2011-09-13 13:44:24 -04:00

145 lines
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# Copyright (c) 1999, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# TEST env001
# TEST Test of env remove interface (formerly env_remove).
proc env001 { } {
global errorInfo
global errorCode
source ./include.tcl
set testfile $testdir/env.db
set t1 $testdir/t1
puts "Env001: Test of environment remove interface."
env_cleanup $testdir
# Try opening without Create flag should error
puts "\tEnv001.a: Open without create (should fail)."
catch {set env [berkdb_env_noerr -home $testdir]} ret
error_check_good env:fail [is_substr $ret "no such file"] 1
# Now try opening with create
puts "\tEnv001.b: Open with create."
set env [berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
# Make sure that close works.
puts "\tEnv001.c: Verify close."
error_check_good env:close:$env [$env close] 0
# Make sure we can reopen.
puts "\tEnv001.d: Remove on closed environments."
puts "\t\tEnv001.d.1: Verify re-open."
set env [berkdb_env -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
# remove environment
puts "\t\tEnv001.d.2: Close environment."
error_check_good env:close [$env close] 0
puts "\t\tEnv001.d.3: Try remove with force (should succeed)."
error_check_good \
envremove [berkdb envremove -force -home $testdir] 0
# HP-UX doesn't allow a second handle on an open env.
if { $is_hp_test != 1 } {
puts "\tEnv001.e: Remove on open environments."
puts "\t\tEnv001.e.1: Env is open by single proc,\
remove no force."
set env [berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
set stat [catch {berkdb envremove -home $testdir} ret]
error_check_good env:remove $stat 1
error_check_good env:close [$env close] 0
puts \
"\t\tEnv001.e.2: Env is open by single proc, remove with force."
if { $is_hp_test != 1 } {
set env [berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
set stat [catch {berkdb envremove -force -home $testdir} ret]
error_check_good env:remove(force) $ret 0
# Even though the underlying env is gone, we need to close
# the handle.
set stat [catch {$env close} ret]
error_check_bad env:close_after_remove $stat 0
error_check_good env:close_after_remove \
[is_substr $ret "recovery"] 1
puts "\t\tEnv001.e.3: Env is open by 2 procs, remove no force."
# should fail
set env [berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
set f1 [open |$tclsh_path r+]
puts $f1 "source $test_path/test.tcl"
set remote_env [send_cmd $f1 "berkdb_env_noerr -home $testdir"]
error_check_good remote:env_open [is_valid_env $remote_env] TRUE
# First close our env, but leave remote open
error_check_good env:close [$env close] 0
catch {berkdb envremove -home $testdir} ret
error_check_good envremove:2procs:noforce [is_substr $errorCode EBUSY] 1
# even though it failed, $env is no longer valid, so remove it in
# the remote process
set remote_close [send_cmd $f1 "$remote_env close"]
error_check_good remote_close $remote_close 0
# exit remote process
set err [catch { close $f1 } result]
error_check_good close_remote_process $err 0
puts "\t\tEnv001.e.4: Env is open by 2 procs, remove with force."
if { $is_hp_test != 1 } {
set env [berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $testdir]
error_check_bad env:$testdir $env NULL
error_check_good env:$testdir [is_substr $env "env"] 1
set f1 [open |$tclsh_path r+]
puts $f1 "source $test_path/test.tcl"
set remote_env [send_cmd $f1 "berkdb_env -home $testdir"]
error_check_good remote:env_open [is_valid_env $remote_env] TRUE
catch {berkdb envremove -force -home $testdir} ret
error_check_good envremove:2procs:force $ret 0
# We still need to close our handle.
set stat [catch {$env close} ret]
error_check_bad env:close_after_error $stat 0
error_check_good env:close_after_error \
[is_substr $ret recovery] 1
# Close down remote process
set err [catch { close $f1 } result]
error_check_good close_remote_process $err 0
# Try opening in a different dir
puts "\tEnv001.f: Try opening env in another directory."
if { [file exists $testdir/NEWDIR] != 1 } {
file mkdir $testdir/NEWDIR
set eflags "-create -home $testdir/NEWDIR -mode 0644"
set env [eval {berkdb_env} $eflags]
error_check_bad env:open $env NULL
error_check_good env:close [$env close] 0
error_check_good berkdb:envremove \
[berkdb envremove -home $testdir/NEWDIR] 0
puts "\tEnv001 complete."