest" && $t == "clump"} {
error_check_good check_abort \
$kept [expr $n - 1]
if {$d == "oldest" && $t == "ring"} {
error_check_good check_abort \
$killed 1
if {$d == "youngest" && $t == "clump"} {
error_check_good check_abort \
$kept 0
if {$d == "youngest" && $t == "ring"} {
error_check_good check_abort \
$killed [expr $n - 2]
fileremove -f $testdir/dd.out
# Remove log files
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
fileremove -f $testdir/dead$tnum.log.$i
error_check_good lock_env:close [$env close] 0