2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

316 lines
7 KiB

#!./perl -w
use strict ;
use lib 't' ;
use BerkeleyDB;
use util ;
use Test::More ;
plan tests => 58;
my $Dfile = "dbhash.tmp";
# error cases
my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ;
my %hash ;
my $value ;
my $home = "./fred" ;
ok my $lexD = new LexDir($home);
ok my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, @StdErrFile,
eval { $env->txn_begin() ; } ;
ok $@ =~ /^BerkeleyDB Aborting: Transaction Manager not enabled at/ ;
eval { my $txn_mgr = $env->TxnMgr() ; } ;
ok $@ =~ /^BerkeleyDB Aborting: Transaction Manager not enabled at/ ;
undef $env ;
# transaction - abort works
my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ;
my %hash ;
my $value ;
my $home = "./fred" ;
ok my $lexD = new LexDir($home);
ok my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, @StdErrFile,
ok my $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
ok my $db1 = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile,
-Flags => DB_CREATE ,
-Env => $env,
-Txn => $txn ;
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
ok $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
# create some data
my %data = (
"red" => "boat",
"green" => "house",
"blue" => "sea",
) ;
my $ret = 0 ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %data) {
$ret += $db1->db_put($k, $v) ;
ok $ret == 0 ;
# should be able to see all the records
ok my $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
my $count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
undef $cursor ;
# now abort the transaction
ok $txn->txn_abort() == 0 ;
# there shouldn't be any records in the database
$count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
ok $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 0 ;
my $stat = $env->txn_stat() ;
ok $stat->{'st_naborts'} == 1 ;
undef $txn ;
undef $cursor ;
undef $db1 ;
undef $env ;
untie %hash ;
# transaction - abort works via txnmgr
my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ;
my %hash ;
my $value ;
my $home = "./fred" ;
ok my $lexD = new LexDir($home);
ok my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, @StdErrFile,
ok my $txn_mgr = $env->TxnMgr() ;
ok my $txn = $txn_mgr->txn_begin() ;
ok my $db1 = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile,
-Flags => DB_CREATE ,
-Env => $env,
-Txn => $txn ;
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
ok $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
# create some data
my %data = (
"red" => "boat",
"green" => "house",
"blue" => "sea",
) ;
my $ret = 0 ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %data) {
$ret += $db1->db_put($k, $v) ;
ok $ret == 0 ;
# should be able to see all the records
ok my $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
my $count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
undef $cursor ;
# now abort the transaction
ok $txn->txn_abort() == 0 ;
# there shouldn't be any records in the database
$count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
ok $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 0 ;
my $stat = $txn_mgr->txn_stat() ;
ok $stat->{'st_naborts'} == 1 ;
undef $txn ;
undef $cursor ;
undef $db1 ;
undef $txn_mgr ;
undef $env ;
untie %hash ;
# transaction - commit works
my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ;
my %hash ;
my $value ;
my $home = "./fred" ;
ok my $lexD = new LexDir($home);
ok my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, @StdErrFile,
ok my $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
ok my $db1 = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile,
-Flags => DB_CREATE ,
-Env => $env,
-Txn => $txn ;
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
ok $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
# create some data
my %data = (
"red" => "boat",
"green" => "house",
"blue" => "sea",
) ;
my $ret = 0 ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %data) {
$ret += $db1->db_put($k, $v) ;
ok $ret == 0 ;
# should be able to see all the records
ok my $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
my $count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
undef $cursor ;
# now commit the transaction
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
$count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
ok $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
my $stat = $env->txn_stat() ;
ok $stat->{'st_naborts'} == 0 ;
undef $txn ;
undef $cursor ;
undef $db1 ;
undef $env ;
untie %hash ;
# transaction - commit works via txnmgr
my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ;
my %hash ;
my $value ;
my $home = "./fred" ;
ok my $lexD = new LexDir($home);
ok my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, @StdErrFile,
ok my $txn_mgr = $env->TxnMgr() ;
ok my $txn = $txn_mgr->txn_begin() ;
ok my $db1 = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile,
-Flags => DB_CREATE ,
-Env => $env,
-Txn => $txn ;
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
ok $txn = $env->txn_begin() ;
# create some data
my %data = (
"red" => "boat",
"green" => "house",
"blue" => "sea",
) ;
my $ret = 0 ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %data) {
$ret += $db1->db_put($k, $v) ;
ok $ret == 0 ;
# should be able to see all the records
ok my $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
my $count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
undef $cursor ;
# now commit the transaction
ok $txn->txn_commit() == 0 ;
$count = 0 ;
# sequence forwards
ok $cursor = $db1->db_cursor() ;
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
++ $count ;
ok $count == 3 ;
my $stat = $txn_mgr->txn_stat() ;
ok $stat->{'st_naborts'} == 0 ;
undef $txn ;
undef $cursor ;
undef $db1 ;
undef $txn_mgr ;
undef $env ;
untie %hash ;