
154 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* lockstimes.d - Display lock wait times grouped by filename
* This graphs the time spent waiting for DB locks to become available.
* The path to the DB library is required to be the first argument.
* usage:
* locktimes <library-path> [<stap options, e.g. -x <pid>>] [<limit>]
* The result times in nanoseconds/cycles? are grouped by
* (filename, pgno, lock_mode)
* If an integer limit argument is given, then only the top <limit> locks are
* displayed, ordered by #times that the lock was waited for.
* Markers used:
* lock__suspend(struct __db_dbt *, db_lockmode_t lock_ mode)
* lock__resume(struct __db_dbt *, db_lockmode_t lock_ mode)
* db-open(char *file, char *db, uint32_t flags, uint8_t fileid[20])
* db-cursor(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, uint32_t flags,
* uint8_t fileid[20])
global filenames, lockcount, locktimes, maxcount, modes, suspend, top
probe begin
maxcount = 0;
lockcount = 0;
%( $# >= 2 %? maxcount = $2; %)
top = 0;
topdesc = "";
%( $# >= 3 %? top = $3; topdesc = sprintf("top %d ", top) %)
printf("Tracing %sDB lock wait times grouped by ", topdesc);
printf("(filename, pgno, lock_mode)\n^C to display summary\n");
modes[0] = "NOTGRANTED";
modes[1] = "READ";
modes[2] = "WRITE";
modes[3] = "WAIT";
modes[4] = "INTENT_WRITE";
modes[5] = "INTENT_READ";
modes[6] = "INTENT_WR";
modes[7] = "READ_UNCOMMITTED";
modes[8] = "WAS_WRITE";
function getns()
t = gettimeofday_ns();
* On some virtual machine monitors gettimeofday_ns() returns 0. When
* that happens approximate it as if this has a 2 Ghz processor.
if (t == 0)
t = get_cycles() / 2;
return (t);
function fileidstr:string(fileid)
if (fileid < 10000)
return sprintf("Null ptr? fileid@%p", fileid);
return sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
user_char(fileid + 0) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 1) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 2) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 3) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 4) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 5) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 6) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 7) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 8) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 9) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 10) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 11) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 12) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 13) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 14) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 15) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 16) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 17) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 18) & 0xff,
user_char(fileid + 19) & 0xff)
/* db-open(char *file, char *db, uint32_t flags, uint8_t fileid[20])
* Watch db-open probes in order to get the fileid -> file name mapping.
probe process(@1).mark("db__open")
if ($arg1 != 0 && $arg4 != 0)
filenames[fileidstr($arg4)] = user_string($arg1);
/* db-cursor(char *file, char *db, unsigned txnid, uint32_t flags, uint8_t fileid[20])
* Watch cursor creation markers in order to get the fileid -> file name mapping.
probe process(@1).mark("db__cursor")
if ($arg1 != 0)
filenames[fileidstr($arg5)] = user_string($arg1);
probe process(@1).mark("lock__suspend")
suspend[tid()] = getns();
/* lock__resume(DBT *lockobj, db_lockmode_t lock_mode) */
probe process(@1).mark("lock__resume")
start = suspend[tid()];
if (start != 0) {
ilock = @cast($arg1, "DBT", "<db.h>")->data;
idstr = fileidstr(@cast(ilock, "DB_LOCK_ILOCK", "<db.h>")->fileid);
duration = getns() - start;
@cast(ilock, "DB_LOCK_ILOCK", "<db.h>")->pgno, $arg2] <<< duration;
suspend[tid()] = 0;
/* Stop if we've reached the request sample size. */
if (maxcount != 0 && ++lockcount >= maxcount)
function printstats(filename, pgno, lock_mode)
printf("Wait time for file %s page %u %s locks in nanoseconds; %d waits totalling %d\n",
filename, pgno, modes[lock_mode],
@count(locktimes[filename, pgno, lock_mode]),
@sum(locktimes[filename, pgno, lock_mode]));
print(@hist_log(locktimes[filename, pgno, lock_mode]))
probe end
* Order results by lock wait count if top <n> results were requested,
* otherwise order by filename.
if (top != 0)
foreach ([filename, pgno, lock_mode] in locktimes- limit top)
printstats(filename, pgno, lock_mode)
foreach ([filename+, pgno, lock_mode] in locktimes)
printstats(filename, pgno, lock_mode)