2012-11-14 15:13:24 -05:00

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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# TEST repmgr109
# TEST Test repmgr's internal juggling of peer EID's.
# TEST Set up master and 2 clients, A and B.
# TEST Add a third client (C), with two processes.
# TEST The first process will be configured to know about A.
# TEST The second process will know about B, and set that as peer,
# TEST but when it joins the env site B will have to be shuffled
# TEST into a later position in the list, because A is already first.
# This whole test is highly dependent upon the internal implementation structure
# of repmgr's multi-process support. If that implementation changes, this test
# may become irrelevant, irrational, and inconsequential. If that happens, it
# makes sense to simply discard this test.
proc repmgr109 { } {
foreach initial_action {true false} {
foreach while_active {true false} {
repmgr109_sub $initial_action $while_active
proc repmgr109_sub { {a_too false} {while_active true} } {
source ./include.tcl
if {$a_too} {
set part1 "shuffle with peer reassignment"
} else {
set part1 "shuffle"
if {$while_active} {
set part2 "while active"
} else {
set part2 "while not active"
set tnum "109"
puts "Repmgr$tnum: ($part1, then peer change $part2)"
env_cleanup $testdir
foreach {mport aport bport cport} [available_ports 4] {}
file mkdir [set dirm $testdir/M]
file mkdir [set dira $testdir/A]
file mkdir [set dirb $testdir/B]
file mkdir [set dirc $testdir/C]
set dbc {{repmgr_set_ack_policy DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ALL}}
make_dbconfig $dirm $dbc
make_dbconfig $dira $dbc
make_dbconfig $dirb $dbc
make_dbconfig $dirc $dbc
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.a: Create a master and first two clients."
set cmds {
"home $dirm"
"local $mport"
"output $testdir/moutput"
"start master"
set m [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
set cmds {
"home $dira"
"local $aport"
"output $testdir/aoutput"
"remote $mport"
"start client"
set a [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
set cmds {
"home $dirb"
"local $bport"
"output $testdir/boutput"
"remote $mport"
"start client"
set b [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
set aenv [berkdb_env -home $dira]
await_startup_done $aenv
set benv [berkdb_env -home $dirb]
await_startup_done $benv
# Now it gets interesting.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.b: Create client C, with two processes."
if {$a_too} {
set peer_flag "-p"
} else {
set peer_flag ""
set cmds {
"home $dirc"
"local $cport"
"output $testdir/c1output"
"remote $peer_flag $aport"
"remote $mport"
set c1 [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
set cmds {
"home $dirc"
"local $cport"
"output $testdir/c2output"
"remote -p $bport"
"remote $aport"
set c2 [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
puts $c1 "start client"
gets $c1
set cenv [berkdb_env -home $dirc]
await_startup_done $cenv
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.c: Check resulting statistics."
# Make sure we used B, not A, as the c2c peer.
set requests_at_A [repmgr109_get_request_count $aenv]
set requests_at_B [repmgr109_get_request_count $benv]
error_check_good no_requests_at_A $requests_at_A 0
error_check_bad some_requests_at_B $requests_at_B 0
# Check that site list order is what we expect.
set sl [$cenv repmgr_site_list]
error_check_good site_list [lindex $sl 0 2] $aport
error_check_good site_list [lindex $sl 1 2] $mport
error_check_good site_list [lindex $sl 2 2] $bport
# Give client C a reason to send another request: shut it down, and
# create some new transactions at the master.
puts $c2 "exit"
gets $c2
close $c2
puts $c1 "exit"
gets $c1
close $c1
puts $m "open_db test.db"
puts $m "put k1 v1"
puts $m "put k2 v2"
puts $m "echo done"
gets $m
# Change peer setting at C.
puts "\tRepmgr$tnum.d: Start client C again."
if { $while_active } {
set cmds {
"home $dirc"
"output $testdir/c1output2"
"remote $bport"
"remote -p $aport"
"start client"
} else {
set cmds {
"home $dirc"
"output $testdir/c1output2"
"remote $bport"
"remote -p $aport"
"start client"
set c [open_site_prog [subst $cmds]]
# Wait for restarted client to catch up with master.
set menv [berkdb_env -home $dirm]
set seq 0
set cond {
incr seq
puts $m "put newkey$seq newdata$seq"
puts $m "echo done"
gets $m
set log_end [next_expected_lsn $menv]
set client_log_end [next_expected_lsn $cenv]
expr [string compare $client_log_end $log_end] == 0
await_condition {[eval $cond]}
# Make sure client B has not serviced any more requests, and that
# instead now client A has serviced some.
error_check_good no_addl_reqs \
[repmgr109_get_request_count $benv] $requests_at_B
error_check_bad some_requests_at_A [repmgr109_get_request_count $aenv] 0
$cenv close
$benv close
$aenv close
$menv close
close $c
close $a
close $b
close $m
proc repmgr109_get_request_count { env } {
stat_field $env rep_stat "Client service requests"