2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

14 lines
864 B

This test suite is designed to test the basic functionality of the core DB Java API.
To build and run the test suite you need to have JUnit 4 or higher installed, and set in your environment as JUNIT_JAR.
The script chk.bdb builds and runs all of the test cases currently enabled.
Each new java source file you created needs to be added to the Makefile.
The script in this directory does just that. run the script with a single parameter which is the name of the new test to create. It will populate the java source file in com/sleepycat/db/test with the basic layout all tests should have.
The two files config_nix and config_win are used by the test cases to load profile information. For now they only contain a path to the root directory where test output files should be written.
The configuration gets loaded via the TestUtils class.